
When the night is torn

A character who always finds a way to run away from the organization A man who was murdered by his clan. A power struggle between underground forces. Authoritarian people, are willing to risk everything to achieve the peak of power. Conspiracy makes us cold. There are fears, there is courage. All will be revealed when you click and enter that world...

JuXian · สมัยใหม่
42 Chs

Chap 39: Dream back - Monster in the basement.

Dense darkness covered the night.

Drizzle falls.

In a small house on the outskirts of the Siberian city, a musty smell rose.

The house looked cramped, dirty, and dark. The outside of the house is locked with a rusty but equally sturdy padlock. The walls of the house are tinged with time, it seems that this house has been around for a long time.

The sound of a man's footsteps echoed in the night. The left-hand holds a lamp, the right hand holds a meticulously designed wooden crate. He went to the locked door, put the wooden crate on the floor, took the key, and put it in the lock. A cold sound resounded in the still air.

He picked up the wooden crate and held it in his hand. Following the small light of the lamp, a faint light shone into the room. The musty smell is now disgusting, inhaling makes people nauseous. This man couldn't help but inhale this disgusting smell. He felt terrible, immediately spat, and then spat on the floor.

"Lau Tu Than..."

"Lau Tu Than..."


He is calling someone.

But the only response he received was a gloomy, silent atmosphere.

A moment later, from a small room in the basement came the sound of metal chains clashing.

Below that room was a cellar. A place where there is no light forever. A musty smell wafts from the cellar.

A boy about thirteen years old, his arms and legs chained by large chains. His face is very beautiful, every corner carries a lonely cold breath. The boy sat silently in a dark corner, his face pressed against a rectangular hole in the wall. It is a tool for him to look outside.

Through that small rectangular hole, the boy could see the pitch black outside, see small raindrops falling into puddles on the ground. The outside world is still just a shadow. But that place contained his hope, his faith, his desire for freedom.

He feels that this life still has good things, but that place is forever not for him.

No one knew of his existence in this cellar, except for a few close aides of his father.

His father is a cold, cruel mafia boss. This life of hers was given by him. Five years passed, and he lived in this basement.

Every day, a man comes to deliver rice. That man is his father's close aide: Long Dien butler.

Butler Long Dien worked for his father for many years. Everything in the Lau family is managed by Long Dien.


"Tu Than?"

The voice of The butler Long.

Lau Tu Than heard the housekeeper Dung calling, but he did not answer. This scene has been familiar for many years, he won't answer him because he doesn't want to communicate with him.

Butler Long knew he didn't want to talk to him, so he sighed, his face was not good. Looks like he's in a lot of trouble.

"Young master." Butler Long spoke up. "If you continue to obediently refuse to eat, in this basement house will starve. No one cares about you, you will die!"

Lau Tu Than lowered his eyes slightly, he didn't look at the rectangular slot anymore. He leaned back slightly, then calmly maintained the silence.

He thinks that death is very close to him. One day, you will rot in this cellar.

Only, dying like that, he had predicted. He doesn't feel this is a surprising result. Life is more painful than death, so what's the point of living?

If you die, you will be liberated. Freed from body to soul, he will not be imprisoned in such a terrible place again.

"Young master..."

Butler Long hesitantly continued:

"I don't think about myself, but I also think about my lover in heaven. If she knew that I continued to abuse her like this, she would be heartbroken."

"..." Lau Tu Than continued to be silent.

It seems that everything Long Hao said was like a breeze in his ears, and did not affect Lau Tu Than at all.

Like a stiff statue, Lou Sichen remained silent, not showing any reaction as usual.

Long Dien sighed heavily. Previously, Lou Sichen was a lively boy who loved to laugh. Since the day Lou Sichen's mother passed away, he seemed to be withdrawn in his inner world, lazy to react to all external movements.

Until one day, Lou Hao saw his father and a woman in bed together. Lau Tu Than was taken aback. He feels the world around them e is a lie and a lie. Not long after his mother died, his father brought home a woman. He felt that his father was very disgusted, he hated the woman who was rolling around with his father in bed.

Kill them!


Only killing the damn couple can calm him down. Only fresh blood can wash away the stains of a mother's pure love for her father.

His father is a traitor to love, a traitor who needs to be dealt with!

Don't deserve to exist!

And that is...

On an overcast day.

Lau Tu Than quietly stole the gun from his father's locker. He waits for the other woman to appear, he will use the silver bullet inside the pistol to end the damn woman's life.

However, life is like a ridiculous joke.

That woman never appeared again. Because of her absence, Lau Tu Than's first murder plan was foiled.

His bad father appeared.

This time, he brought a man home.

Lau Tu Than did not know that man. This is a man in perfect shape. Lau Tu Than doesn't know how to describe that man, he can only describe it in two words: fiercely beautiful!

The man gave a gentle smile, then went with his father into the office. Lau Tu Than sat blankly on the stairs for a long time, the Rubik's cube in his hand seemed to have loosened, and the other man and his father were still in the reading room.

Until it was dark, the man and his father finally came out. He didn't know what they were doing in the reading room.

He didn't think much, didn't care anymore. As long as it's not the woman and his father doing dirty things in bed!

Only thing ...

Being the naive Lau Tu Than, he didn't know his father would dare to do dirty things with the man in that reading room.

Until then, everything seemed to have been arranged in advance. Turns out their father had been married to his mother all this time to deceive the world and his grandfather. Turns out his dad is gay. His birth was due to his mother sneaking aphrodisiacs into his father's wine glass and this helped her get pregnant. His father never loved his mother.

Lau Tu Than didn't know how to face this horrible truth.

Adults... How can it be so disgusting?

What's wrong with a kid like you?

If his birth was an accident, then why did his father and mother continue to live together?

They have created a warm and sweet family atmosphere for him, causing him to fall into that happy hole, forever unable to stop. Lou Sichen did not want to accept this fact. And the thought of wanting to kill someone immediately popped into his head. The pistol was still in his hand, his father did not realize it had been stolen.

Lau Tu Than laughed. He used that gun to aim directly at the other man and his father and then shot.

But very sorry.

That gun has no ammo. The last bullet was being stored by his father. And so, he was ordered by his father, his close aide, Long Dien, who ordered him to be arrested and thrown into this dark cellar immediately.

Outdoor rain still falling.

The musty smell is getting stronger.

The sound of dishes clashing.

Long Dien sighed, his voice low. He told him:

"Young master! You can't beat your boss like that all day, the boss knows you're young. The boss won't work with a child. So the master hopes you'll bow your head." Only then can you go out Young Master, please take my advice... For your lover, for your father, but also for yourself! There is only one boy, and that boy is you! Tigers don't eat their cubs, trust me, follow my advice, okay? "


Lau Tu Than did not answer.

For him, these issues are not unintelligible. He simply did not want to submit to his father.

Solidity is good for the bones, stubbornness permeates the blood, the country is easy to change, and nature is hard to change. He didn't want to bow.

It is simply that!

I don't need anyone to understand me, and I don't want anyone to understand my inner self. He creates a tough shell in his inner world that no one can penetrate, nothing can break and nothing can shake. Such a strong inner spirit, not every child can possess it.

Over the years, life in this 'prison' had been exhausting enough for him. Life is weak, fragile, and gradually extinguished by his negative thoughts.

Is it life or death? It is only thinly separated by an undefined boundary. No one knows when death will take him, and no one knows when he will end his boring life.

Maybe it'll be quick...

It's pouring rain outside...

Then the rain will stop, the sky will be blue, and the pure joy of life will also end.

Death, immortality.
