
36 Dance

The song starts as I'm sitting up on the stage and I look up at Adam pleading silently that he doesn't do anything to embarrass me. Adam smiles and straddles my lap and begins to roll his hips.

Holy shit, guys can move their bodies like that? I start paying attention to the way his muscles are moving when Adam takes my hand places it on his hot, sweaty, smooth chest and over those moving muscles. I feel every movement of those muscles as he slides my hand down to his stomach before standing and pulling me up with him. The chair behind me moves across the stage, while he gets behind me and starts moving his body against mine. It's fucking hot and as he moves back to the front of me, he swoops me up in his arms, and instinct has me wrapping my legs around his waist. 

Adam swings my upper body back and lowers me to the floor, before grinding his body in waves like we were having sex on the stage.

"Having a good time?" Adam asks me, smiling.

I can't talk I just nod as he gives me another good roll of his hips. He leans back, pulling me up into a sitting position as the music ends.

Adam escorts me to the edge of the stage and I rush back over to our table.

"Oh my god! Did you see that!" I shout, knowing my hair has fallen from the chignon it was in earlier but feeling very hot from the bright lights on stage and the close proximity of the dance. I fan myself with my hands as I say, "I'm so glad he's gay. Otherwise Jackson would be upset with me..."

"Bi, darlin. Adam is Bi." Simon corrects me. Lirael suddenly kicks his ass lightly making him grab his backside.

"He's gay." Lirael says to me before giving Simon a burning glare.

Sarina and Alyssa exchanges a look and Alyssa gets up and walks away.

I take a sip of my drink and finally don't feel so hot when my phone starts ringing. I pull it out and see Jackson's name on the display. "Oh! It's Jackson! I need to answer this!"

I grab Sarina's hand and ask her, "Come with me, just in case he wants to speak to one of you."

"Speak to one of us?" She asks confused as I pull her to the bathrooms.

"He will want to..." I inform her as soon as we're out of the noise of the club. He knows I don't really have any friends so he's going to want to know more.

"Good evening, Jacks." I answer him sweetly.

"I miss you, my Lita." His voice is deep and husky sounding, making my insides melt and my face flush.

"I miss you too." I breath out and quickly tell him, "So I am currently out with some new friends I made this evening. Would I be inconveniencing you if I call you later?"

"New friends?" His demeanor changes and I can hear his confusion and concern instantly.

"Yes." I look to Sarina and she gives me a warm smile, like an older sister would.

"May I say hello?" He asks.

"Of course." I put the phone on speaker so he can talk to her. 

"Let me call you right back, Lita. Just a moment." He hangs up and I'm confused. Why did he just hang up suddenly?

 His name reappears and I answer it, and I see my man on screen. I return the smile he gives me that makes my stomach and heart flutter up.

"Hello, Jackson. I'm Sarina. It's nice to make your acquaintance. Mel has told us a little bit about you." Sarina is polite to him as she looks into my phone screen.

"Sarina... Yes. Pleasure dear. If I may ask, where are you two?" He references to the walls behind us and I can't help my nervous chuckle that escapes me. 

Sarina is quick to tell him though. 

"We are at a strip joint and club. They had a special performance tonight and we invited Mel to join us after running into her at the store and chit chatting." 

She didn't lie to him. I wait to see anything negative show up in his reaction but all I see is concern.

"A strip joint and club... I'm assuming you are drinking then. Do you require me to call my driver to make sure everyone gets home safely?" 

"While I greatly appreciate the gesture, that is not necessary. I'm not drinking any alcohol and will make sure everyone gets home safe." Sarina informs him. I will tell him later, no one was drinking actually.

"No alcohol at a strip club?" He cocks a brow in skepticism.

"That's right, I may not look it, but I'm pregnant." Sarina informs him. That was news to me though.

Jackson merely nods, "What's your surname?"

"McNeal. My husband is Dr. Brian Huller if you want to know that too, before you do the background check." She starts to sound a bit annoyed at his questions.

"Would you like my home address, business address and license plate number next?"

Nope, she is annoyed. Shoot.

