
When the night is torn

A character who always finds a way to run away from the organization A man who was murdered by his clan. A power struggle between underground forces. Authoritarian people, are willing to risk everything to achieve the peak of power. Conspiracy makes us cold. There are fears, there is courage. All will be revealed when you click and enter that world...

JuXian · สมัยใหม่
42 Chs

Party 2

Moc Anh's eyes contained sadness, sorrow, and coldness.

Turns out Chu Duan Ham never remembered Moc Anh!

As it turned out only Moc Anh herself dreamed and embraced her dream about him and their future lives.

At the time when the two were two carefree children, then Chu Duan Ham's parents suddenly had an accident. The two brothers Chu Duan Ham were brought home to raise by Chu Chinh Hung, since then they have cut off contact.

Later, Moc Anh heard that he had gone abroad to study. Moc Anh asked many people, knowing that Chu Duan Ham is studying in Japan. Moc Anh asked her parents, hoping to also be able to study in Japan. Moc Anh wants to find Chu Duan Ham and wants to study well with him, their future will be wonderful.

Only thing, when Moc Anh had completed the admission procedure in Japan, after two months, she received the news that her father's company had gone bankrupt, her mother had a stroke, and the burden of debt was still there. Moc Anh can't continue studying in Japanese practice but must return to the country.

When she returned, it was also the day she had to carry a large amount of debt on her shoulders.

A girl was born a young lady from a rich family, never had to touch anything. But one day, the debt collectors ran to find her. Because she did not have money to pay the debt, she had to work many jobs: serving, and cleaning staff, ... her studies were also stopped.

Moc Anh did not have money to go to university, was threatened by creditors to beat her, and her father was so depressed that he jumped to his death. Moc Anh's stroke mother still needs to stay in the hospital for treatment. Medical expenses, living expenses, debt, ... economic pressure has made the shoulders of a resilient girl also flex.

As a result, she sold her first night to a man for money. After the night of losing her virginity, the debt was paid in full, and her mother's hospital and medical bills were also paid in full.

Life was jostled, then Moc Anh stepped into the entertainment world. From here on, the life experienced by a lady has been taken back.

She became the focus of the press and became a celebrity sought after by brands. Fame, glory, money,...all have come back for real!

Only thing, so what?

Chu Duan Ham can't remember who she is?

What is the effort of Moc Anh so far?

Moc Anh painfully bit her lip, her heart was bleeding, and she felt numb and tired as if she had been knocked down.

She looked at him bitterly. It seems that now, in Chu Duan Ham's eyes, she is just a strange woman.


Moc Anh looked at him silently, the more she looked, the more her heart hurt.

As it turns out, this is felt when loved a man for many years but the love that she gave was not reciprocated by that man.

She likes him, but he doesn't know who she is? Only she is self-loving, she alone suffers.

"Chu Duan Ham." Moc Anh choked, Moc Anh's eyes couldn't control the sadness, tears wanted to flow out of his eye sockets. "Have you forgotten me?"

The outstretched hand grabbed the corner of Chu Duan Ham's shirt, just like Moc Anh was grabbing the last straw.

The price to pay for one-sided love is so bitter!

"Stay away!" Chu Duan Ham jerked his body sideways, he was disgusted with the touch of other women.

His face was white, his lips were tight, his jaw was protruding, and his cold eyes swept through the hand of Moc Anh was clinging to his shirt.

"What the hell are you doing? Please be proud!"

"...." Moc Anh painfully bit his lip, tears overflowing at the corner of his eyelids.

Chu Duan Ham hastily left to another place.

As he walked, he muttered:

"Fortunately Tham Nhu is not here! Otherwise, in this situation, even if I jumped into ten rivers, I wouldn't have washed all my wrongs!"

Chu Duan Ham looked around, then decided to go inside the hall. Soon, the party will officially begin, and the host of the party will step up to the podium to speak.

