“And here is where I’ll be spending much of my time,” he said, flipping on a light switch. “Welcome to my studio.”
During my days at St. Matthew’s, this area had been a reading and study corner, as well as the place where students would display their science projects and various artwork. Now, instead of the far wall being used to exhibit solar system mobiles, blotchy finger paintings, or horribly misshapen clay or paper-maché sculptures, I counted seven guitars, both acoustic and electric, along with two five-string basses on stands. Additional stands supported saxophones—an alto, tenor, and a baritone, if I correctly identified them—while a chest-high shelf held other woodwinds—a clarinet, an oboe, what looked like an old-fashioned recorder, a piccolo, and a lone harmonica. Boxes of extra reeds, guitar picks, several pairs of headphones, some microphones, and neatly coiled cables filled the remainder of the shelf.