
Where The Crossroads Met.

Benny is my best friend, his dad drove both families home from the hospital when we were born. Then he told me he was gay, then called BS when I lied to him. We started a business, that summer, my dad kicked me out and then, tried to kill my best friend and grandpa... And that's only the beginning.

Chad762002 · สมจริง
16 Chs

Chapter Kumi Na Mbili (12)

Tom walked in from the garage, expecting to find the boys in the living room, watching tv. He heard a commotion from their room.

"I am getting close" Benny Grunted.

"Yes, daddy." Jayden Moaned. "Don't stop!" That was a sound that drives terror into every father, his son finishing, and not just soloing. He pushed the terror out of his mind.

Well everyone has a kink... He thought to himself. Then he realized just what was going on, and without protection. "What about the condoms?" He whined helplessly to himself. He walked to their room. "Boys are you decent?" He asked trying to sound optimistic. He felt stupid for asking, it was clear they were.

A duet of "Fucks, shits, and oh my Gods, came from them as they scrambled, to get decent.

"It's fine." He sighed. "Just want to talk about the condoms, and perhaps the timing, and open door."

There were the ruffles of clothes being shoved on in hurries taken off and putten back on the right way, they came out. "You're not mad?" Benny asked.

"Why didn't you wear a condom?" Tom asked.

"We both are virgins." Benny lied.

"Were!" Jayden corrected, Benny elbowed him.

Tom sighed, then paced. "What would your mother say?" He started at the boys while pacing.

"She'd say, that the boys were both virgins, and they aren't dumb, no sex means no sexually transmitted diseases. And since one of them can't get pregnant it, she'd tell you I told you so." She smirked at him.

"Ok in sex ed I'm sure you heard that wack o's who say your virginity is scared." We nodded. "Well, it ain't, what is scared is how you feel during, afterward, and your health." She paused. "I know you probably know the name for how you like to have sex." The boys nodded. "That is fine, as long is it as is with someone you love, and you can trust your safety too. I think you two are smart, and you felt that with each other, which is beautiful, but that isn't normal."

"That works?" Tom asked.

"Makes sense mom thanks!" Jayden smiled.

"Mom!?" Tammy smiled.

"Yea, you really like my mom, and you really are like my dad...." Jayden smiled at them. "But in the way, you Call Mom's Mom, Mom, and you called....."

"We get it." Tom chuckled. "How about, we say you learned your lesson about the door and timing, and we all get cleaned up and go to Arbies!"

"Dad your so cheap!" Benny whined.

Tom chuckled. "Then where would you like to go?"

The two boys looked at each other and grinned. "The Texas Road House!"

"Of course." He chuckled.

The boys nodded at each other. "On us!" Jayden Grinned.

"Oh, yea!" Tammy chuckled.

"Yea we mowed twelve yards today."

Tom wiggled his fingers like he was counting. "You two made $480 this week?" The boys Nodded early. "Honey, I am afraid if the boys keep this up, we may have to charge them rent."

"I am afraid you are right." She chuckled.

"Come on let's move it, troops!" He shouted and sent the boys to their room.

"And you!" He smirked at his wife. "Are such a great mother, it's so hot!" He ran his fingers through her hair.

"Ewww Dad!" Benny whined.

"Oh, you two fired the first shout." Tammy chuckled in motherly pride. She looked into her husband's eyes. "Did you mean it?"

He leaned in and kissed her. "Every fucking word."

"Gross!" One of the boys shouted and slammed the door.

"I was hoping you did." She paused. "We really must thank, Mr. winters."

"Yea." Tom sighed. "We really should, they have mature so, much, I mean Benny is up Before noon, in the summer, it's like he sees there is so much more than the newest video game these days."

"Teaching Benny how to mow, really made Jayden more confident, and with every milestone they reach, Mr winters gives them a little nudge." She said. "If they are that one high school sweetheart couple to make it, he has given them all they need to get started for the rest of their lives...."

"Tammy I would like to think, they are that couple, but let's face it, eventually Jayden is going to be in that room." Tom pointed, then checked to make sure the boy's door was still shut.

"Nah, they have 'it', Tammy chuckled. "You know, a very adaptive dynamic relationship, a deep almost spiritual bond, they can communicate better than..."

..."Most adults." Tom finished.

"But more, people in long term relationships, have their own language, don't we Shibla Bop?!" Tom blushed he hated when she was right with proof from their own life. He moved the family long, and the boys did in fact pay, and the manager was so impressed when he found out they paid he have them 15% off, and when they found out he was only a street down, they sold him.

"If your as good at mowing yards, as you are selling, I can't give you just $40, so $50?"

The boys nodded, and their eyes turned into dollar signs.