
45. Camping prt1

AN: First of all, a huge sorry to those confused by the double alerts for the last chapter. There have been so many changes in the site recently and I thought that the replace chapter thing was gone, so I thought maybe it had been changes, so I tried to do it by deleting and re-uploading. For some reason I thought if I did it immediately it wouldn't be a big deal... Sorry!

Second, for those of you who read chapter 44 right after I posted, sorry about the confusion with Columbia. I always thought Columbia was in DC...but OF COURSE that doesn't make sense... Anyway, now we're assuming Mark went to Johns Hopkins for his undergrad and Columbia for med school...

Meredith inhaled the steam wafting upwards from the large mug of coffee in her hands and sighed. "Tell me again why you're doing this?"

Derek sent her a playful smirk, his jeans, long sleeved shirt and vest clashing with her robe and slippers. "Because I'm a man."

She snorted. "If that were the case wouldn't you prefer to spend the weekend in bed with your girlfriend, instead of spending it with other men and sleeping on the ground in the cold?"

He left his pack by the front door and approached her, where she sat on the bench by the stairs. "Hmmm," he mumbled as he leaned down to her level, one hand supporting himself on either side of her. "Don't tempt me... I may be forced to stay here."

Meredith giggled. "That's exactly my plan."

Derek rolled his eyes. "Because that wouldn't make me look like less of a man in front of all the other men Preston took it upon himself to invite..."

She giggled again before pressing her lips hard against his. "Stay here and I promise I'll make you feel like a man."

He moaned into her mouth. "Meredith..." He kissed her again, and then pulled away. "Preston is already on his way. George is packed. We're picking up everyone else at Joe's. I can't pull out now."

"Hmmpf," she muttered, playfully crossing her arms across her chest, careful of her coffee mug.

"I'll make it up to you when I get back," he murmured, pressing his lips against her forehead.

"Mmm, I'm going to hold you to that."

"Looking forward to it."

"I bet you are," she whispered, leaning close so that her lips were a hair's breadth from his.

Derek pecked her lips and stood upright. "I'll miss you."

She raised an eyebrow. "You'll be gone for two days, Derek. Is it really manly to admit you'll miss me."

"Maybe not, but I will." He smiled at her. "And I know you won't tell anyone."

"It'll be our little secret," she promised, her voice light and playful, while her heart swelled with emotion. He was opening up to her more and more. He was admitting things he wouldn't have told her a few months ago. He trusted her.

"Thanks," he murmured, kissing her forehead before turning to head back to his pack.

"So," she spoke up eventually. "Tell me why going camping makes you a man?"

He rolled his eyes and shook his head.

"It's just like a slumber party," Izzy called as she came down the stairs, dressed in pajama pants and a sweatshirt. "We do it at home. They do it in the woods. That's basically the only difference."

Meredith laughed as Derek made a face.

"We should invite Cristina over tonight," Izzy continued as she plopped herself down beside Meredith on the bench. "We can have our own slumber party."

"Yeah, sure," she responded as she kept her gaze on her boyfriend. He was busy tying his sleeping bag onto his pack with surgical concentration, his fingers working easily to tie the knots. She would miss him too. The realization hit her hard. There had been times where she hadn't seen him for more than a passing moment for a day or two at a time during busy weeks at the hospital, but he had still been there. She had still known he was close by. This would be the first time he would be away, even if he was just camping two hours away from her.

Meredith had never expected to miss someone; not like this. She had never expected to have someone in her life who was around all the time, who she expected to be around forever, who would miss her if they were separated for a couple days. She hadn't been lying a few days ago when she told him she would move to New York if he chose to go back.

She would go anywhere with him.

A thumping noise from above pulled her from her thoughts, followed by a series of thumps as George dragged his pack down the stairs behind him.

Izzy jumped up to meet him at the bottom of the staircase. "Do you have sunscreen and bug spray? And a shovel to bury your poop?"

George rolled his eyes, even as he allowed Izzy to zip up his vest. "Izzy, I'm not five."

Meredith smirked as Derek met her eyes. "Do you have bug spray and sunscreen and a shovel?" She mimicked.

He rolled his eyes. "It's far too cold out for bugs or sun to be a problem."

"Whatever. Have fun with your shovel while I'm here at home with my fully functioning bathroom."

He made a face, but a knock at the door interrupted him before he could retort.

