
46. Camping prt2

Meredith giggled as Alex's fourth marshmallow went up in flames; following in the footsteps of his first three. It appeared her fellow intern didn't have the same patience for toasting marshmallows over campfires as he did for surgery.

"Shit," Alex swore, followed by a series of other obscenities as he struggled to get the flame out.

"Karerv, we're camping," Richard spoke up. "Try and relax."

Derek's arm tightened around her waist as he leaned down to whisper, "I wonder if he realizes he's not in charge out here?"

Meredith shrugged. "I doubt it." They had already watched the older surgeon try to design their camp site, try to decide when they would do things, and try to make plans for the following day. Joe and Walter had no qualms with ignoring his orders. And Derek and Preston were quite happy deciding against their boss in this environment. This left Richard with only one subset of individuals he could attempt to control; the interns. George and Alex had been arguing all day, drawing the most amount of attention from the man who was their boss at work.

He sighed, his voice still so quiet only she could hear when he spoke again. "I'm tempted to tell him off for them."

She turned towards him and gently shook her head. "But you won't," she murmured. "He's not being that bad."

Derek grumbled something inaudible and leaned into her, pressing his lips against her temple.

Meredith smiled and leaned into his warmth, knowing he was doing his best with Richard. Ever since Meredith's revelations regarding her Chief of Surgery and his relationship with her mother, and her subsequent confrontation with the man, Richard had remained at a professional distance with her. Her anger had died down, leaving only a lingering sense of disdain for the man. Derek, however, was still carrying more of a grudge. He had unfairly been treated differently then Burke for months, had missed a chance to prove his skills as Chief, and had the stories of her childhood in his mind. He was behaving himself, but the anger was still their, and it certainly didn't help that Richard had hired his ex-best friend so recently.

"Burke invited him," Meredith reminded. "He didn't demand to come along."

"Yeah, well, he's made an ass of himself."

She giggled. It had been entertaining watching Richard drag his upright suitcase across the bumpy ground. And eat out of his picnic basket. And have his face go white when Derek explained why his picnic basket needed to be hung from a tree overnight instead of staying in the tent with him; that had been especially entertaining.

"You having fun?" He whispered into her ear, moving on to a better topic.

"Mmm, I am," she assured, leaning into his shoulder and sighing at his warmth. "Camping is fun. And s'mores are awesome."

He chuckled. "I still can't believe you'd never had a s'more before."

She giggled. "When would I ever have had one? My mother could barely be convinced to buy birthday cake let alone junk food you needed to combine to make something out of."

He clicked his tongue. "You never had a birthday cake?"

"I had one a few times. Always one of those ready made ones at the grocery store, but still; it was something."

His arm snaked tightly around her. "I'm sorry."

She rested her head against his shoulder and sighed. "It's okay. Things like this are making up for it. She just...didn't get it. It kind of makes me wonder if she ever experienced this stuff herself."

"Do you think she did?"

Meredith sighed as she closed her eyes for a moment, revelling in the light still hitting her eye lids from the fire, the warmth from the man next to her, and the friendly conversation happening around the campfire. "I hope so," she finally whispered, opening her eyes. "I hope she got to experience something like this. Because I can't imagine not being here right now."


"Remind me not to drink anything tomorrow," Meredith muttered as she crawled into the tent.

Derek shone his flashlight in her direction in order to see her in the dark. "Why?"

She glared at him. "Because peeing in the woods in the dark is so not something I want to experience ever again."

He laughed. "That's camping for you."

Meredith huffed as she zipped the tent up behind her and crawled towards her backpack for her flannel pajama bottoms. "It's freezing," she stated.

"Hmm," he murmured, reaching towards her. "I'll warm you up."

She giggled as he pulled her to his chest, his lips finding the crook of her neck. "Derek, we can't. You know we can't. Everyone would hear."

"No they wouldn't," he mumbled against her skin. "The tent is soundproof."

"Nice try."

He sighed and lifted his head to meet her eyes. The flashlight he had dropped to the tent floor gave her just enough light to make out the outline of his face. "I love you."

She smiled and kissed him. "I love you too, Derek, but I won't be having sex knowing that two of my bosses can hear me."

