
When The Sun Starts Rising

Cara Sanchéz has been hearing about El Mar. She has no idea what or who it is. She has recently been haunted by a cloaked man wanting information about El Mar that only she can get. 'El Mar' is the one thing that is going to save her and destroy her at the same time. And this is where her journey of finding El Mar or the journey where she is hunted by El Mar begins.

Puff_V · ไซไฟ
23 Chs


[Lucero's POV]

Rhys is talking with one of the maids in the kitchen. He saw me earlier but ignored me, and he proceeded to bump into my shoulder harshly as if that is the best he could do. No, it's not. Rhys could kill me if he wanted to, it's in his power anyway. Only he could do it and mom of course but nobody knows that.

Tara, the maid he was talking to saw me and went back to work. I walk into the kitchen sitting on the stool beside him making eye contact that he purposely ignores.

"Now, Rhys, wanna tell me what's up?" I tap my fingers impatiently on the counter and watch his jaw ticks.

"You know what's up." He side-eyed me and scowled. "Zara and I broke up, because of you."

"Oh, that's what. It's alright she wasn't a very good person anyway." I waved off.

"How would you know? You're not the one who spent most of his time with her. You haven't gotten to know her and you're already pushing her out of your life!" He stands up from his stool and rushes out the kitchen in a fit.

"You guys still fight?" Comes mama's voice from the doorway.

"Yes mama, all siblings fight." I defend and get up from my seat walking out of the kitchen into the backyard garden with my mama following behind me. "Why are you here? I thought you were focusing on controlling your power?"

She sighs and keeps up with my pace, "I am, you don't see I'm doing it right now? I haven't hurt anyone."

"Yet." I continue and walk faster.

"Are you trying to get rid of me?"


She looks taken aback by what I said, but swallowed down her pride. "I see, then I'll leave you for now." She takes a step back and back into the house.

"You're a jerk," A tiny voice speaks up, I look to the right and see the girl I kidnapped. "..and a bad person." She rolls her eyes when I am near her.

"And you're sassy." I take my seat beside her tiny body and she shrinks back onto the bench.

"Says you," She peeks up into the sunny sky. "I want to meet my cousin. I have something to give her since it's her birthday tomorrow." She pouts without realizing and sniffles softly.

"Are you doing that to make me fold? Cuz I won't." Pulling out my phone from my pocket I dialed a number.

"I'm not, I s-" I cut her off by putting my palm in front of her face to stop her.

"Hello? Yes. I want it ready by tonight and I want you to arrange it perfectly. No flaws." I hung up the call and saw her curious face in front of me. Her big doe eyes looking up at me like I'm the most fascinating thing she ever met.

"Hmm?" Cara tilts her tiny head to the side in question.

"You'll see." I tuck my phone back in my pocket and guide her back inside the house since it's getting very hot out. "Have you ever dealt with a person who's mad at you and wouldn't talk to you no matter how hard you try?" I look at her mouth that forms a round 'o'.

"Yes, I have actually." She nods and continues, "do you need some advice on that?"

I nod vaguely.

"You just have to start with not getting them to be mad at you." She finishes and walks off.

"Too late for that." I mumble.

After telling her about my world, the power we mythical beings possessed, the soulmate thing, I feel like she's closer to me than before. I thought it would push her away, but no, she was very understanding of it and it was so easy to talk to her about it. Easier than communicating with my doctor.

I open the door to my office and am met with Cara sitting upside down on my sofa with a glasses on the bridge of her nose and her feet propped up on the head rest.

This is another thing that became our habit. Her being in my office to read her novels and me, work.

"Rhys was looking for you, told him you were very sorry, so you better thank me and let me meet my cousin." She sasses out, watches me for a couple second before going back to her book.

I walk out of the office and into Rhys' bedroom. I knock once, twice and he opens the door, his hair messy, eyes clouded. "I wanted to say I'm sorry." I rush out so quick I don't think he catches it.

"Yes I already know, now can you leave? I'm in the middle of something." He closes the door halfway and refuses to let me peek inside.

Before I could utter another word I hear moaning in the room. "You're having sex." I state, and walk backwards telling him to continue with his little activity.

"You didn't warn me." I scold Cara who innocently looks at me.

"Oops, I guess I forgot to tell you that he told me to tell you he's going to be busy in his room and not to annoy him." She giggles and sits properly now.

"You minx. I strut toward my incliner chair and push myself forward to my desk filled with papers to sign.

"Must be nice, you get to sign papers everyday like a famous person. You must feel very special." She has that look on her face that tells me she's jealous.

"Not if you have been doing it for a couple years, no, you won't feel very special anymore." I place my pen down on the paper and start signing.

Halfway through my work, Cara starts humming and singing. She actually has a melodious voice.

I know she feels her family is the best and perfect and whatnot. But trust me her aunt and uncle were the ones who sold her to me.

Told me to one day just kidnap her when they give me a signal. Her cousin on the other hand 'might' not know a thing but who knows.

They would rather get a dog than have her they said. Honestly I would kill them right then and there, but I wanted to know whether this girl is worth it or not.

The answer is I should've just kill them.

Cara is very lovely, even though she never gets the same treatment by her uncle and aunt, she still loves them like her own family.

For her, they are the only family she will ever have.

I couldn't ruin it for her. I want her to find out on her own by me arranging a birthday party for her cousin.

I'll make sure they're all there, so she can see for herself how evil of a family they are.