
Where the heart is

Helena Smith was a lady who seemed to have it all. Smart, beautiful and sexy as hell. But she had one major flaw - as what others seemed to think of it - she is an orphan. Ashton Kempt. Edison Hunt. Known to others as the 'golden boys'. Why? They are perfect. Rich, smart, confident and handsome. One is gentle and refined. The other one is gruff and manly. One is from the present while the other is from her past. Will she be drawn back to the man from her past? A past that she has been running away from. Or will she take the leap and go into the waiting arms of the one from her present. Will she be able to start dreaming of a future with him? Just when life was starting to go well for her, people from her past started turning up. What would she do now that someone wants to hurt her and her family? Would she run away again just like before or would she stay and face her demons? A heartwarming story about a woman who deals with every curve ball that life throws at her. Watch how Helena overcomes her doubts, distrust and traumas with the help of those around her. Be with her as she tries to find out who she really is and come out triumphant.

Bliss_Cale · สมัยใหม่
204 Chs

Chapter 6: Contenders

I stepped into the elevator to go with Ashton. I turned to him and whispered "Thank you for helping me out, Mr Kempt."

"Don't thank me yet. I haven't done anything." he said in a neutral voice. "I will only let Jessica know what happened but it is still up to her if she will admit you for the interview or not."

"I understand. But thanks anyway. Had it not been for you, I would not even get a shot at it. I just hope that Ms Jessica will reconsider." I quietly said.

I am really hoping that she would admit me for the interview. I don't think I can bear it if I will fail at this to. I have always been shy and timid which made people think that I am easily bullied. Although, I do think that I am easily bullied but I do not go down without a fight.

This is how I feel towards this interview. Yes, I really need a job but not because I badly need the money. I do need money but its just not about that. I need to feel that I have value, that I have worth and that I can be something again. I sighed.

My sigh made Ashton's eyebrows go up and his forehead creased with worry. "Is everything okay?" He gently asked.

What could possible be okay? I wanted to lashed out at him. But before I could properly respond to him, I caught a glimpse of myself in the reflective surface of the elevator's wall.

"No wonder, Ms Sheila thought I was applying for a cleaner's position. I look like I was ran on by a thousand elephants!" I immediately bent and looked for my compact mirror and brush from my purse. I tried to make myself appear as neat as possible given the circumstances that happened today. I added some lipstick onto my naturally pale pink lips to brighten them up. I also tried to fix how my blouse was tucked into my skirt. It might have come loose when I was struggling to free my shoes. Speaking of shoes! I haven't even inspected them yet.

I half turned so that my back to take a look at my shoe and I can't help but moan the demise of my shoe. Scratches all over my right heel is so visible that it looked like a cat played with it. Damn that manhole. Whoever planned and designed it should not be given any project at all.

Well, I can no longer do anything about it. So I just squared my shoulders and lifted my chin up. Yes, this day sucks but I will just have to deal with it. I will definitely treat myself to some junk food later once I am done with everything here.

The thought of junk food brightened my day. I did not realized that the myriad of expressions passing through my face as well as my body language was quietly observed by Ashton. I suddenly realized that I was not alone when I was fixing myself and decided to politely apologize to Ashton. But whatever words that was about to come out of my mouth was stopped when I noticed Ashton watching me with amusement and a hint of tenderness in his eyes.

I can feel myself blushing with his scrutiny and my heart beating erratically. So I asked "Why are you looking at me like that, Mr Kempt?" in a defensive manner. He just shrugged and kept quiet. I felt like there was an awkward silence between us but when I saw how relaxed he is, I started berating myself mentally.

Stop it Helena. You are in no place to react to Ashton that way. He might possibly be your boss. I badly wanted to ask him if he owns this company but I did not want to appear like a nosy teenager so opted to keep quiet. When the door opened, he led to a glass paneled waiting area and said "Wait here. I will talk to Jessica first." I just nodded because I can see through the glass walls the other applicants waiting for their turn.

Most of them are women at around 21 to 28. All of them are really pretty with slim figures. They are all beautifully dressed but not in the conservative office attire. Some had chosen to wear dresses that are fit to be worn during summer. Some did chose to wear the traditional white shirt and black skirt but the blouse were not buttoned properly and is showing a part of their breast and their skirt are 3 inches above their knees.

This made me terribly conscious of how I was dressed for the interview. Where the other ladies choose to wear dress or skirt, I chose to wear slacks partnered with a plain dull gray blouse which was buttoned up to my neck. They made me feel under dress. My not so big self confidence is suddenly taking a huge blow. I had to do some breathing exercises to calm myself.