"Hey, ready to go?" Burke called as he pushed open the front door.

Derek nodded. "I think so." He moved towards his shoes, but paused when Cristina stepped in the doorway behind Burke, dressed similarly to her boyfriend. "Wha-"

"Please don't tell me you two are coming dressed like that when Burke made me where this?" Cristina asked Meredith and Izzy, motioning towards her thick pants, turtleneck and button-up wool shirt.

Meredith glanced towards Izzy and then back to Cristina. "Uh...we're not exactly going..."

"What?" Cristina snapped. She glared at her boyfriend. "Why do I have to go?"

Burke shook his head, glancing towards Derek. "I thought everyone was going."

Derek furrowed his brow. "I thought it was guys only."

"I'm not going if I don't-" Cristina began, only to be cut off.

"I want to go!" Izzy said excitedly. "Mer and I will get packed and be ready in ten minutes tops." She motioned towards Meredith and then ran up the stairs.

"But...I...uh..." Meredith mumbled, suddenly at a loss.

"Great," Burke said, turning to Derek. "Why don't we take O'Malley to pick up the Chief? That way we can meet you at Joe's?"

"Sounds good."

Meredith watched as Burke, Cristina and George shuffled out of the door. "Do I get a choice in this?"

Derek approached her, smiling. "Of course...but I can be very convincing."

She smirked. "You can, can you?"

"Oh, yes, very..." he murmured, leaning down to her level again. His lips brushed against her cheek. "Imagine you and me. And a tent. And having to make our own warmth against the cold at night..."

She forced herself to keep a straight face as a wave of heat washed over her. "With half the hospital around?"

"We can be quiet."

She narrowed her eyes. "Speak for yourself."

He chuckled. "Maybe we'll just have to sneak off by ourselves at some point..."

Meredith smirked. "For a screaming orgasm in the middle of nowhere?"


"So, I'm going camping..."

He nodded and kissed her. "You are. But you should get changed and packed...because it would be cold like that all weekend..."

She grumbled. "Fine, if you fish my back pack out of the basement."

Derek stood upright and held out a hand to pull her up. "Deal."

She was half-way up the stairs when she paused, leaning over the banister to yell down to Derek. "And grab me a sleeping bag!" He didn't respond, but he was sure to realize she would need one.

Once she reached her room, Meredith quickly pulled on a pair of sweats and tank top, which she covered with a long sleeved tee shirt and a vest. Derek wasn't back, so she began tossing stuff she would need onto the bed. Socks, underwear and bras. A towel. Pants. Shirts. Two sweaters; one of hers and one of Derek's. Toothbrush, toothpaste and deodorant. A hat, scarf and mitts...

"Here you go, my dear," Derek drawled as he walked into their room. "Your pack, as requested."

She rolled her eyes at his tone. "Thanks," she said dryly as she took it from him and began stuffing her belongings into it.

"Hey, that's mine," he said as he caught sight of his own sweater being packed.

She paused. "So?"

He chuckled. "So? So, it's mine."

"Mmm-hmm," she agreed. "It is yours, and it's warm. You're not going to let me go cold are you?"

"I wouldn't dream of it," he murmured. "I'd just prefer you ask..."

She smiled as she coyly sidled up to him. "Derek, dear, could I borrow you sweater?" She made a show of batting her eyes.

He laughed and pecked her lips. "That's better."

She rolled her eyes again. "Do I need other camping things? Like a canteen and a compass and a pocket knife? I don't have any of those. I do have a flashlight downstairs on the laundry room..."

"I have everything we need," he assured. "You can use mine."

"But what if I want my own?"

Derek laughed at her tone. "Then tough."

"That's not nice; no screaming orgasms for you."

He quickly pecked her lips. "I take it back."

Meredith giggled. "I'm sure you do."

"I'm going to go down and start to load the car before I say something else I'll regret."

"Okay. I should be ready soon." She quickly finished packing her clothes and toiletries, and followed them up by shoving a pair of boots, a pillow and extra blanket on top, wanting to be prepared for the cold. She had never been camping before, and knowing the time of year, was expecting it to be a cold experience.

"You ready to go?" Izzy asked expectantly from the door.

Meredith nodded before turning towards her roommate. "I am- How much stuff are you bringing?" Izzy had a knapsack on her back and was carrying two small duffel bags and a sleeping bag.