"I'm your boss too," he reminded. "And I happen to like hearing you moan."

She smacked him, glad that he couldn't see the sudden redness in her cheeks through the darkness.

"Ouch," he muttered. "What was that for."

She ignored him as she quickly pulled of her pants and replaced them with flannel pajama bottoms, shivering as the cold air hit her skin. "It's freezing."

"You already said that."

"Well, I mean it enough to say it twice." She turned to see him settling himself down on the floor, her blanket wrapped tightly around him. "Are you sure you're going to be warm enough?"

"I'll be fine, Mer."

"But that's not a super warm blanket. And it's freezing."


"And it is your sleeping bag," she continued. "And I don't like the idea of you being cold when you brought a perfectly warm sleeping bag."

"I don't like it either, but I like it better than knowing you're cold."

She sighed. "Derek-"

"Meredith," he said with a groan. "We already discussed this and you agreed."

"Yeah, well, now I'm unagreeing."

"You can't just unagree with something."

"Watch me."

A chuckled escaped his lips that he tried to pass of as a sigh. "I'm not going to let you be cold."

"I'm not going to let you be cold," she echoed.

"Then what exactly do you have in mind?"

"We could share the sleeping bag," she suggested. "It should be big enough. And it would be so much warmer with both of us."

Even though she couldn't make out his expression through the dark, she knew he was smirking. "You just want an excuse to be pressed up against me all night."

"You figured me out," she said dryly, rolling her eyes.

There was a pause. "Are you sure?"

She nodded. "Yeah. We can share; it'll be cozy."

"Hmm, okay," he agreed, and though she wouldn't call him on it, she could hear the relief in his tone. It really was cold.

Meredith pulled off her outer layer – his sweatshirt – as Derek settled himself on his side in the sleeping bag and held up the top for her to slip in beside him.

She carefully crawled over to him, turned off the flashlight beside the sleeping bag, and slid into the space beside him. "See, lots of room," she murmured. "Okay, maybe not lots of room, but enough."

"Very cozy," he agreed.

Meredith nodded as she reached for the zipper, but was unsuccessful. "I can't..." She trailed off and huffed as her hand continued to come up short.

"You can't what?"

"The zipper," she mumbled as she twisted forward, reaching blindly in the dark.

"Here," he responded, following her movements as he reached his longer arms from behind her, but also came up short.

"Where's the freaking thing," she muttered, turning her head in his direction, only to feel the back of her skull collide with something hard.

Derek made a muffled 'ompf' sound as he pulled back as far as he could from her in their combine space.

"Oh my God," Meredith stammered, struggling to turn towards him. "Are you okay?"

He groaned. "I think you broke my cheek."

"I'm sorry," she mumbled, reaching out for him in the dark, only to inadvertently poke him in the face.

With a surprised yelp he jerked away from her touch, and she found her hand captured in his. "I get it," he finally stated dryly. "This whole sharing of the sleeping bag thing wasn't a romantic proposition. Telling me it would be cozy and warm was just a cover. You wanted to get me in here so you could get me back for making you come with us."

She giggled as she turned fully towards him and very cautiously ran her free hand up his body to cup his cheek. "You got me," she said sarcastically.

"I knew it," he responded, and she could feel him smiling.

"I'm sorry," she repeated, serious even though she was still trying to stop laughing.

"Mmm," he murmured. "You're worth it."

Meredith laughed out loud and used her hand on his cheek to guide herself towards his lips. "I love you," she told him before pressing her lips against his.

"I love you too," he breathed when she pulled away.

"Enough to let me share your sleeping bag and put up with my clumsiness when I inadvertently beat the crap out of you in the middle of the night?"

He laughed at her words. "More than enough."

She smiled. "Good. Now, where did I get you?" She asked as she ran her hand over his cheek.

Derek flinched at her movement, but didn't pull away – not that he could in their close quarters. "Right there," he told her as he stilled her hand high on his cheek bone.

Again, she used her hand to guide herself close, and she pressed her lips against his cheek. "Is that better?"

A breathy chuckle escaped his lips. "Much."

She kissed him again. "Good."

