
Frail and Silent

As my thoughts travelled on crisscrossing lanes, it made me difficult to concentrate on a subject; then the shadow appeared as an afterthought. He had not presented himself lately and that made me nervous. What was he mischievously planning to do this time? I was in a tight predicament and yet I still had the time to think about the character of my nightmares. The shadow had that deep-seated dominating influence on me that it would not just fade away soon. I was fearful I could not gather sufficient will and fortitude to counter his malignant influence which would lead me to a disastrous undertaking that I could not extricate myself from.

Dusk had settled in. The glowing lights of store signs transformed the bland color of the day into a lively kaleidoscope of rays permeating the whole stretch of Avenida Riz. With its power of mystery the night had the ability of magnifying the muted sounds of the day into a loud cacophony of mingling voices and street sounds.