
When we dream

Several small random texts (fanfics) about some anime \ mangas

_Hllo · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
28 Chs

Fright Night


When he was invited to the cinema session that his colleagues were organizing, Shouto did not think to ask what the theme of the films would be, only to get there and face a dawn full of his most hated genre of all: terror.




When Midoriya came full of excitement to invite him to one of those movie nights that the others were organizing, to celebrate the end of the exam week, Shouto accepted easily. He had been working hard to spend time with his classmates and socialize more recently.

Friday night came faster than they expected. Shouto met with his colleagues in the living area, seeing that everything was already prepared.

Mina, Kaminari and Sero threw some mattresses and blankets on the floor, so that everyone was very comfortable, since the plan was to spend the night there.

Sato and Yaoyorozu were in charge of the food. There were several tasty little things for lunch, as well as popcorn for the movies and several sweets that were bought with the kitty they made, and everything was carefully distributed on the table.

Shouto had brought his own blanket, as he had no intention of stealing anyone's, it seemed a little invasive. He thanked himself mentally for his own decision when he saw Hagakure and Mina fighting over a pink blanket in front of them, while the others were still organizing.

He sat in the corner of the two-seat sofa, which apparently was no one else's target in that room, with so many more comfortable spaces available. Setting his blanket on his lap - like an old woman, Sero commented as he passed by - he waited until everyone decided to start with the films.

- Hey, extras, let's start this fucking movie! - Bakugou practically threw himself on the sofa, taking up more space than necessary and totally ignoring his presence.

Shouto felt his breath catch for a moment, which was always a strange and confused reaction, but it always happened whenever the blonde made his scandalous entries. The bicolor didn't think much about it, he knew that he had difficulty understanding certain things, unlike his other colleagues and, for some strange reason, he felt ashamed to talk about it with Midoriya, to whom he trusted practically all his secrets and resorted when he had those doubts.

Bakugou sported the same face as few friends ever, keeping his arms crossed and disapproving everyone with his gaze, but he was there anyway and that was quite surprising.

- Kacchan, you can't even complain, okay? - Kaminari sat on the arm of the sofa, almost throwing himself at Bakugou, who quickly disengaged himself, but that only made the other fall on his lap. - We get all your movie recommendations.

For some reason, this information made Shouto feel immediately apprehensive.

- Also, it was just like that for him to come, right - Sero corrected.

- Get off me, you ass. - Bakugou pushed Kaminari who rolled to the floor, laughing.

- Oh, don't talk to me like that, it hurts my feelings - he replied, without really looking hurt.

"As if I care." The blonde rolled his eyes impatiently.

- Ok, ok, let's start right then - Uraraka said.

- We're just waiting for Midoriya to come back. - Kirishima was snuggling on a mattress already, not looking the least bit bothered to share her blanket with Kaminari.

- You two take care, it's full of people here - Mina teased with a devilish smile, getting both to turn red as Kirishima's hair successfully.

- Minaaaa! - Kaminari complained slyly, making the girl laugh even more.

Midoriya was already returning to the living room, balancing about five buckets of popcorn, distributing them among the small groups that were formed scattered on the mattresses and sofas.

- Here, Todoroki, you can get one for yourself–

- Hi Deku, are you really going to ignore my presence, even though I'm right here, idiot? - Bakugou said, almost pulling out the bucket that Midoriya was trying to deliver to Todoroki.

- Kacchan–

- Okay, Midoriya, we can share. - Shouto said simple.

- Who said? Go get your own popcorn.

- Are you going to eat that bucket all by yourself? He asked in his usual monotone.

- Look here, you half-and-half abused, if I want to put all this in my c-

- Aah, Kacchan! Stop this! - Midoriya interrupted.

- Actually, I could put everything in yours–

- Kacchan!

- Fuck, why did I even agree to come here?

- Shh, be quiet, I'm already putting the film here - Mina ended the discussion. Midoriya moved away from them to go sit in the space that Uraraka and Iida had reserved for themselves on one of the mattresses.

Even with the whole scene, Bakugou grunted some more, but left the bucket in the middle of the sofa, which Shouto suspected was actually an attempt to create a barrier between the two. Well, it was still surprising that he hadn't just thrown it all over Midoriya's head, or blown up the poor little bucket who was not to blame for anything. Small victories, he supposed.

- Ah, the Shining One? Really? This movie doesn't scare anyone, it wasn't even on my list - Bakugou commented, already annoyed, when he saw the vignette.

Shouto was beginning to regret accepting that invitation.

- The other day you said you liked this movie - Kirishima accused.

- I really like it, but you told me it was a horror session and you still filled my fucking bag for me to give recommendations.

- Calm down, Bakugou, that was Jirou's suggestion - Kaminari explained. - We thought about starting with something lighter so that the scariest ones, your films, in this case, stay for the night, to be more afraid - he concluded, taking some popcorn. - Now shiu.