"Hmm, very good," he murmured, guiding her lips to his.

"Derek...we can't," she managed to mumbled between kisses.

"But I'm wounded," was his response.

"We still can't," she replied, breathing hard as she finally managed to fully extract her lips from his.

"You're supposed to give me sex when I'm wounded."

Meredith laughed. "I am, huh?"

"Mmm-hmm, it's a rule."

She snorted. "It so isn't."

"Yeah, well, it should be."

"Tomorrow," she promised.

He grumbled, but didn't argue.

She kissed him one last time before carefully turned over and reaching again for the still-undone zipper.

"I'm staying far away from you this time."

She laughed at his words as she reached down to her feet, her fingers finally grasping the small piece of metal that had caused so many problems. "Got it," she mumbled as she zipped up the sleeping bag. When the zipped was about a foot from the top, she paused and reached for the blanket that Derek had left beside the sleeping bag when he had gotten in it.

Keeping careful track of her elbows – so that she didn't inadvertently cause more harm to her very patient boyfriend – she draped the blanket over them for extra warmth. "You good?" She questioned.

"Mmm," he murmured, wrapping his arm over her waist and pulling her back snug against his chest. "I'm perfect."

Smiling to herself, Meredith closed the sleeping bag the rest of the way and lay her head down on the pillow. There wasn't much space left in the sleeping bag, but she was certainly warm and cozy. And it felt like Derek was everywhere around her in the dark, his legs entwined with hers, his chest pressed up against her back, his arms around her, and the warm air being expelled from his lungs with every breath hitting the back of her neck.



She sighed contentedly. "If this is what camping involves, I could definitely get used to this."

His arm closed tightly around her for a moment in a makeshift hug. "Good to know."

"Good night."



Bundled up in all of the warm clothing she had with her, Meredith sat beside Derek by the small fire, watching as he expertly cooked his morning catch in the small frying pan he had brought with him. They had been the first up that morning, and Derek had suggested an early morning fishing expedition.

Apparently dawn and dusk were prime fishing times.

Meredith had swiped George's fishing pole and had followed Derek to the water. And regardless of what he said, she had caught just as many fish as he had.

Even with his mocking, she was enjoying herself. It was nice to do something new with Derek, something that took them away from the hospital, even if half the hospital came with them. The temperature had dropped dramatically overnight, and yet she had woken up warm that morning, wrapped protectively in his arms.

"Here you go," Derek called softly, breaking her from her revere.

She glanced up to see him holding out a small plate.

"Mmm," she said sarcastically. "Trout sandwich for breakfast; my favourite."

Derek rolled his eyes in good nature. "No one said you had to eat it."

She laughed and motioned for him to lean closer. He did, and when he was close enough, she hooked her free hand into the collar of his jacket and pulled him to her, kissing him hard. "Thanks," she murmured between kisses.

An unhappy groan interrupted them, and they broke apart to see Alex staggering towards them. "That is so not what I need to see after the night I had."

"Good morning to you too," Meredith said dryly.

Derek chuckled and turned back to his frying pan.

Alex groaned again and collapsed onto the free chair beside her, his face in his hands.

"What's wrong?"

"It's freaking cold is what's wrong," Alex responded.


"So?" He repeated. "So, the Chief, apparently, likes to huddle for warmth."

Meredith laughed out loud before she could help it. The Chief, Alex, George and Izzy were the four 'unattached' people on the camping trip, and had needed to divide themselves into pairs to use the two extra tents. Izzy had quickly claimed George as her partner, leaving Alex with the Chief.

"Shut up, Grey."

Try as she might, Meredith couldn't help but laugh. "I'm sorry, Alex, I'm sorry," she said breathlessly. "It's just..." she broke off into a torrent of giggles. "I can just picture you and the Chief huddling for warmth together..."

He let out an exasperated sigh. "Just the Chief," he corrected. "The huddling was one sided," he said, a shudder running through his body.

Even Derek laughed out loud at his comment. "That sucks, man," he commiserated. "Here," he said, offering a plate of trout as he had to Meredith.

"I...thanks," Alex said, appreciatively taking the breakfast offering. "How long have you two been up?"

