
The Trouble of Max


Swim deeper.

At this depth, I could see the radiance of the sun in the crystal blue water; the deep-sea creatures that danced with me in every stroke I made; and rock silhouettes residing in the dim. Beneath the waters is a wonderful place- a place where I found peace.

Breathing in slowly, flicking my tail.

I continue to swim together with the playful dolphins.

Suddenly, I heard Papa seeking for me, "Brielle, come up. Stopped swimming already."

I went up the waters where Papa was waiting. " Papa! "

"Come here, the water is too cold," Papa called.

"It's not cold," I objected. He lifted and took me away from the sea, ignoring everything I said. Then, he got a towel and patted it on my head gently.

" Turn your tail into legs. You need to dress up, it's getting cold." I turned my tail into legs and Papa began to dress me up into a thick layer of clothes. These clothes were made out of animals that were hunted by Papa. He said that the winter season is finally here so we need to keep ourselves warm. Winter. It is where the snow covers the ground and the plants will be covered with thick, white ice.

"Achoo...Achoo" Ugh, my nose is itchy!

" I told you! You should not stay long in water or you'll get sick."

"My nose is just itchy." Papa placed a towel in my nose as I blew on it.

" Papa, why hasn't Max visited us in these past weeks? " It has been almost two weeks since Max didn't come to play. Won't he come again? Or maybe the winter hinders him from visiting us? If that is the case, I hate winter.

"He must have something to do, Brielle. Don't worry I'll play with you instead."

"...Okay." Is he really okay? He is my friend so I should at least pay a visit. But Papa will get mad if we visit the town again. Sigh, I hope he is okay.


Due to the cold weather, Papa was cuddling me with his wolf fur. His fur was warm and soft so it was so comfortable laying in it.

" Mister, Brielle are you there? " That voice...It was Max! He was here. Finally, he came. I got up and ran towards the entrance of the cave. I'm not mistaken, my friend was here to see me. I can't hide the happiness that is welling up inside of me. Papa was behind me as I talked to Max.

"Max!" I shouted.

"Uhm…Hi, Brielle." Huh? What's wrong? Why did Max look so sad? Puffy eyes, runny nose, and cracked voice- something is wrong. Why is Max sad?

" Are you okay?"

" ...Yes, I'm okay…," he replied, listless. It's a lie. There is no way you are okay.

" I'm just here to tell you that I will not be able to visit you anymore. " What are you saying? You said we are friends forever? Did you lie?

" Why? Is that because I can't read? I will learn soon so can we still play?" My eyes started to well up. My vision became blurry and my heart started to ache. Humans are liars.

"No, it's not like that Brielle. It's because of my mother…"

" Mother? "

" The doctor said she is terminally ill. We went to the temple but they said...they can't do anything about it. We will travel to another town to find someone who can heal her. " After saying those words, his eyes were watered with tears. It was visible on his face the traces of sadness. I look at Papa's eyes. Sincerely, I want to help Max. I know I can help his mother. However, Papa shook his head.

Max bid his goodbye and went home.


" Papa, can I help Max's mother?"

" No. Playing with Max is fine but healing a human is too much. "

"Max is my friend. It's okay if he will no longer play with me. I simply don't want him to be sad."

"Don't be stubborn. My decision is final. You will not heal his mother." This won't work. If I can't help Max then his mother will die. It will hurt Max so much. I need to do something. Tomorrow, I will go help Max. Sorry, Papa, I can't let my friend lose her mother.