Chu Duan Ham did not know who the owner of this party was, nor did he want to guess. His patience is limited, he tries to keep his spirits up, trying to stay at this party until the end so that he can return home.

Tham Nhu is waiting for his return.

Tham Nhu is alone at home, he doesn't know when she is alone, is she lonely or not?

The more he thought about it, the more upset he felt, and he was surrounded by cold air on all sides. Unpleasant mood, mixed with excitement.

Chu Duan Ham was never like that before.

It's just that when he met Tham Nhu, all his emotions were transformed unexpectedly.

Chu Duan Ham: "...." !!!

The excitement in his heart quickly subsided.

He calmly found a hidden spot, chose a comfortable chair, then sat down.

The guests attending the party seemed to have been present in large numbers.

They chose for themselves a reasonable sitting position, everyone was very polite.

The seats were empty, the tables were filled with friendly guests.

The owner of the party began to appear.


Mac Bac Thanh stepped onto the podium.

His white suit had no wrinkles, the right side of his buttonhole was studded with a pink stone, and his walking style made everyone's eyes turn to look at him.

Behind Mac, Bac Thanh is a beautiful girl.

The gentleness and grace are like a beautiful floating white cloud. Her big wet eyes made the young masters of aristocratic families turn their eyes to look.

Receiving the microphone from a presenter, Mac Bac Thanh calmly spoke up:

"Hello, guests~ Thank you for taking some of your precious time to come here to attend our Mac Gia Trang party. Mac Bac Thanh, I am very honored about this. Our Mac Gia Trang has been attached to C city for many generations, so far it has been three generations. Until Mac Bac Thanh's life, I am four. Mac Family's existence and achievements are also thanks to the support and consideration. Please allow me to express my sincerest and deepest thanks to all of you here. Today, on the occasion of the founding anniversary of Mac Thi, I am honored to be here, honored to join you in the vibrant and joyful atmosphere of the party. Thank you, valued guests! Have a good evening!"

A round of applause resounded in the hall.

Everyone sitting below enthusiastically applauded the atmosphere.

"Dear ladies and gentlemen! You must be very curious and wondering who is the beautiful lady standing next to me? Yes, I would like to introduce you to everyone, this is Mac Thi Nghien, my second daughter! Come on, Thi Nghien, come over here! Come over and say hello to the guests for a moment~"

"Yes." Mac Thi Nghien stood next to her with a bright, pure smile.

She took the microphone from her father's hand, innocent eyes looking down at the stands.

In the hundreds of eyes watching everyone, Mac Thi Nghien glanced at one, her point of view stopped at Chu Duan Ham's position.

Of all the people sitting in the other stands, everyone's eyes were on Mac Thi Nghien. But only this handsome man is not.

With the style of dress, plus the cold aura radiating from all sides. The stands below are like a mixed pot, but this man reminds Mac Thi Nghien of a few words: arrogant temperament, coldness, haughty, is a beautiful male God in the human world. He is of the stuff that is pure, clean, and free of dust, just like a male fairy.

Mac Thi Nghien looked so dumbfounded that she forgot that she was standing on the stage. She forgot what she was about to say.

Mac Bac Thanh looked at his daughter, his daughter was dreaming, a vague spirit, just like is led her soul by someone.

Mac Bac Thanh's forehead was slightly wrinkled, his face was not good, he looked at Mac Thi Nghien. The loud voice of a small middle-aged man sounded, just enough for Mac Thi Nghien to hear.

Mac Bac Thanh reminds:

"Thi Nghien! Thi Nghien! Where are you looking? Everyone is waiting for you to speak!"


Mac Thi Nghien was startled, her face was confused.

That man's beauty and temperament made Mac Thi Nghien unable to take his eyes off her.

Before her father's warning, Mac Thi Nghien hurriedly rearranged her chaotic emotions, and calmly took a deep breath.