Meredith shrugged as she bit into her trout sandwich. "Long enough to each catch a bunch of fish." She smirked as she watched Derek shake his head, but refrain from saying anything.

The smell of cooking trout began to spread through the campsite, and people started getting up and trickling towards the campfire for their breakfast. The Chief offered a pleasant 'good morning' to his reluctant tent mate, and complained about the lack of condiments to go along with the fish. George trudged out of his tent, dressed and ready for anther day of camping, with stories and knowledge about cooking fish over a fire. Alex rolled his eyes and shot back a few comments before Izzy emerged from the tent and shut them both up. Cristina and Burke complained about the temperature, but took the trout happily. And Joe and Walter were as annoyingly cheerful as they had been the day before.

The sun rose quickly as the campers ate their breakfasts, and it was soon decided that fishing was on the schedule again for after their meal. Evidently if Meredith and Derek could catch this many fish in such a short amount of time, everyone could do it.

"You coming?" Cristina called as she and Izzy prepared to head down to the river.

Meredith pursed her lips and glanced towards Derek, who had his back turned to her as she cleaned up after breakfast. She glanced back at her best friend and shook her head. "I'm all fished out for this morning. And Derek and I talked about going for a hike..."

"Have fun," Izzy called cheerfully. "Take a compass so you don't get lost."

Cristina rolled her eyes and shot Meredith a look that told her she knew exactly what Meredith was planning.

With Izzy and Cristina gone, it left only her and Derek in the campsite, and Meredith quietly approached her boyfriend, surprising him when she wrapped her arms around him from behind. "Hi," she spoke into his back.

He closed his hand around hers. "Hi."

"It's getting warmer out."

"Mmm," he agreed. "And brighter. Not a great time to fish, but we can head down and join everyone else."

She pressed her face into his back and inhaled deeply. "I told them we were going for a hike."

He carefully unlatched her hands and turned to face her. "You want to go for a hike?"

Meredith rolled her eyes. "No. I want them to think we're going for a hike."

He furrowed his brow. "I don't..." He trailed off as a look of understanding washed over his face. "Oh, I get it. You just needed an excuse for us to get away for a while..."

Meredith raised an eyebrow. "Exactly."

He smirked and stepped close to her, his hands finding her hips. "What exactly did you have in mind?"

"Well, I believe I owe someone a screaming orgasm in the woods..."

"I like the sound of that."

She giggled and pressed her lips against his. "Me too."

"Then what are we waiting for?"

Meredith giggled again. "I don't know."

He pecked her lips and threaded his fingers through hers. "Then let's go for a hike."


Meredith giggled as Derek trudged through the path in the woods like he was on a mission. Her fingers were wrapped tightly in his as she followed along beside him, laughing at his behaviour. Every few yards he would glance towards her with a knowing smile before turning back to the pathway in front of him.

Twice he had almost tripped on rocks, and once he had just about walked into a tree.

To say he was distracted would be an understatement.

"You will be able to get us back to the campsite, right?" She asked, the air around her not quite cool enough so that she could see her own breath. "Because I brought that compass you gave me, but I'm just realizing now that it's kind of useless if I don't know which way is back...which I don't...so, it's kind of up to you..."

He came to a stop and before she knew it she was wrapped in his arms, her back up against a tree. "I'll get us back," he reassured her, his lips hovering just over hers.

Her chest hitched in anticipation as she breathed. In. Out. In. Out.

"Do you think we're far enough away so that they won't hear us now?" She whispered when she found she could speak again. The standing thing, though, was starting to get difficult. Her knees were weakening by the moment, and she clutched to Derek's jacket in case they gave out on her completely.

"Mmm," he murmured, placing feather light kisses along her mouth, nose and cheeks. "I think that I'm not all that worried right now..."

Meredith giggled, and his lips immediately came down on hers to absorb the noise. "Derek..."

He kissed her again for a long moment.

"Derek," she repeated. "We need to be sure. I can't go back if they know what we're doing..."

He chuckled. "Mer, I hate to break it to you, but I'm pretty sure they have a good idea..."

"But they don't need to know for sure."

With a deep breath, he pulled himself away from her. "Let's go a little further."

