
Where the hell am I, and is that a Kaiju!?

A CYOA try-harder never thought his 'adventure' would come to fruition. Now, left in a world he'd forgotten all about, aged down, and surrounded by enemies, he's forced to make do with the situation. Hopefully he won't be murdered by one of the many Superhumans, Kaiju, Gangsters, or even a random thug with a knife... --------------------------------------------- This will be a Worm fanfic with smaller bits added from other series, including Devil May Cry, Highschool DXD, and Fate. I'm aware that the Webnovel is not too widespread so I'll be explaining things as they progress. Just a warning, most consider this setting a death world version of DC and Marvel, well, more 'Death World'. Also, shoutout to PixelGMS and ltouroumov for creating the foundation of which the fic was birthed, specifically the CYOA that sparked my interest : https://ltouroumov.github.io/worm-cyoa-v6-fork/viewer/ Discord : https://ltouroumov.github.io/worm-cyoa-v6-fork/viewer/ Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/Nagross Check out my other stories! : Elder Blood Witcher : https://www.webnovel.com/book/elder-blood-witcher_15882698206325105 Steel Waste : https://www.webnovel.com/book/steel-waste_18419577106748205 Modern History : https://www.webnovel.com/book/modern-history_16738054905046405 Harry Potter and the Tragic Path : https://www.webnovel.com/book/harry-potter-and-the-tragic-path_19734319605086005 Unbound Familiar : https://www.webnovel.com/book/unbound-familiar_21400494206391105 Cyberpunk's Singular Peculiarity : https://www.webnovel.com/book/cyberpunk's-singular-peculiarity_24454941605533905

Niggross · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
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52 Chs

Conceal Don't Feel...?

Keeping Susan, my social worker off my back from Tieu's absence was annoying, but telling her that Tieu had to help her family in Vietnam seemed to tide her over... For now, at least. I'd been forced to display my ability to cook, clean, and fend for myself in the meantime, though I'm pretty sure that was just Susan looking out for me.

It's been a week from my initial check up on Tieu and my roles in the gang had been increasing. Since they didn't need me to write any more songs for them at the moment, I'd once again been given to Takata, much to both my and his chagrin, to accompany him on his jobs.

Most had been 'normal' so far, compared to the last conflict with the Merchants, but that didn't mean they were any less malicious... I'd been forced to spend a couple hours 'playing' with some kids of a business owner in a park. Since I didn't look all that Asian, and I was young enough, the job suited me the best out of everyone available.

Unfortunately, I didn't have much choice in the matter. Their threats against Tieu were still fresh in my mind after all.

That said, I had taken measures to try and resist them. My anonymous call to the PRT should be making it's rounds, plus the request I'd made of Panacea.

I honestly, my expectations were rock bottom at this point, and even with Amy's assurances, I knew her family would be less amicable to it. It wouldn't have been the first time a gang targeted one of their family.

*Beep! Beep!*

I check the caller ID and grin at Amy's name. That was quick, maybe I shouldn't have been worried?

"Amy, good news?"




Earlier :

"Mom, about what I asked about-" Amy starts, keeping her tone firm yet respectful, despite the fact she was addressing her adoptive mother.

"Forget about it. I've asked around but the higher-ups in the PRT want no action against ABB or their territory." Brandish, Carol Dallon snaps, looking more apprehensive than Amy had even seen her before.

"What do you mean!? Did they hear what I told you!? Someone has to do something!" Amy exclaims, shocked that there'd be any debate about what needed to be done.

To think she'd not known about literal brothels in Brockton Bay, or the fact that missing people 'tended' to be found in such places. Even if an acquaintance of hers wasn't directly affected, she'd try to help those people regardless!

Carol scowls and leans against the kitchen counter, arms crossed as if to contain her own indignation towards the matter. "I understand how you feel, Amy, but I've been explicitly told that New Wave cannot interfere with it. I don't know if an investigation is already being held, or if the ABB holds more cards than is public, but the PRT refuses to move. Or allow anyone else to..."

