

The fresh breeze from the wind. It was a calm, yet stormy day. The first day of college would be the worst day. I'm finally moving into my dorm. My mom wouldn't let me pack my stuff up to go to the dorm. Sometimes she still sleeps in my bed when I'm away. Of course, it's the worst day to start to move into a dorm a bunch of miles away from home. Peggy, my dog would be so lonely without me. Sadly, I couldn't help but miss my little brat of a brother. My mom said we should have gotten along before I went to college, but Todd could care less about me moving out. More space for him to put his lab station.

The first year of SwiterPore College and It's already raining on my brand new shoes. Shockingly I ran into someone who could help me look around and find the dorm rooms. It was a huge place, and you could get lost in it. Of course, my mom wouldn't stop taking pictures of me.