
When the heart beat

a warewolf girl who comes back only to find her pack members, friends and family dead,imagine what she felt,she must have being devastated and broken. Kiara a warewolf who vowed to take revenge on her packmates but ended up making a friend in the way who helped cause trouble within the vampire coven but it wasn't for long as Kiara was captured by the vampire clan leader and taken to the human realm after he made her steal the bloodstone for his own selfish purposes. They took identities of noble people in their area, Kiara planned various method of escapes which didn't work out and Sefra seemed to like her presence in the house and started developing feeling for her,he soon found out that she was his mate and that was the reason he had not killed her yet. Torn between love and revenge which will prevail and what will Kiara do?.

Ceecee_ · แฟนตาซี
42 Chs

chapter thirty seven manager (3)

The Uber ride back home was a quiet one. Kiara stared out of the window, lost in her thoughts. When she arrived home, she thanked the driver and walked into the house, her mood visibly subdued.

David, who had been waiting for her, noticed her downcast expression. "Kiara, how did it go?" he asked, his voice full of concern.

Kiara sighed, her shoulders slumping. "I don't know, David. I'm not sure if I did well enough. I thought I was prepared, but now I'm not so sure."

He walked over to her, offering a comforting smile. "Remember, Kiara, sometimes we are our own harshest critics. You might have done better than you think."

She managed a small smile in return, appreciating his words of encouragement. "Thanks, David. I hope you're right."

That evening, David threw a celebration to lift her spirits. The living room was decorated with streamers and colorful balloons, and a table was laden with delicious food. He had gone all out to create a festive atmosphere to celebrate what he assumed was her successful interview.

However, as the celebration went on, Kiara found it difficult to immerse herself in the joyous mood. She appreciated David's efforts, but her mind was still weighed down by the uncertainty of the interview outcome. She forced smiles and laughter, but her heart remained heavy.

As the night wore on, Kiara excused herself, citing fatigue from the day. David's expression showed a hint of concern, but he respected her decision. She walked back to her own room, her thoughts a whirlwind of hopes and fears.

Alone in her room, Kiara stared out of her window at the moonlit sky. She hoped that her doubts would prove unfounded, that she would receive a positive response from the company. But regardless of the outcome, she knew that she had given her best effort.

With a determined sigh, Kiara resolved to face whatever came her way. She couldn't control the outcome, but she could control her response to it. As she drifted off to sleep, she whispered a silent prayer for the strength to navigate disappointment and the resilience to embrace whatever the future held for her.

The morning sun filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow across Kiara's room. As she stirred awake, she reached for her phone on the nightstand. To her surprise, a call from an unknown number was flashing on the screen. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, she answered the call hesitantly.

"Hello?" she said, her voice tinged with grogginess.

"Good morning, is this Kiara?" a cheerful voice on the other end of the line asked.

"Yes, it is," Kiara replied, her curiosity piqued.

"I'm calling from the restaurant you interviewed at yesterday. I'm pleased to inform you that you've been selected for the job! Congratulations!"

Kiara's heart leaped with joy, and a wide smile broke across her face. "Oh, thank you so much! I'm thrilled!"

"We're excited to have you on board. You can start next week. We'll email you the details."

Kiara thanked the receptionist before ending the call. Her heart raced with happiness as she realized that her hopes had materialized into reality. She had secured the job she had wanted, and a wave of gratitude washed over her.

Quickly brushing aside the covers, Kiara practically bounced out of bed. She couldn't wait to share the news with David. She headed to the bathroom, freshened up with a shower and a quick brush of her teeth, and then stepped out into the living area.

To her delight, the aroma of breakfast filled the air. David was in the kitchen, humming a tune as he prepared a delicious-looking spread.

"Morning, Kiara," David greeted with a smile as he noticed her.

Kiara's excitement bubbled over as she practically danced over to him. "Morning, David! Guess what? I got the job!"

His eyes lit up with genuine happiness. He turned off the stove and opened his arms wide. "That's amazing, Kiara! Congratulations!"

She practically leaped into his embrace, hugging him tightly. David wrapped his arms around her, sharing in her excitement. After a moment, they pulled back, their smiles mirroring each other's.

As breakfast was served, Kiara enthusiastically recounted the call from the restaurant and how she felt in that moment. David listened with rapt attention, sharing in her joy. They talked and laughed, their bond growing stronger with each passing moment.

After breakfast, Kiara leaned back in her chair, a contented sigh escaping her lips. "I can't believe this is happening. I'm so grateful, David."

David reached across the table, placing his hand on hers. "You deserve every bit of it, Kiara. Your hard work and determination have paid off."

She smiled, her heart warmed by his words. "Thank you for being there for me through all of this."

David's eyes held a mixture of sincerity and warmth. "Always, Kiara. I'm glad to be a part of your journey."

As they shared a moment of quiet camaraderie, Kiara realized how lucky she was to have David in her life. His support and friendship had been unwavering, and as she looked ahead to her new job, she knew that she was stepping into a future filled with promise and possibilities.

With gratitude in her heart and the memory of their celebratory breakfast, Kiara looked forward to embracing the opportunities that lay ahead, knowing that David's friendship would continue to be a guiding light along the way.

She chose an outfit that exuded confidence while remaining professional – a tailored blouse and slacks that showcased her determination to excel in her role. She stood before the mirror, straightening her clothes and taking a deep breath.

Breakfast had been a joyous affair with David, his encouragement and support bolstering her spirits. Now, as she stood by the door, he gave her an encouraging smile.

"Good luck, Kiara. You're going to do great," he said.

With that, David drove her to the restaurant. The drive was a mix of camaraderie and nerves, with Kiara recounting her preparation and David offering words of encouragement.

Arriving at the restaurant, Kiara took a deep breath and stepped out of the car. The establishment was bustling with activity, the aroma of food filling the air. She made her way inside, her heart pounding with anticipation.

As she approached the front desk, the receptionist greeted her with a warm smile. "You must be Kiara. Welcome! We're glad to have you."

"Thank you," Kiara replied, her nerves momentarily eased by the friendly welcome.

The receptionist proceeded to introduce her to the restaurant's operations manager, who would be guiding her through her new role. Kiara listened intently as he explained the dynamics of the restaurant, its staff, and the expectations they had for her as the manager.

"You'll be responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations," the operations manager explained. "You'll need to ensure that everything runs smoothly and efficiently. If there are any issues, they'll come under your purview."