
A Vigilante

Gone were the days when Amah’s streetwalkers were only seen in front of Mr. Teng’s closed store and nowhere else, and the lowlifes were too afraid to show their faces for fear that Amah’s organization would mark them for death for they were bad for Amah’s business. Lowly in the eyes of many, the whores of Amah were disciplined and discreet which could not be said of these newly transported prostitutes.

The situation at Riz was despairing. Late morning was my usual time of starting at my spot but the past several days had made my spirit so low that I felt no inclination to set foot on it. I was trying to recover the lost chances of my trade, but had been hampered and finally ruined by the menace posed by the new pack of itinerant loafers, grifter, trouble makers, and hookers and their flesh mongers. Who would in his right mind take a chance to visit Riz when he knew the danger that would await him?