"No more than you," she retorted. "I just don't have a fancy backpack like you. I've never been camping before."

"Me either."

"Then what's with the pack?"

Meredith shrugged. "I went to Europe after college."

"Really?" Izzy's eyes lit up. "I want to go to Europe one day. Was it awesome?"

"For a while. Then I got the call that my mom was sick."

"Oh..." The blond was at a loss of what to say.

"Anyway," Meredith continued. "I never got rid of the pack, but I only have the one. I do have a suitcase you could borrow..."

Izzy shook her head. "I have a suit case, Meredith, but I'm not going camping with a freaking suitcase. Seriously, I don't want to look like an idiot."

Meredith laughed. "Okay then. Let's go." She picked up her pack and purse, and followed Izzy down the stairs, right in time to meet Derek coming back inside.

"You girls ready to go?"

They both nodded as they moved to put on their shoes.

Derek pulled Meredith's coat out of the closet and passed it to her, hooking his fingers around her elbow in the process.

Meredith paused at his sudden closeness. "What?"

He smiled and kissed her. "This is our first trip together."

She snorted. "Oh, how romantic," she said sarcastically.

"Well, it's no tropical vacation," he retorted, "But it's a start."

Meredith smiled at the reference towards their plans. She had two weeks off after her intern exam, and they planned to go away, and to go to New York; they just hadn't decided on the when and where.

"Mmm, definitely a good start."

"It's a great start," he agreed. "You got everything?"

She nodded. "I think so. Did you pack a sleeping bag?"

"Of course." He gave her an odd look.

"Great, then let's go."


After two hours of driving, two stops – one for food and one for supplies – and one wrong turn, they finally reached their destination. Derek had been smiling since they had gotten off the highway. His demeanour had changed since they had left, becoming lighter and more upbeat the closer they had gotten.

He was excited, and his mood was rubbing off on Meredith. She had found herself smiling from her spot in the passenger seat, often ignoring the fact that Izzy and Alex were in the backseat and reaching her hand across the center consol to rest on Derek's thigh. Camping was about to be one of the many things she would do for the first time with Derek.

They all stepped out of the car and stretched before heading for the very full back hatch of Derek's SUV. Alex, not missing an opportunity, made a remark about the number of bags Izzy had brought, shouldered his own pack and picked up a cooler.

Meredith laughed as Izzy tried to retort, and ended up carrying her roommate's sleeping bag.

"Thanks, Mer," Izzy mumbled.

"No problem," Meredith responded before turning to Derek. "You good with the rest?"

"Hmm," he murmured as he attached a second drawstring bag to his pack, which looked similar to the sleeping bag already on it. Meredith could only assume it was her sleeping bag. "If you could carry my tackle box, I can get the rest."

"I think I can handle that."

He kissed her before picking up a bag of food they had picked up on the way and his fishing rod. "Thank-you."

She smiled and silently followed him over to where the other two car loads of people were unloading their cars. Cristina, true to her California upbringing, had packed on the heavy side. So had Burke. And the Chief. George seemed experienced and in his element, along with Joe and Walter.

The walk to their camping site took about twenty minutes, and upon arrival it was decided they should take advantage of the nice weather and set up camp later. And since they had all eaten on the way, fishing was decided on as the first activity.

Meredith yawned as she leaned back against the tree behind her, her eyes on the 'manly fishermen' by the stream – who had yet to catch a single fish. "I'm tired," she complained to Cristina and Izzy. "I was going to go back to bed after Derek left. I had the day off and I was going to sleep."

"I was going to go to work," Cristina retorted. "Do you have any idea how important it is that we spend as much time as possible at the hospital now?"

"You've been saying that since our first week," Meredith reminded.

Cristina glared at her. "Our exam is in a little more than two months. Did you two even bring a textbook?"

"You brought a textbook?" Izzy asked. "Camping?"

"Of course. Two, actually."

"No offence, Cris, but you're a little obsessed."

Cristina glared at her best friend again. "You won't be saying that when I beat you."

"Whatever," Meredith muttered before changing the subject. "So, is this camping? Because so far it doesn't seem all that different..."

Cristina made a face. "You spend a lot of your time sitting on the ground watching McDreamy fish?" She asked sarcastically.

