
Where Were You

I never thought I would ever see him again. Jackson... We were best friends from five to twelve. Who was I kidding? He was my only friend. The only one I could rely on, the only one who was there for me... Until he suddenly was not, when I needed him the most. Now, after all this time, we've both made something of ourselves and now my job was asking me to be friendly with him again to try and secure the contract that was worth hundreds of millions of dollars. If I fail, I could lose my position and my job, something I've worked harder than anyone I've ever known to work for. I can do this. I can swallow the resentment and put on a smile until we get the contract. I will not lose everything I've worked for because of him. He has already caused me enough pain and suffering, he's not going to give me anymore. Not if I can help it. *R-18* WARNING PROFANITY, ADULT CONTENT BOTH SEXUAL** AND NON, ADULT SITUATIONS, PHYSICAL AND MENTAL ABUSE DOES OCCUR. PLEASE READ WITH CAUTION IF YOU ARE SENSITIVE TO THESE TOPICS AND SITUATIONS* **Lots of it ALL SCENARIOS AND CHARACTERS ARE FICTIONAL

Mara_Heller · สมัยใหม่
90 Chs

84 Tights

The dreaded day is here. Melita has hardly slept, even after I thoroughly exhausted her bound to the bed and in other positions last night, she's only slept a total of five scattered hours. At six this morning, she huffed and puffed before catapulting herself up out of the bed. Startled the shit out of my half awake brain too. I roused myself as well and joined her in the shower, letting her naked body rouse me some more.

"It's a wonder I ever get anything done." I mumble as I begin to lay kisses along her wet shoulder from behind her.

"Why is that?" 

"Because I want to build an altar to place you upon and spend all day worshipping you." I whisper huskily into her ear, letting my tongue flick out and trace her ear lobe before my teeth nip at her flesh. Her startled gasp and sigh turn into a humming moan as I wrap my arms around her and begin to fondle her breasts and stroke her tender flesh between her legs. She starts to protest and weakly pull away, but I hold her tighter to me letting my fingers slide through her lips.

"If it's too sore, I'll stop." I remind her, going gently on her clit knowing I was relentless on her last night.

"Please don't." She gasps, grinding her hips against my hand. 

I chuckle, "You don't want me to touch you?" I nip at her shoulder as she begins to relax against mine, her head lolling to the side.

Her brash noise of disapproval rings out, "You better not tease me, Jackson." She tenses slightly when my hand disappears from between her legs.

I press her body against the tile wall, holding her against it with one arm across her shoulder blades, and nudge her legs apart with my own. 

"Does this feel like I'm going to tease you?" I ask her, rubbing my hard cock against her lips from behind her. I press into her and she hisses, making me pause.

"I'm okay, don't stop." She pants before her tone becomes a whining plea, "Please, don't stop."

I move slow and when her hands go to reach for me, I take them in one hand and hold them against the shower wall above her head. I feel her swollen cunt gripping my cock, willing to take and pull my release from me if I allowed myself to get carried away. That would be so easy to do, listening to her whimpers and cries for more, even as I go at my own pace. 

"Quiet. Otherwise I might lose my focus and hurt you. You're already so swollen I feel like my cock may depart my body and stay where it is." I groan against the back of her neck, kissing it here and there.

"What if I want you to hurt me?" Melita whimpers, and pushes back against me, grinding her hips.

My other hand goes up through her hair, gripping a handful near her scalp to pull her head back so I can see her eyes. I give her a quick, hard stroke and watch her reaction.

"Do you really want me to hurt you?" I ask, giving her another quick thrust, listening to her whimper as I do.

 She bites her bottom lip and nods, "Yes. Fuck me hard Jackson. My pussy aches for you." She moans and then gasps as my thrusts pick up speed. "Oh fuck yes...!" 

Her cries of pleasure have my hand leaving her hair and reaching around her front to play with her swollen clit. Her sweet cry and jolt of her body makes her tighten around my cock. Now it's my turn to hiss, doing my best not to cum before she has. I focus on her clit, circling it in a fast rhythm to bring her close quicker. 

