
When the Empress gets his Majesty's love

lady Allendice a sixteen year old girl is trapped in an arranged marriage with the eighteen year old prince Linden. the prince completely despises her and is in love with another woman but six years later when the great war ends things change and the prince begins falling for her until...

1Nol_loves_anime · แฟนตาซี
40 Chs

the hunting competition

Lilith's POV

the hunting competition always happens every fall after the crown prince's coming of age ceremony. it is compulsory that the crown princess joins her fiancé at the hunting competition. the maids drew a bath for me with rose petals and rose oils. after bathing i went to change. my hair was short now but not as short as i first cut it.it was now at shoulder length and the maids dressed me in a pale blue dress with golden leaves in my hair. it did look amazing.

i walked to the entrance of the castle where a knight brought horse for me. i had to side saddle the whole way to the hunting grounds and that was a pain in the ass. i got to the hunting competition and entered a small tent, this tent was where all the competitors changed into the Hunting outfits. I made sure that nobody saw me enter the tent. I changed into my hunting Gear, which I asked Lucy to sneak in for me and removed all the decorations in my hair and made a man bun style in my short hair which was now shoulder length. all the competitors in the competition had to wear a colored blindfold, we all had different colors and mine was lilac. I grabbed a bow and arrow set and made my way out of the tent. I marched towards where all the horses were kept and took a white horse. the horse was fluffy and muscular. it was beautiful.

i mounted the horse and rode it towards the starting line. at the starting line i could see Edgar and the new emperor Linden. they seemed lost in thought and didn't recognize me at all. Linden was looking towards where the people were seated as if he was looking for somebody and Edgar did the same. "GGGGGGOOOOOOOOO" a man screamed and all the competitors went running into the forest and i followed.

riding was one of the best feelings in the world to me. i could feel the fresh air battering on my face as i went deeper into the forest. i stopped where there was a large oak tree that resembled the one that Edgar showed me when we had butterfly pea flower tea. i heard something something in the forest and standing there looking at me dead in the eye was a large black bear with a scar on its left eye, the bear was also blind in its left eye. i remembered seeing a painting of that bear in a book that i read in the imperial library. it was one of the largest creatures in the forest. i began steadying my arrow and let the arrow go. the arrow hit the bear in his right eye. the bear let out a roar of pain and started running toward me. i grabbed the straps of my horses saddle and started moving away. suddenly as i was looking back at the bear behind me i saw that an arrow had hit the bear in its head and killed it i then saw lindens beautiful long white hair.

"Lilith, what are you doing in the hunting competition" he said "i-uu-i was trying to have fun" i replied "there are other ways for a woman to have fun" he said and i saw Edgar's horse appear with Edgar on his back. "Lilith, what are you doing at the hunting competition" he said in a happy tone "is it that obvious that its me " i said and started laughing. Edgar started laughing and that only caused linden to also start laughing

since the bear was dead, we had to bring the bear back to the main competition grounds so that the people could see what we had caught so all three of is tied ropes from our horses to the bear and began dragging it. we had reached the main grounds of the competition. we began to hear peoples cheers as we got closer.

"thanks to you, i was able to kill the beast so i think we should both get credit" said linden. "i don't think i did much actually, just a coincidental shot that hit the bear in its eye. "i replied "how did you learn archery" Edgar said and i began telling him about how i had been taught by one of the knights of the kingdom that bought me during the war.