"Well...yeah," Meredith responded. "He fishes a lot when we go out to the trailer. I tend to find it boring so more often that not I sit and watch instead of actively fish."

Izzy glanced at her. "You actually know how to fish?"

Meredith shrugged. "Yeah. Derek taught me. It's easy; just boring."

"And watching someone fish isn't boring?" Cristina cut in.

"Most people, yeah. But not Derek. I like watching him fish. It's cute, how much he concentrates."

Her best friend made a strangled noise. "Seriously, Meredith, what the hell did McDreamy do to you?"

"Hey, no mocking," Meredith chastised. "I'm in love and I'm happy. Leave me alone."

Cristina grumbled but said nothing.

"I think it's sweet," Izzy spoke up.


"But I seriously don't believe you actually know how to fish."

Meredith rolled her eyes as Izzy and Cristina laughed at her. They may be baiting her on purpose, but she didn't care. She jumped to her feet and strode across the rocky shore to Derek.

"Hey!" Derek exclaimed as she reached for his fishing pole and tried to pull it from his grasp. "What are you doing?"

"I have to prove to Izzy and Cristina that I know how to fish."

"O-kay," he spoke quietly, relinquishing his grip. "Fish away."

She pecked his lips. "Thank-you."

He stayed silent as she reeled in and cast several times, displaying her talents to her friends. With one final, long cast, she sighed and sent him a smile. "How'd I do?"

He smiled warmly at her. "Well, you didn't catch any fish, but you look cute."

She rolled her eyes, even as she realized she had used the same term to describe him.

Derek chuckled and stepped in behind her, his arms snaking around her waist. "I'm glad you came."

"Hmm, me too," she murmured, leaning back against his strong chest as she slowly reeled in the fishing line. "This is nice."

He stretched his neck to rest his chin on her shoulder as they stared out at the water together. "It is."

"I'm happy," she murmured, knowing he would know she meant that more than just now.

"Me too," he murmured, and she knew he meant the same.

"I've never been camping before."

He chuckled. "It's something we can add to and check off the list."

She giggled. "Along with fishing, because technically I had never fished before you taught me."

"Consider it added and checked off," he responded as his hands found hers and they cast off again together.

"When was the last time you went camping?" She questioned. He had told her his father had taken him camping a lot as a child, but she wondered suddenly if he had been since.

"Probably some time in college," he responded. "Mark and Weiss and I went a few times."

"Never Addison?"

He snorted. "Definitely not. Addison's idea of roughing it is staying at a two star hotel."

Meredith giggled. "I guess she wouldn't have taken a liking to the trailer..."

"Nope, though I can't imagine many women would have." He kissed the side of her head. "You're definitely one of a kind."

"In a good way?"

"In a perfect way," he said immediately. "I love you so much."

She smiled. "I love you too."

Silence fell between them as they continued to fish together, casting off several times.

"So," Meredith finally spoke up. "What else does one do while one is camping?"

"Hike. Roast marshmallows and make s'mores. Make campfires and tell ghost stories. Drink."

"Hmm, and here I always thought there was more to it. My only real problem is the whole lack of functioning bathroom thing."

He chuckled. "You mean the peeing in the woods and washing off in the water thing?"

"Exactly." She felt a chill wash over her as she stared out at the slow flowing water. "It looks cold."

"We can wash off if we need to tomorrow in the early afternoon, when it's warmest," he explained, and then pressed his lips against the tender skin behind her ear. "Or we could get up early and go skinny-dipping just the two of us and keep each other warm."

She giggled. "We would so get caught."

"Not necessarily."

"Yes, necessarily," she retorted. "We would get caught, and then everyone at work would find out, and I'd never live it down."


"You can take me skinny-dipping at the trailer when it's warmer," she promised.

"I'll hold you to that."

She laughed. "I'm sure you will."


It was almost dusk when they finally set about putting up tents.

Meredith mostly watched – only helping when specifically instructed – as Derek easily put together their tent. It amazed her how he seemed to know exactly where and when to use every piece, small and large.

"All done," he finally announced, motioning towards the fully erect tent. "After you," he drawled, motioning for her to enter first.

She rolled her eyes and shoved her pack into the tent before crawling in, Derek close on her heels. "Can you toss my sleeping bag in before you come in?" She called behind her.

He stuck his head into the tent. "I thought it was in your pack."

She furrowed her brow. "No, you tied it to yours."