"But that's-... That's-"

"Bullshit." Carol finishes for her, "I know." she pushes off the cabinet, "This is above Director Piggot. we're an independent team affiliated with the PRT, New Wave has its freedoms but we're still a government-sanctioned group, which means we follow their rules. I'll try look into it further, but that's all we can do for now, whatever this is, it's bigger than us, the ABB, and probably even the Bay... If you want to help your-, friend, send them our way and we can do something, otherwise keep your distance." she bluntly orders.


Defeated, and in slight shock that outside forces would be protecting the ABB from retribution for their actions, Amy makes her way to her room to make a call.


POV : Kieu

"So, the government doesn't give a shit!?" I spit over the phone. I gave them everything they'd need to raid the brothel, I gave them the names of those involved to arrest them, yet they won't lift a fucking finger!?

If that's what Amy's mom said about it, then my call to the PRT wouldn't mean anything either!

"I don't know what to say, I'm just as surprised as you are." Amy mutters through the call, "I'm still confused about it all... Why is the PRT acting like this? I mean, sure, they could be working on it on their own, but why haven't they acted yet? Lung's been active for years, the ABB even longer..."

It was unsettling to hear an active hero, someone who should have a better insight than him, be baffled over the situation. Then again, heroes these days just punch people and pose for photos...

"You're friends with some of the Wards, right? Could you ask them about it? Maybe they could get things moving from the inside?" I ask, inwardly grimacing at how desperate I sounded.

"Y-yeah, I can do that... Really, sorry for not having anything else-" she starts apologizing again but I cut her off.

"It's fine." I sigh, "You did what you could, if even your Mom can't do anything what could you hope to do?... I've got some things to do, see you Amy, and thanks for the help."

"D-don't forget to call if you need anyth-"


"For fuck sake!" I drop my face into my hands and let out a long groan.


Turing on my phone again, I become alert as I see the text from Takata... Not even reading it, I delete my chat log, call log, and even scrubbed her contact info.

Takata :

Waiting outside, got another job, let's go now.

Kieu :



"What's it this time...?" I ask as we drive through the backroads of the city, near the Commercial District and dangerously close to Empire Eighty-Eight territory. Even now, their Asian driver was getting the stink eye from pedestrians.

Takata acted like he paid no mind to it, but by how restless his leg was, he was clearly nervous.


POV : 'Captain' Tanner

He flicks his burned-out cig and stamps it out on the ground, wondering if the pay was worth how bored he was feeling. During his service for his country he'd been acclimated to high-intensity situations, with only enough rest time to let the adrenaline settle.

Iraq would do that to you.

His career hadn't made him all that suited to this role, watching a building which his employer thinks is a hideout where Empire capes hang out and meet. It'd be stupidly dangerous for him if it weren't for his boss, Coil's, ability to see the future.

The guy liked to send him and his team on extremely dangerous missions, but occasionally stopped them before they even reached the target, stating the outcome had become dissatisfactory. Tanner assumed their likely deaths were what the man wanted to avoid, but then again, you could never guess with capes.


He checks his watch for the time. Calls weren't the only measure in place to assure things. Coil would send a text on a schedule, so that if he ever became indisposed they'd know when to back out. Not seeing the scheduled message, Tanner decides now's the time to dip.

He starts his car but barely makes it around corner when-


The car jumps slightly and a child's cry rings out.

Did he just hit a fucking kid!?

He kicks the door open and bens over to look under his car, quickly locating a boy with olive skin and messy brown hair. "You alright boy!?"

"I-I don't know..." the kid says.

"Let's get you out so I can see you-" Tanner starts but pauses as his eyes home in on a small marble slab sitting just under his tire. He brain itches, and a memory of something similar happening in Iraq alerts him just as it's too late.