I let go of her hands pinned to the shower tile and instruct her, "Play with those pretty titties of yours." 

Her hands drop to her breasts, cupping them and squeezing her nipples. My hand on her clit goes faster as I up the power of my thrusts.

"Oh fuck!" Melita's cry echo's in the bathroom a second before her body tenses and arches against me and I feel her shatter to pieces in my arms as she orgasms intensely on my cock. My balls tighten and I feel the shot of electricity through my spine as I quickly join her in bliss. 

When our bodies calm down, I gently wash her and myself, taking a good look at her swollen lips. We had fucked like crazy last night and even with us having sex just now, they did not look bad, just swollen and a little pinker than normal. We hopped out of the shower where I dried her off, letting my actions tell her without words: I'm here for you, I will take care of you, I will help you in any way I can, I love you. 

Her gentle smile lets me know she understands, but her sad eyes tell me that the stress of today is heavy on her. She has to do this though if she's to have her mother's cooperation. Taking her to court over it would only drag it out longer possibly even years. It will be best to get it over with, but I know that it's causing a lot of suppressed emotions and questions to rise up in Melita from years of trauma. 

I am so grateful that she has been talking with Brian. I don't think she would be in any state to do this otherwise. Even though she's gripping her emotions by the balls and is feeling everything right now, she's tough and knows this is going to hurt but is still doing it, albeit begrudgingly. Still, if she truly did not want to do this, she wouldn't. 

We finished our morning in the bathroom and dressed in our casual wear before heading downstairs to the kitchen. 

"I don't think I can eat much, so you want to keep it light with yogurt and fruit with granola or some pecans?" My Lita asks as she opens the fridge and sees what's inside while I make our coffees. 

"We can do that. What about lunch though? If you can hardly eat now, you probably won't be able to eat then either. I suggest maybe some eggs and toast to go with the yogurt and fruit? Just to hold you off if you can't eat later." I suggest to her, worried a little bit about the stress all of this has put her in. She's lost about ten pounds over the last month, which isn't a lot, but could become concerning if it continues to drop. 

Her eyes narrow at me but then roll as she sighs, "Fine. One egg and one piece of toast though."

I give her a soft smile, "I think that is a reasonable compromise. Thank you." 

She nods and starts pulling out items from the fridge as I bring her coffee to her and sip mine. I start washing fruit and chopping it up, while she scrambles us each an egg and starts toast. She's plating as I'm spooning yogurt into little bowls and dribbling granola and pecans on top. We set the table with some juice and breakfast and I watch her as she eats slowly, a bite here, a sip there, a nibble of the toast. 

She's trying and I see that, as my own plate quickly empties. I sit there slowly finishing off my yogurt and fruit, making sure that she continues to eat and not using me being done to stop.

"After this would you like to watch a show or something else?" I try to get her to talk because I can see her mind wandering making her anxious.

Her eyes dart up to mine and she gives me a thin smile, "That sounds good. I think I'll pull out my drawing pad too." She gets back to her food with a little bit more enthusiasm then before, putting my mind a little more at ease.

She ate everything and we did the dishes and cleaned up before she went to grab her drawing pad and we sat together on the couch. I flipped through the channels before finding a movie that would be sure to put a smile on her face. 

-...we're men.. we're men in tights...-

Melita is giggling as I start singing along with the movie, even as her eyes drop to what she's drawing and adding a few lines and shading here and there. We both are cracking up as one of the characters helps another off her horse, only to fall on the ground with her on top of him.

Melita giggles as she repeats the characters words, "yeah... you can get off me."

I'm so glad that she's able to find something to laugh about and has distracted her from her worries today. This is the Melita that should always be present, this smiling, giggling, woman who's smile lights my life up like the sun does after even the darkest night.

She was showing me what she was drawing, a Victorian home that she was designing in her mind that she just couldn't get out of her head. It actually was quite inviting looking. You could tell that it was a home in her mind and not just a house. Her phone started going off and we both had a moment of clarity come over us as we realized it was time to start preparing for the elephant in the room.

It was time she to speak with her mother.