
When The Billionaire CEO Falls

¶ Shereen Hart¶ Seduce my mind and You can have my body, Find my soul and I'm Your's forever... ----------------- ¶Aiden Knight¶ I'm craving for her Craving to kiss her sweet Pink lips Craving to feel every Part of her body Craving to taste her Sweet heavenly cunt Craving to see her Squirming and moaning For me Craving to ravage her Like a wild beast on fire ------------------------- Shereen Hart is a woman of boldness, beauty, and independence, with a strong, charming, and charismatic personality that captivates those around her. Despite having numerous admirers, she remains indifferent to their advances. As an ambitious entrepreneur with dreams and aspirations, she leaves many wondering why such a stunning woman is still single. What lies beneath her tough exterior, concealing secrets and pain? However, a change is on the horizon as her icy demeanor begins to thaw, though the when and how remain a mystery even to her. Aiden Knight, a strikingly handsome bachelor, has always been a playboy who shuns the idea of marriage, children, and true love. As a renowned billionaire CEO with successful restaurants and a popular lounge, he is accustomed to women falling for him. What will happen when he is faced with the very thing he has always dismissed - true love - after all he has experienced? Shereen and Aiden are burdened by their inescapable pasts. However, Cupid, ever the meddler, decides to step in and shoot his arrow, granting them a renewed opportunity for love. The question remains: will they conquer the pain and betrayal of their pasts and embrace the chance to rediscover love? Alternatively, will they choose to evade their emotions, passion, and the intense connection they share? Witness the convergence of these two individuals, hailing from different nations, as they cross paths on a digital platform. Prepare for the chaos that ensues!

foxyash · สมัยใหม่
19 Chs

Tunnel Club- 4 Years Ago


Being a smart and clever girl, Shereen had always been on top of her classes from her early age as a result she had skipped classes and had attended her high school and by the age of 18 she was in college doing her bachelor's.

At the age of 20, Shereen had her double Master's degree in Fashion Designing and Master's in Interior and Living design. She graduated with flying colours from there as well.

Though she had her own passion and desire of opening her own fashion and interior design company one day she also had responsibility towards her family.

Being a single child of the family was hard for her as her parent's had lots of hopes from her and one of the hopes that her father had wished for her was to pass on his hard earned company to her daughter.

"He had said, princess I know you wish to open up your own company one day but you also have responsibility towards the company I have worked so hard for and I planned on passing this legacy to you".

I don't want outsiders looking after my company that is like a child to me...so you are going to be the future CEO of A.H.S.

For that you need to do your Master's in Business administration and Management as well, do you agree to this?

That was the condition put forward to her by her father in order to carry on with her dreams.

"And she had said yes!"

Thus, she joined Harvard University an "Ivy League" to do Master's in Business administration and management to fulfill her father's dream and wish as well.

But she was not alone; her friends Nia and Mary had also applied for the same and together they were known as the "three musketeers" and beauty of the university.

Their boldness and beauty captured many men's hearts and followed them like a lost puppy in love.

Students also called them "campus belle and femme fatale"

All three of them were badass women but humble as well.

Though all three belonged to a rich family they never showed their wealthiness or their haughtiness and that's what won the many students' hearts.

Especially Shereen, she was an enchantress who can lure and attract any man with her beauty with brain nature.

Men wanted her to make their girlfriend and some wanted to marry her but she being a "humble bee" rejected all of them.

Till now nobody was able to capture her attention.

She had only one thing on her mind and that was to study well and ace the university like she always did.

She did not want to dash the hopes and trust of her father.

It's not like they only study, they used to have parties as well.

Friday was their day, going to clubs and getting drunk till morning had become their ritual.

They also knew how to enjoy life to the fullest.

Just like any other Friday night, the 3 of them along with some of their university friends decided to go to the famous Tunnel nightclub in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Dressed in a Versace Golden Deep V Neck Short Sequin dress, with smokey eye make up, red lipstick and black 4 inches stiletto, her hair was left open in curly waves, she was looking like a bombshell.

Nia dressed in Spring Dress Vestido Belle Poque O Neck Long Sleeve Sequined dress with black smokey eye, red lipstick and silver stiletto, her hair was left straight and looked like a cute doll.

As for Mary wearing Sexy V-neck Halter Pleated Long-sleeved Bodycon Dress by Zara. She had simple pink black smokey eyeshadow maroon lipstick and her hair shoulder length Bob cut style with black pumps was looking sexy as hell.

All of them were dressed to kill and they were going to burn the club on fire tonight!

Upon reaching the club, they did not have to wait for the line because they were VIP members there.

They went straight to the bars and waited for their other friends to arrive.

So many men had their eyes on them, girls getting red from anger due to the diversion of their man's eye. It was a sight to see!

When their friends arrived they immediately ordered a drink for them tequila shots, margarita, sex on the beach for girls and beers for boys.

While drinking, a group of boys entered the club and one of the guys caught Shereen's attention.

She was intrigued by him! He had a good body built was wickedly handsome.

Never in life had any men caught her sight but she was so lost and could not stop looking at him. As she was looking at his face, her eyes fell on lips and oh! She wanted to kiss him.

She felt her heart and pulse beating fast. She felt like she was gonna die with need…need to touch and feel him.

The stranger also had an eye on her; he was also equally attracted to her even though he could not move his eye from her.

Both of them kept looking at each other while dancing with her friends, a hand circled around her waist and pulled her towards him.

His alluring scent filled the nostrils of Shereen; it was so addictive!

For a while she was tranced in his embrace and scent when she came out of that trance state she turned around to see who the guy was and it was none other than her handsome stranger.

They were both lost in eachother so much that they felt time has stopped and they were the only ones in the club.

Their hearts beating at the rate of 1000 mbps electric shots running through their body. She could see so much unspoken desire and lust in his eyes.

His eyes reading every inch and expression of Shereen' face he was astrayed by her beauty.

Never has he seen such a beautiful girl in his life. She was a Greek goddess her big brown eyes captivated him so much so that he did not even want to blink his eyes.

He was mesmerised by her tanned clear skin and her curvy pear shaped body.

Shereen had never been this close to any guys in her life when she realised how she was in his embrace she pushed him and ran to the washroom to calm her nerves and pulse.

Upon reaching the restroom stall, her back hit the wall. She did some inhale and exhale breathing techniques to cool herself down.

And when she closed her eyes, she remembered how close they were and how their hearts were thumping fast like it was gonna come out of their body.

She remembered his wondrous face and his lips oh! How close they were and their almost touched lips.

She felt hot and flustered by the erotics thoughts she was having about him which was so pulsating and she felt herself getting wet and her pussy throbbing with need.

After a while, she composed herself and went to where her friends were. Her eyes kept searching for her beautiful stranger but he was long gone.

Not finding him she became distressed and dejected!

Meanwhile, her friends Nia and Mary were watching all this silently and they were also amused by the scene they saw!