Meredith threaded her fingers through his. "Thank-you."

He offered her a warm smile. "It's only for you that I would do this."

She raised an eyebrow. "It better be only for me that you would do this..."

He laughed aloud. "So not what I meant..."

They continued in silence for several minutes, following the narrow, winding path. It eventually declined, and they followed it down a hill, only to be met with a beautiful sight.

A small lake appeared in front of them, its colour a deep blue and its surface shimmering in the light of the sun. Trees and light forest encircled all but a short stretch of rocky beach.

"Wow," Meredith murmured as she paused to take in the sight. "Look at that."

Derek's arms wrapped around her from behind and his chin came to rest on her shoulder. "Yeah," he breathed as an appreciative sigh escaped his lips.

She leaned back in his arms. "I think this is far enough," she stated.

He chuckled, his breath warm by her ear, creating goose bumps across her body. His arms closed tighter around her middle, pulling her flush against him; allowing her to feel his growing arousal. "Definitely far enough," he agreed.

Clutching onto his hands, Meredith closed her eyes and leaned back against his chest for a long moment, enjoying the knowledge that she had made at least one good decision in her life. Derek.

Then she took a breath and turned in his arms, her head cocked to the side as she ground her pelvis against his. "So."

He smirked and echoed her words. "So."

"How did you want to do this?"

"Hmm," he murmured, his hands finding her hips as his lips found her neck. "I could bring up the notion of skinny dipping again. No one would catch us out here."

A shiver ran through her body. "It's cold."

"I'd keep you warm."

"I don't know how to swim."

He pecked her lips. "I'll take care of you. I promise. We can even have our first official swimming lesson."

She believed him. "It's cold," she repeated.

He nodded. "You already said that."

"I just wanted to make sure it was out there," she told him. "Because it's cold, Derek. It's really cold out, and I'm going to bet it's colder in the water. And I'm all for the screaming orgasms in the middle of the woods, but I want for us to actually be able to... I just want to make sure it's not so cold that you can't...you know." She bit her lower lip and then laughed at the look he was giving her. "This is not a comment on your manliness or whatever," she quickly reassured, though she was still laughing.

"Good," he replied dryly, which only served to make her laugh even harder.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry," she repeated, pressing her face against his chest and willing for the laughter to go away. "I'm just saying that I'm up for it if you're...up for it. But that we can always skip the skinny dipping idea for now and add it to the list for later."

"I'm starting to think you're not happy with a PG list. First the ferry boat, and now skinny dipping..."

Meredith laughed and swatted at his chest. "Shut up."

He pressed his lips against hers before pulling away completely to head down to the water. "Let me test the temperature before this discussion goes any further."

She crossed her arms over her lower torso as she watched him carefully step to the edge of the water. His fingers brushed against the surface of the water... And his expression said it all. Meredith smirked. "Starting to think that I may have a point?"

He made a face as he met her eyes. "I could still...if I wanted to... I just want you to be comfortable."

Meredith rolled her eyes. "No way, Derek. I'm so not taking the blame for this. Admit I'm right, or we can go back to the campsite now."


"Not buts, Derek. You can either admit I'm right, or you can get in the frigid water and prove me wrong."

He pursed his lips and strode towards her stopping only a foot away, but not reaching to touch her. "You're very bossy, you know."

"And you're avoiding the subject."

"I love you."

Laughter bubbled up inside of her, but she refused to give him the satisfaction. "Derek..."

He sighed and stepped forward, his hands finding her hips once again as he leaned in to kiss her cheek. "Fine. You were right about the water," he admitted.

She smiled. "There; was that so hard?"

He growled and captured her lips with his.

"How are we going to do this?" Meredith finally managed to asked when he came up for air. "We should have brought a blanket or something..."

"We'll make due," he assured, quickly shrugging of his coat and laying it on the ground beside them.

Meredith copied his move, dropping her jacket below his so that she would have something to lie on. Derek's hands immediately took advantage of that face that there was one fewer piece of clothing separating them from her.

She moaned as his hands wandered lower, and yelped as they found their way under her closest layer of clothing. "Cold," she mumbled.