- Don't do "shiu" to me, no, idiot! - He replied by throwing some popcorn, which ended up hitting Kirishima, this in turn, found itself in the obligation to repay the attack, but before a war was started, someone stopped everyone with a cashier:

- Be quiet, the movie has started!

Ah. A horror movie session.

Shouto hated horror movies.

Perhaps this had a little to do with the fact that when he was a child, the only form of "entertainment" he had was when his father forced him to watch horrible films with him, when he was only about five years old, thinking that it was configured as "a time of quality and connection between father and son". It wasn't.

Okay, now that he was practically an adult, he thought he had gotten over it and just didn't like this type of film. He had already faced everything on the battlefield: violence, bloodshed, horrible monsters, the whole thing; fiction should no longer cause you any discomfort.

It was just a matter of preference, he liked it a lot more when his colleagues did these sessions and chose fun movies, sometimes even romantic ones - Shouto kind of liked it even more than he allowed himself to admit to that genre.

And what was the problem? From misfortunes, the things they were forced to face on a daily basis were enough, I didn't think I was wrong in just wanting to escape from that reality. What he didn't see much purpose in was to go through all the agony that horror films broadcast.

Well, that didn't matter much, since clearly, he was the only person who thought so and now he was there, confined in that room until who knows where, where he would have to suffer for hours of torture.

If he couldn't just get up and go back to his room? Of course I could, but that would be a lot like assuming a weakness and, for some reason, it was even worse when Bakugou was nearby.

Since when did he care about people's opinions like that?

Shouto sighed and pulled his blanket close to his face and flinched a little, turning his eyes to the television. Maybe it was also what he needed, a shock treatment to put all this bullshit aside. It was fiction, that's all.

Until the first film was not so bad, the bicolor was even entertained with the story, even with the occasional scares, he was still feeling calm.

His attention dispersed a little, however, when there was a moment when he reached for the popcorn without looking, coincidentally at the same time that Bakugou had decided to do the same, just so that both would find each other's hands in the bucket. .

A slightly embarrassing situation, both took their hands off quickly as if they had been shocked and Bakugou took the bucket out of there, placing it on the floor, since it was empty.

Again, Shouto felt that shortness of breath and a warmth in his cheeks.

When the movie was over, there was a time for some to go to the bathroom, get snacks and things to drink, a little talk about the movie, or other things.

He had eaten so much popcorn during the first movie that he wasn't hungry, he didn't want to use the bathroom either, so he stayed where he was, wrapped in his blanket and talking for a while with Midoriya.

- Hey Kirishima, get me a soda. - heard Bakugou ask when he saw that his friend was standing, Kirishima agreed excitedly and returned in an instant, throwing the can to the blonde, who grunted a thanks.

- What are we going to see now? - Uraraka asked, snuggling up on the deck he shared with Iida and Midoriya.

"Bota A Nun," Hagakure suggested.

- Everyone has seen this shit and besides, this movie is fucking bad, super weak. - Bakugou, apparently, became much more communicative when it came to horror films. - Put The Scream, or The Call, but the '98, will not put those shitty American versions, no.

- Oh, Bakugou, the versions are not even that bad, I actually prefer them. - Uraraka commented from across the room.

- Because you are a cultured, cheeky fuck, these films are classic!

- Wow-

- "Wow" nothing - he interrupted before she could defend herself. - These American butchers did the favor of destroying these works, because it all comes down to CGI for them and zero performance, the effects are not even that good.

Bakugou used to call Midoriya a nerd, but honestly, at the moment Shouto didn't know if he had much morals to say that, as he watched the blonde giving an extensive and passionate speech about the cinematic specifications of what made a good horror film, in a way very similar to the greenish one when he got excited talking about heroes.

- I'll put The Scream first! - Mina, for the hundredth time that day, ended the discussion. - Whoever screams in fear first will wash all the dishes!

In less than half an hour, Shouto was tense.

That was exactly the kind of movie he hated, full of scenes made for the sole purpose of scaring viewers. He was unconsciously pulling on his blanket to cover himself a little more.

Shouto looked away, hoping he was being discreet enough in a particularly disturbing scene, but ended up capturing Bakugou's focused expression, feeling immediately unable to look anywhere else.

He watched as the colors of the television reflected on his face, painting him in several different shades, the way his two ruby-colored spheres shone, filled with excitement for whatever type of violence was going on on the screen, almost without nor blink.

And, oh, there was that restlessness that seemed to start in his stomach and spread to the rest of his body again, along with that heat that made his cheeks dwell at the most inopportune moments when he found himself distracted looking at a specific person.

Shouto hardly had time to look at the TV again as if he had been discovered, at the moment when Bakugou stretched, supporting one arm on the back of the sofa in a spacious way, almost invading the bicolor space.

Looking at the film, however, was a mistake, in more ways than one. His startle when he heard at least three screams from his colleagues following the character's scream, along with the horrible image on television, made him act on impulse. He pulled the blanket out in front of his eyes and cringed, throwing out all the efforts he had been making to prove himself unaltered.

