
when you think hope is lost

it all about a man who was chase away from his community for the crime he didn't not commit

Anthony_Emmanuel_6465 · สมัยใหม่
3 Chs

chapter one

in a village called oza there was a king who was respected in the whole kingdom because he is a good man he has two wife the first wife name was faith why the second wife name tife she is a good woman and love by everybody in the village she always donate her personal belongings every month for the less privilege unlike faith who was the opposite side she is harsh wicked and she always see joy in oppresing the poor people the villager are afraid of her there was a festival which the kindom always host every year the best and favorite queen award ceremony the first queen then started bribeing the village people so the will vote for her on the day of the ceremony she was dancing that she will win the award but she was surprised that nobody voted for her she was very angry and devastated but the second queen won the award and dedicated it to the vilager