
when the psychopath try romantic relationship (bl)

his beautiful face was that of an angel. A face that you can feel at ease everytime you see it. a face that can deceive you. He's a psychopath though. be careful not to fall for his beautiful facade. Cause you'll be his next victim. But what would happen when this psycho falls inlove? Will he be an angel like his face or will he be a greater demon that's possessive for his beloved. Follow the path of love of a psychopath who kills to protect his beloved.

Jarieeeee · แฟนตาซี
6 Chs


Alpha- alpha got the highest point leadership in the society, they are born leaders. And all alpha have their own ranking. And every alpha is divided by their aura colours.

There is 3 level on every aura colour. Dark, average and light. The darker the colour the higher their level is.

bronze grade- lowest ranking of alpha's. They have the colour red on their aura.

silver grade- second rank of alpha's ranking position. They have the colour orange on their aura.

gold grade- third rank of alpha's ranking position. They have the colour yellow on their aura.

emerald grade- fourth rank of alpha's ranking position. They have the colour green on their aura. and lastly;

Diamond grade- highest rank of alpha ranking position. They have the colour blue on their aura.

Femina- Feminas are the charmers. they could control a Human mind but of course they are limited as long as their rank is on the lower level than the person they control. They are people who can get pregnant disregarding the sex of the person. Every femina don't go to heat but they go to a cycle in a year where they lost their minds if not expose to their partner's aura for atleast one-two days or maybe weeks. They are rank base on their mark grade and they don't have level.

shape marks- those are femina's who have marks that belong to lower grades. The marks are mostly circles, triangles, and any other symbol.

flower marks- those who have flower marks are femina's who are on the second grades. Their mark consists of flowers.

weapon marks- those who have weapon marks are femina's who are on the third grades. Their mark consists of weapons.

animal marks- a femina who have animals marks are the second to the highest grade of Femina ranking. Their marks consists of animal heads.

Mythical marks- a femina who have mythical marks are the highest grade of femina ranking. Their marks consists of mythical creatures.

Vega- are people that are people who have outstanding physical abilities. They can carry more tons a normal person can. They are categorised as Strength, Speed and Dexterity. The higher the number the more powerful they are.

Noma- are the people who can use magic. They are rank by their mana measurements. The higher their mana capacity is the higher their rank are. Nomas have 8 abilities. The basic fire, water, wind, and land. The rare is the light and darkness. And legendary is the time and space. But because of their rarity. Noma are highly appreciated by upper society.

Aura- is the atmosphere that most alpha's can use and intimate other lower