He chuckled. "Sorry."

"'s okay," she murmured. And it really was. His hands were warming quickly as they snaked their way up her torso to her breasts. And his lips were focussing their attention on the crook of her neck and her shoulder; a place he knew to be super sensitive. She was almost ready.

Cupping his face with her hands, she pulled his lips from her neck and returned them to her own, kissing him deeply. He groaned into her mouth as her fingers reached for the top button of his pants. It only took seconds for him to spring free.

"I love you," he mumbled into her mouth before carefully laying her down on the jackets.

"I love you too," she responded, breathless as she struggled to undo her own pants with as much ease as she had his.

His hands quickly replaced hers, and she shifted her weight onto her back for a moment to help him pull her pants down past her knees. The cool air was a shock as it blasted into her previously warm legs, but was quickly dispersed when Derek lay his weight down on top of her.

He was always so good at keeping her warm.

"I don't think we need to get another sleeping bag," she said suddenly.

"What?" He asked, hovering over her.

"We were going to go into town...for another sleeping bag...but I don't want one...I like yours, with you... I liked sharing. It was warm..."

He ducked his head to kiss her hard on the mouth. "No complaints here."

She moaned into his mouth, and moved her hands to his lower back, pulling him down to her so she could lose herself in his warmth.

And in the end, they did wind up spooned tightly together that night, but it was in their own bed, and not in a sleeping bag on the ground. After they crossed off screaming orgasms on their list (twice), they got back to camp just in time to watch George and Alex engage in what could only be described as a slap fight. However, no winner was called because their fight inadvertently involved – and injured – another camper. And by the time Walter's forehead was stitched up – courtesy of Burke – and the reason behind Alex and George's fight – courtesy of Cristina – was out, no one was in the mood for camping anymore.

Derek was astonished that Mark related negativity could follow him outside of Seattle into the middle of the woods. George was upset, rightfully so, about the news that his girlfriend had slept with Mark Sloan. Alex was overly defensive. Burke was moody, for some unbeknownst reason. Cristina was hyperaware of everything – more so than usual. The Chief had already spent one night too many on the cold ground. Walter, obviously, didn't feel like camping any longer with a gash across his forehead, and Joe wanted to take him home. Izzy was sympathetic towards George, and angry that Alex would stoop that low. And Meredith...

Meredith was sorry to see it end so suddenly, but couldn't have imagined a better experience for her first camping expedition. She had spent more than twenty-four hours by Derek's side, swathed in his sweatshirt most of the time, watching him in his (non-surgical) element. Despite the temperature and the hard ground, she had slept as well as could be expected in his arms the night before, and the sex in the woods had been pretty amazing too. All in all, she was probably the only one to leave in a good mood. Camping was definitely something she would do again, although maybe with only her and Derek the next time.

Silence had reigned for most of the drive home. Izzy and George had slept for most of the drive, and Derek had been...off.

"You know he'll never touch me," she had murmured to him when she had assured herself that their roommates were fast asleep in the backseat.

"I know," he had responded honestly. "It just gets to me that..."

"That what?"

He had sighed and glanced away from the road for a moment to meet her eyes. "That he doesn't care. What he did to me, with Addy... I'm not the only man he's done it to."

She had nodded and reached across the center consul to rest her hand on his thigh. "You're a good man, Derek. A really good man, with really good morals or whatever. But there aren't that many like you. Too many are like Mark. Too many don't care."

His hand had landed on hers. "I can't imagine."

"That's what makes you you, Derek."

The answer had appeased him, as his mood had lifted, and now, laying in bed with her warm boyfriend behind her, Meredith realized just how true her words were.

"I'm so glad that you're you," she murmured into the dark, knowing he was fast asleep behind her, but needing to say it anyway. "So glad."

AN: Yay for breaking 200k words! I had originally planned to go further into the camping trip, but I'm going with my gut and end it here instead. The slap fight was funny, but this fic is about Meredith and Derek, and so I need to focus on them if I'm ever going to make it any further... I know a lot of you are getting impatient about the drowning episodes, and so am I. We only have a few things left to get through before we get there, though, so stay turned.

Thanks for reading!