A minivan stops behind him and the kid jumps out from under the car, pushing him into it while two large men grab his arms. He tries to reach his for the gun in his belt, but the kid gets to it first, allowing the men to put him in a chokehold.


POV : Kieu

The job was done and I got dropped off back my apartment. It was kinda harrowing to lie under a car as it drives over you, but he didn't die and that's all that mattered.

Did I feel bad for the guy I helped kidnap? Not really. He was an old white guy in Empire territory with a gun. Chances are he was a nazi, that or a sympathizer.

On the bright side, I'd been allowed to keep the gun, a standard Glock with a full magazine. Apparently the ABB thought they had enough control over me to stop me from doing something stupid... They were right.

For 'acting' so well, I was given permission to visit Tieu again, even if I hated it every time I entered the shit-hole establishment... Kiyoshi had thankfully given us some privacy this time, leaving me and Tieu sharing tea in a lounge room.

Once I'd told her about Susan, my continued studies for the scholarship, and my writing a song for the ABB, we weren't left with anything to talk about. There were things she wanted to ask about but didn't for my sake, and it was the same on my end... I don't think I could listen to what she'd found out worker here without going all Texas Ranger on any ABB gangster in the vicinity.

"So..." I trail off, "What's with you and tea? I get you have a preference, but every day was a bit much." I ask, more just to fill the silence between us than anything else.

She shrugs demurely, "You might say I'm following in my mother's feet. Tea was hers, a way to keep me and my siblings still while she spoke. It became a daily ritual for us, but I was the only one of us to continue it. It reminds me of home."

"And you make me do the same?" I question, while the venue wasn't the greatest, being a brothel and all, Tieu didn't speak on her family, even if broached on the topic.

She nods, "It reminds me of home, and I wanted it to be the same for you. That wherever you are, whenever you are, you could brew a cup and think of home."


I sip my drink, making an effort to ignore the cheap tea leaves the ABB had on-site... While it didn't remind me of home, it did remind me of Tieu. The tea-fiend had permanently etched herself in that part of my brain... Which wasn't unpleasant, I supposed. Maybe if I'd been given enough time it could have been the same.

"What was your home like, Tieu?"


Days later :

♦ Private message from Canary_Cryxx:

Canary_CryxxHey(New) :

Kieu! It's Paige, good news, Someone Like You is done! It still needs some touch ups but I think it sounds amazing! We've got a demo ready if you wanna hear it? It'll be released to the public tomorrow or the day after. I'm so ready!


My dour mood from the shit the ABB had made doing all but washed away at the message, and I almost cracked my phone's screen with how fast I'd clicked the linked file. A couple seconds download later and I was listening to the song.

"I'd heard, that you'd settled down-"

Holy shit it's perfect.

I'd been cautious in thinking Canary could do a version better than the original, but this shit blows Adele out of the water. It wasn't even a competition, a likely outcome considering one singer had superpowers enhancing her voice...

I did notice a couple faults in the instrumentals, which I alerted Canary to, but overall it was magnificent...


Guitar_Boy69 :

Hey, sorry to ask this but could you use a nickname for me? Having me name attached to this might be bad atm.

Canary_Cryxx :

I can but are you sure? This is a major decision you know! You dont wanna get your name out there?

Guitar_Boy69 :

Not right now. Maybe in future?

Canary_Cryxx :

Ok... If thats what u want. What do you want your name as then?

Guitar_Boy69 :

Idk, Artist Number Six?


Canary_Cryxx :

I guess we can use that as a placeholder... If you're really really sure? My offer to help you out still stands u know?

Guitar_Boy69 :

Yeah, I appreciate it but staying under the radar is what I need to do rn.

Canary_Cryxx :

If u say so...

Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!

If you like my content or want to read ahead please go to : https://www.p.atreon.com/Nagross, I'd appreciate it.

Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :


Faruk Ereng

Peter Evans


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