
how did i get here?

the smell, what is it, smoke, no blood perhaps? I can't open my eyes. just breath feel around there has to be something somewhere. wait why...no it cant be. it's not possible, I can't lift my head no worse I can't move at all. please someone help me, save me! anyone please! no one not even a bird chirping. I need to move, no I have to move! *low growl from a distance* no please no I don't want to die here. *animal closing in* shit move dammit move you fucking lazy coward move! *crash* what was that? "are you alright miss?"

where did he come from? "don't worry i'm not gonna hurt you,can you move?"

" no, I can't even see if you haven't noticed already."

"my, I guess we will have to wait till my friend gets here then,though that might take a while."

"what do you mean? you can't lift objects heaver than your own weight?"

*pfft* " no miss I can't because I am blind aswell.so I won't know what I am touching until it is to late to apologize."

...."then how did you find me, if I may ask"

*sound of stick poking* "ah well, that's because I have a sensitive nose.I can smell from a mile away. Or in simple terms I am a hybrid."

*sigh* "so what you mean is you are not a purebred. great so that's why the growling animal disappeared." which means I won't have a chance in hell of escaping. "well then i'm just going to sleep if your friend isn't going to be here for a while."

" miss, you shouldn't trust a stranger so easily. I mean you are injured and can't escape if I were to try and kill you."

is he serious? I mean come on, if my friend were to hear this he would be rolling. wait friend? no more important why can't I remember anything? could it be that I have amnesia? I can only wait until I can get help from these strangers. let's just hope I can see again and soon. "yeah go ahead if you want not like I can fight back right?"