Derek slowly shook his head. "No, that was mine."

"But there were two on your pack."

"Only mine," he repeated. "And the tent."

Meredith blinked. "Then...where's my sleeping bag?"

He slowly shook his head. "That depends on where you put it."

"Where I put it? You were supposed to get it from the basement."

"No, I wasn't."

"Yes, you were," she insisted. "I called down to you. And then I asked you if you'd put it in the car before we left."

"I thought you meant mine."

"Why would I ask about yours?"

"...Because you love me?" He finally supplied.

She paused. "So...I don't have a sleeping bag?"

A chuckle escaped his lips and she glared at him.

"Shut up."

He started laughing in full. "I'm sorry, Mer. I'm sorry, but it's...it's kind of funny."

She glared at him again. "This is so your fault."

Derek rolled his eyes. "It so is not."

"Yes, it is," she insisted, trying to bite back her own smile. "I was going to spend the day at home in my PJs, catching up on sleep. And somehow I end up in the middle of freaking nowhere without a freaking sleeping bag. And now we have to hike all the way back to the freaking car to drive back to the freaking camping supply store to get a freaking sleeping bag."

Derek finally crawled all the way into the tent. "I hate to break it to you, Mer, but the store's closed by now. We wouldn't be able to get to a store before it closed without driving a long way."

"So, what you're saying is that I don't have anywhere to sleep?"

He smiled his infamous McDreamy smile. "Of course you do. I'd never let you go cold; you know that." He crawled close and kissed her. "You can have my sleeping bag."

She rolled her eyes. "I'm not about to let you go cold."

"You take the sleeping bag," he insisted. "And I'll use the blanket you packed. It'll be fine tonight."


"No buts," he said, cutting her off. "You're too tiny, Mer, you'd freeze. I'm putting down my foot."

She sighed, knowing he wasn't about to give up. "Okay," she finally conceded. "Thank-you."

He beamed and kissed her again. "You're very welcome."

Meredith cocked her head. "What can I do to make it up to you?"

"I think we discussed something about screaming orgasms earlier..." He said with a smirk.

She giggled as she leaned close, her lips millimetres from his. "Yes, I do remember that. I also seem to remember you being mean to me earlier when we were discussing that."

"Oh, that's right," he said suddenly, surprising her when he pulled away to dig into the top of his bag. "I have something for you."


He turned back to her with a smile on his face and a small bag in his hands. "I got you a present."

"But...why?" She stammered.

He raised an eyebrow. "Why? Because I love you."

"But...I don't need anything..."

With a tender smile, Derek ran his fingers along her cheek to tuck a few strands of hair behind her ear. "But you do," he insisted. "You deserve the world, Meredith. I love you so freaking much. And you're going to get used to being treated like you deserve."

She swallowed hard. "But I don't want you to think I expect things like this."

He pressed his lips against her forehead. "I don't."


"I promise I don't. But I do love you, Meredith. And I want to do these things for you." He pressed the small bag against her hands.

She sighed and pecked his lips before accepting the gift. The bag turned out to be a mini camping pack, made of greenish material with two straps connected to small buckles. "What is it?"

He smiled. "Open it."

Despite her insecurities she found herself smiling back as she worked to unlatch the top of the bag, suddenly excited for what was in it.

"You said you wanted your own," he murmured as she stared into the bag.

"I..." She stammered, slowly pulling out her new camping gear. A compass. And pocket knife. And carabineer. A small canteen. A flashlight and extra batteries. A package of waterproof matches. Flint. "Derek..." She giggled despite the fact that her eyes were filling with tears. "Thank-you."

He smiled back at her. "Do you take back your comment now?"

"What comment?"

He cocked his head. "About no screaming orgasms because I was being mean to you?"

She laughed out loud. "Ah, I get it now. You had ulterior motives for buying me a present."

"You found me out."

She laughed again and pressed her lips hard against his. "Tomorrow," she promised. "I'm not hiking into the woods in the dark to be eaten by a bear or something."

He laughed back and kissed her. "Deal."

AN: I debated about adding the camping trip, but in the end I loved the idea of seeing them all out in the woods, completely out of their normal environments. I don't plan on spending too much time writing it (hopefully only the next chapter), and as always if there is anything you want to see them do, or something you want to see happen, let me know and I'll try my best to fit it in.

Thanks for reading!