He didn't even notice the movement at his side, until he heard a laugh that seemed very close to his ear. That sadist from Bakugou was just laughing at the movie.

Anyway, Shouto's heart, already racing, skipped another beat and he opened his eyes wide when he realized that the blonde had approached him, closing almost all the distance between them.

Whether it was involuntary or not, he couldn't say, but he also felt that Bakugou was shaking a little, after all, the night was a little cold and the boy was wearing only a short-sleeved shirt. It was normal for people to sometimes approach his left side because of the heat emanating from his body, Midoriya and Uraraka did this all the time with him, he just didn't expect Bakugou Katsuki, of all people, one day would do that too .

Without saying anything, the bicolor bit his lip lightly, thinking for a while before deciding what to do, then, unrolling himself from his blanket, he tossed a point to the blonde's side.

Bakugou looked at him, a little scandalized, but he did not mumble any insult to him, he just watched with a huge question on his face.

- Are you shivering, aren't you cold?

- Matter to you? - replied petulantly. Shouto rolled his eyes.

- Listen, I can regulate my body temperature and I'm basically immune, but you can't. We can share, okay?

He seemed conflicted for a long time, as if he were considering a million things at once, but to Shouto's surprise, he finally pulled, more aggressively than necessary, a part of the deck towards him. She was big enough for both of them, but it was still necessary for him to get a little closer so he could cover his arms.

The film continued to roll, getting more tense with each scene, Shouto was positively hating that entire session.

- You're shitting yourself with fear, right, half and half? - Bakugou whispered mockingly at some point, looking much more entertained with Shouto at that moment than with the movie.

He wanted to disagree, but at the height of a scene that was probably decisive for the plot, what happened made him wish his heart would actually stop, because it would certainly be better to die.

The fright was so great that Shouto practically threw himself, with his whole body, at Bakugou and as it happened just when he had approached to make fun of himself, the two were very close.

Shouto was sure he was going to die of a heart attack tonight, but now he felt it would be for a totally different reason.

He waited for an obvious explosion, or perhaps to be thrown across the room, any reaction along those lines, he probably even deserved it, honestly, but nothing happened. Bakugou just stood there. Maybe deciding how he was going to end Shouto's race in the next few minutes.

Whether or not the others were paying attention to them, he didn't even know, but he thought he didn't, because he didn't shout or make a lot of noise, he always learned to be silent, even in extreme moments, but that didn't mean he wasn't terrified.

When he realized what he had done, he had to control himself as much as possible so as not to allow his left side to get out of control, moving away quickly.

"D-Sorry about that." He looked away from anywhere else.

Then he heard a laugh.

- I knew you were a big baby, it's no wonder that you get along so well with Deku. - despite trying to keep his voice level, there was a deep entertainment in his tone.

Shouto had no way of defending himself, so he said nothing, turning his attention back to television like a sulky child.

Not that he was now able to pay attention to much, because Bakugou's proximity to what had just happened was apparently quite disconcerting to his stupid brain.

When that movie ended, the break was shorter, just so that everyone who needed it, went back to the bathroom and as soon as they returned, the next movie was already put on.

Shouto was feeling tired, as time passed, yawning constantly. He had long since exceeded the time he used to go to sleep. Nor was he much more concerned with the scenes before him, finding that third film much less worse than the previous one.

His eyes grew heavier and heavier, until he surrendered. The problem is that in his sleep-fogged mind, the feeling of a warm, cozy body next to his was incredible and he felt himself settling without reservation, feeling extremely comfortable.


Shouto opened his eyes, blinking several times, a little disoriented, but realizing that it was already morning, because everything was lit up.

- Awwwwn! What a beautiful thing! A thin voice echoed through the room. Mine, by the way. - I do not believe that! Kaminari takes out his cell phone, quick!

The first thing the bicolor saw when he finally managed to focus on something, was a cell phone camera aimed at his face, before he even realized that he and Bakugou were curled up on the couch.

Somehow, he had fallen asleep, but he didn't even remember when they had changed their position at night. Shouto was kind of hugging the blonde's waist, who had one of his arms held around his shoulders, while with the other, he was kind of hugging him too.

As if the two of them were a bloody couple. Shouto felt his cheeks burning, maybe they were literally on fire at the moment.

Apparently, too, Bakugou had a much heavier sleep, but when he opened his eyes, he was quicker to perceive his surroundings and the situation he was in, widening his eyes and moving away quickly, as if he had taken a shock.

- KAMINARI, I WILL KILL YOU, GIVE ME THAT MOBILE NOW! - He got up so fast that Shouto wondered if he had felt dizzy.

- Run, Kami, run! - Mina said between laughs, placing herself between the two and holding Bakugou where he was, so that Kaminari could escape. She seemed totally indifferent to the small sparks that were popping out of his palms.


If you want to leave any comments to encourage me or use your Power Stones I would love it, really thanks if you managed to read this far.

_Hllocreators' thoughts