"Hello everyone! I'm Mac Thi Nghien. The first time I appeared in such a crowded place, I was a bit confused and unfamiliar, I hope this rudeness of mine will not make everyone uncomfortable and offensive. It's embarrassing!"

Everyone in the stands just smiled, thinking that Mac Thi Nghien was shy in front of the crowd, so they sympathized with this.

After that, all eyes were still on Mac Thi Nghien, listening to what Mac Thi Nghien had to say.

Mac Thi Nghien mainly tells briefly about her learning process and the talents she has learned over the years under the Mac family.

At the end of the speech, Mac Thi Nghien showed off her piano playing skills.

The sound of the piano sounded.

It's the song "Moonlight Sonata" by Ludwig Van Beethoven!


Everyone's eyes of appreciation and admiration turned to Mac Thi Nghien.


"This girl is so multi-talented!"

"As expected, the young lady was born in the Mac family, drawing, playing the piano, dancing ballet, everything. It's admirable!"

"The Mac family is very good at educating girls! I wish I had such a beautiful and talented daughter, it's a great honor for the family!"

"Miss Mac's family is so beautiful!"

"Oh~~ this is a fairy descending! Such a beauty, my god~ So pretty!"

"It's perfect!"


Before everyone praised her, Mac Thi Nghien was happy in her heart.

The corner of her lips was slightly raised, the pride and confidence of a lady of the Mac family captured everyone's hearts.

Sitting in a dark corner, Chu Duan Ham sat with his face straight.

The sound of Mac Thi Nghien's piano was so wonderful, so heart-fluttering, the result was through his ears, it was like a 'play the piano next to the ears of the buffalo'.

Chu Duan Ham must have apologized to 'Ludwig van Beethoven once, or else he is a bad gentleman!


Chu Duan Ham learned the piano from a young age and played this song in the past.

He admired the eyes of a bunch of music blind people, they don't understand the beauty of the song, they don't know who this immortal song was written by?

They only know that the person who can play the piano is the talent, beautiful beauty and family background of Mac Thi Nghien, what they are cut down is beauty and family background.

But are they really knowledgeable about music?


They don't understand anything!

Chu Duan Ham witnessed this scene once.

Those were the few days he attended the school festival, his piano performance made many people admire him.

The only Chu Than An did not care about Chu Duan Ham performing. Under the stands at the time, Chu Than An's eyes were always glued to the phone screen.

At that time, Chu Duan Ham disgruntled asked his brother:

"Why when I'm playing, you can sit under the stage to watch Naruto? Naruto more attractive than me?"

Chu Than An was funny and threw the phone to Chu Duan Ham.

"Here! Look then say! You play the wrong musical notes. How dare you scream in my face? Chu Duan Ham, what kind of play are you playing? Our parents raising pigs is even more profitable than you going to school! Too wasted rice! " Chu Than An pointed to the phone screen, said.

"But the audience applauded! They also praised me for playing the piano very well!" Chu Duan Ham stubbornly said.

Chu Than An laughed and glanced at his younger brother:

"You really think they understand the musical notes and lyrics you hit? No! They don't understand! They just clapped their hands because of your cute face! What do you want proud of anything? Because you don't play well, so your piece of music becomes not good? You studied for so long but still play it wrong. Chu Duan Ham, are your ears a buffalo's ear?"

"...." Chu Duan Ham black face.

Chu Than An smiled and patted his younger brother's head:

"Okay! Let me give you a reluctant compliment, as a moral encouragement for you, okay?"

"Don't want! Huh!" Chu Duan Ham puffed up his mouth and angrily turned his face away.


Besides, some parents are still talking about the performance.

Chu Duan Ham raised his ears to listen.

"Primary students are so good now! They can even play the piano! Ah, the kid who plays the piano is so cute too! Oh, I want to run over and kiss him. So cute~"

"That's right, that's right!"

"Surely this boy's parents both work in the arts? Looking at the boy playing the piano so fluently, he must have inherited genes from his parents!"