 Jacksons eyes widen with shocked humor, turning his attention to me. "You know, I think I like her, Lita." He lets out a deep short laugh before going on, "Enjoy yourself. I'm entrusting precious cargo to you, Mrs. McNeal." His attention returns to me and says softly, "Lita, I'll talk to you in the morning. Goodnight, love."

I blush, and whisper good night to him before we hang up. 

"Thank you." I tell Sarina who waves it off as we head back out to find everyone back together and Alyssa waving at us to hurry.

We get over there and find the guy who's been following Sarina blindfolded and tied to a chair on stage. Women are all over him, touching and rubbing his chest, head, and shoulders. He doesn't seem to happy though.

"I told security that he'd been touching ladies and even guys without permission. Simon and Lirael confirmed the story I gave them and then Adam jumped in with this idea. No one is allowed to touch his privates though." Alyssa quickly tells us.

The ladies were driving him crazy. "Well then should we get out of here since our job is done?" Sarina smiles happily. 

I was a little sad that our night of fun was already ending. I could have let Jackson known.

"Hold up." Simon walks over and takes a few pictures before we leave. We head outside and Simon runs over to a car and pulls something out of his pocket and sticks it in under the rear bumper, then lets the air out of his passenger front tire. Coming out from the club he won't see it and know about it until he starts driving away.

They are all laughing as we take off and Simon calls someone and tells him thank you for helping out. Simon starts talking lower and being playful to I am now guessing is Adam the stripper.

"You know where I live. Prove it." Simon hangs up his phone and turns his attention back to us.

"Oooohhh! Somebody is going to get laid..." Lirael starts, "You're such a dirty slut, Simon. I love it." 

"You would. You may be a baby momma now, but you're still my other mother." Simon tilts his head at her and winks.

"Kinky mother. It's kinky mother..." Sarina teases him. Lirael winks at her as Simon sticks his tongue out at her.

Wait, kinky. That's right. I can ask them more about bondage.

"Kinky? So do you know about bondage?" I ask Lirael.

Sarina quickly jumps in, "Whoa! You are not ready for Lirael's level of BDSM. That would be like a kindergartener trying to do college chemistry. It'll only end in a confused and stressed out student."

Whoa. Lirael is that into it. Damn. No wonder this woman intimidates me.


When Lirael gives a slight nod of her head, I can't help but think of her as a master at her craft and I am now a beggar, looking for crumbs.

The look on my face must have been silly, because both Sarina and Lirael start laughing hard. I'm confused why they're laughing so hard when Simon leans forward.

"Honey, you're reaction just shows how naive you are. Lirael knows and has done some shit that would make your pubes straighten and turn white."

I cover my face in embarrassment, mumbling out, "Well I just want to know the basics. When I've been researching online, well, it's a little confusing and overwhelming. Even reading some Erotica, I couldn't understand everything."

Alyssa is the only one who's not laughing at me right at this moment.

"Wait... You're into BDSM, Sarina?" Alyssa asks.

"Um... Yeah." Sarina says slightly awkward now. I guess her sister in law didn't know about that. 

I lean back as Alyssa breaks out into hysterics, slapping her leg.

"What's so funny?" Sarina asks slightly indignant.

"Your brother...!" She struggles, "Thought you were soooo innocent!" She gasping for air. "We actually argued about it." She smothers her mouth and snorts. "Looks like I was right!"

She calms down and shakes her head, "Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt you Mel."

Simon perks up, "We should take her to the club! She'd only be a voyeur anyways!"

"No." Lirael's terse response shuts Simon's thoughts down immediately. "She needs some basic information before being subjected to all that goes on there."

"I have to agree with Lirael. We should just go over some basics. Do you know what a safe word is Mel?" 

"Um... kind of. That's the word you use if you want everything to stop, right?" 

The rest of the ride back to my place is full of questions and answers and they do not hold back. I feel a little overloaded too from all the information but I do feel a little bit better now about every thing. They covered a large range of things especially the importance of trust between a sub and dom. That a good dom will never make a sub feel they need to use their safe word.

When we arrived at my house they were a little surprised but Sarina made sure I made it through my door before leaving. I was grateful for her concern and the second I was in the house and the door locked, I felt light. I made my way upstairs and sent Jackson a message letting him know I was home and safe.

I pulled out the items that I had purchased from the store earlier and giggled. He's going to be so surprised when he gets back.