
When the Empress gets his Majesty's love

lady Allendice a sixteen year old girl is trapped in an arranged marriage with the eighteen year old prince Linden. the prince completely despises her and is in love with another woman but six years later when the great war ends things change and the prince begins falling for her until...

1Nol_loves_anime · แฟนตาซี
40 Chs

where is she

Linden's POV

"sire i have news on lady Lilith" said Darren "tell me immediately" i commanded "the maid who was disguised as Lilith, her name is Lucy, she told us that the lady was disguised as a man, she cut her hair like for a man and she left the palace to word as a medical knight . the second account was from a man named Jake, Jake worked with Lilith at the medical barracks, over there her name was Livio and during the attack she was shot with an arrow in her back. Jake was hit in the head and didn't know what happened then.

BOOOOOOOMMMM the war drums had commenced and the opposing nations were under our noses. my men started marching towards them and fighting. somehow we were winning and everything was under our control. the king of the other nation was however determined. his face was red with fury. i ran towards him with my sword and we began fighting. "your woman is mine now" he said "what the fuck did you do to her, where is she "i asked with anger "lets just say she's warming my bed right now" my blood began boiling and i fought more intensely. at that very moment Edgar came to help. upon seeing Edgar, the king ran towards a horse and began escaping. both Edgar and i took horses and began chasing him. his horse tripped over a stone and fell down and he also came tumbling down. Edgar and i got off out horses and started attacking him. he was powerful and the black magic that he used made his powers even stronger. he stabbed me in the chest when my guard was down. i started bleeding but kept on fighting, i had to defeat him and find Lilith. Edgar then got a fatal stab in his side and he fell to the ground. as much as i wanted Edgar to die so that i could have Lilith to my self, i jumped in front of the blade to save him. i now had another wound at my side. the king let his guard down and with all my might i decapitated him. his head went flying off.