"What kind of music was he playing just now? Sounds great!"

"I don't know either!"

"Oh, but he's so cute! Ha ha ha!"


Chu Duan Ham quietly closed his ears, bored, and didn't want to continue listening.

Chu Than An laughed, tapping his younger brother's forehead:

"I told you, but you don't believe it! No one understands what song you're playing! Hit the wrong note and brag, don't you feel embarrassed?"



No more after that.

Chu Duan Ham returned to close all the pianos.

Since then, he never played piano in front of Chu Than An's face again.

Not because of low self-esteem, but because Chu Duan Ham hates the habit of most people, they just like to follow along, not understanding the nature of the problem.

Chu Duan Ham found it ridiculous and funny, so he stopped playing the piano altogether.


"Sir Chu! May I ask you to dance?" A beautiful female hand stretched out in front of Chu Duan Ham.


Chu Duan Ham woke up, his cold eyes looked up.

In front of Chu Duan Ham, that beautiful girl was no one other, she is Moc Anh.

Chu Duan Ham lazily stretched his legs, pretended to rub the back of his neck, and said:

"I do not know how to dance!"

Moc Anh looked at him silently.


"Sir Chu, can I invite you for a glass?" A clear, pure voice resounded.

Mac Thi Nghi walked between two rows of people, her thin, soft skirt following her heels.

Among the crowd, Mac Thi Nghien becomes stands out.

The people around were laughing and talking happily to each other, but their ears were still straight.

They are waiting to see how the other Sir Chu will answer with the Mac beautiful girl~

Mac Thi Nghien smiled gently, her white finger raising her wine glass. Mac Thi Nghien's lips turned up, her eyes filled with laughter.

Chu Duan Ham didn't care, he coldly replied:

"Sorry, I have to drive later, can't drink alcohol!"

"Oh~" Mac Thi Nghien was not angry. She changed her wine glass into a glass of orange juice, heading towards Chu Duan Ham. "Then can I get orange juice instead of wine to have a glass of Sir Chu?"

Chu Duan Ham stared at the glass of orange juice in Mac Thi Nghien's hand, then he looked at the crowd nearby.

It seems that these people are very interested in gossip, right?

Chu Duan Ham sneered.

But this smile of his was of course well-trained and commercialized. From cold to polite, the distance is only in the way he shows on his face.

He took the glass of orange juice in Mac Thi Nghien's hand and politely replied:

"Thank you!"

Chu Duan Ham raised a glass of orange juice in front of him and smiled at Mac Thi Nghien:

"Miss Mac, please!"

"Sir Chu, please!"

The two guests clink glasses together.

Mac Thi Nghien happily raised her wine glass, then drank it down.

Chu Duan Ham took a step back, and a manly voice whispered:

"Miss Moc, do you like to drink orange juice?"

Moc Anh was suddenly asked a question by Chu Duan Ham, she looked at him in surprise, Moc Anh's emotion was very clear.

Moc Anh replied:

"Yes, I love drinking orange juice!"

After hearing this, Chu Duan Ham immediately breathed a sigh of relief:

"Very good!"

He put a cup of orange juice in Moc Anh's hand and casually said: "I'm allergic to orange juice, so I can't drink it. But Miss Mac's goodwill, I can't refuse. Miss Moc here also considered as a precious guest of Mac Gia Trang, letting Miss Moc drink for me, wouldn't it be considered rude?"

The corner of Moc Anh's lips twitched, she did not expect that Chu Duan Ham would use this method to deal with Mac Thi Nghien.

Moc Anh received a glass of orange juice and smiled.

"Thank you, Sir Chu!"

Drinking a glass of orange juice, Moc Anh took a glass of wine, raised his finger slightly, and looked at Mac Thi Nghien:

"I also want to invite Miss Mac for a glass, I don't know if I can?"

Mac Thi Nghien's face darkened.

"...." Who wants to be invited by this bitch?