
Chapter 1- Rachel's Pov- The girl

I finally made it into the dorm room. Hm..my roommate wasn't here yet, so I had time to unpack. The dorm had two beds in each room and one bathroom. Nothing too fancy, it's all we could afford anyway, I was an all A's student, so my GPA was always 4.0 or higher. It wasn't hard to get into this college; all you needed was at least a 3.0. I was always doing homework or playing volleyball. I never had any time to myself mainly with Myles my older brother blaring music from his speakers. I still managed it to be the only girl with a single mom.

Often I have thought about how it would feel to go to the wild parties everyone says that is what college is about. I'm only here to expand my horizon. To make friends, meet the love of my life. Have good grades and be the best 1# bookseller, or at least something big enough to get my name out there. My name is Rachel berry. I am only nineteen years old and I decided to get out there and do what my childhood dream was. I love art, books, and everything colorful. I have an aesthetic vibe. I love the color white and pink. I am bisexual.

My first kiss was in 5th grade with Harrison. He was one of the nerds in the cliche group. Harrison was my childhood best friend. I never had a first kiss with a female unless you call those sleepovers where you spin the bottle and its only girls counted as the first kiss. Way before I met Beth during my sophomore year of high school. Beth is one of those rebel kids but still manages to have good grades and everyone loved her. We were friends until the end of sophomore year, but that story is for another day. Until I decided to fall asleep until I heard a knock at the dorm door.

Knock Knock...

I finally got out of my slumber. I opened the door and there she was. Alive and breathing, Blue hair with nose piercings and gauges in her ears. Late... again...The first day is the worst day to see her