


I whipped around when I heard my name being shouted, my eyes widened seeing one of my classmates charging towards me at full speed.

"oh god, I'm so glad I caught you!" she spoke out of breath while my eyes remained widened,

"uhm... calm down first, what happened... uhm Simran(?)" I replied hoping my memory didn't do me dirty,

"Oh, you know my name? wow, I wasn't expecting that" she replied,

wow I know I'm a bit antisocial but I didn't realise people thought of me this way,

"Ahah, why wouldn't I? so what can I help you with?" I replied before things got awkward,

"yeah right! you draw, right? do you take, like, custom orders for digital art?" she asked and I hesitantly replied, "uhm yeah why?", the reason for my hesitation is rather simple, people like to mooch off of people, especially artists, the number of times I've had friends come up to me and ask me to make them something for free or in the name of friendship is crazy, I mean its one this if I make something for someone's birthday and its another to demand a free artwork on the pretence of being friends.

"oh my god great! come let's sit I've got something I need!" Simran said making me snap out of my thoughts, she started to walk towards the nearest bench and I followed behind,

"so... what are you looking for?"

"Before that, I think you should know something," she said looking a bit scared and giving me a bad feeling about the situation, "I need this by this Friday" she added,

"Friday..." I muttered, before the realisation actually struck, "THIS FUCKING FRIDAY? THAT'S IN TWO DAYS!" I exclaimed making her flinch.

"I know it's last minute but ill pay you double if you like! it's just that I got the confirmation today!"

"confirmation ? for what?" I asked,

"oh the Variable-X concert, I want to give an artwork to them as a gift during the fan meet!" she replied making me confused,

"don't people give the artists something they made themselves?" I asked,

"they do but I can't draw and I saw your Outsagram page, and really liked your work so," she shrugged,

damn, this is a new one, I shook my head before responding, "I think I can do it but what exactly are you hoping for? like what image do you want to be converted into art...".

"uhm so I was hoping you could just make the boys into like a pop art sort of thing... maybe convert them into a bit of a comic type--"

"hold oh hold on, you want me to convert what five people into comic or pop art in two days are you insane, that'll be too much!" I exclaimed cutting her off,

"it's four members," she pouted.

"That really doesn't make much of a difference, if you want all four of them making any customization to the original picture would be very difficult because I've got other commitments that I need to keep, I will give your work a bit of priority since you did offer to pay extra but still I cannot do what you are expecting, I'm being completely honest with you because I don't want you to be disappointed,"

"I understand... thank you for being honest about this... can you suggest what we can do, I really was set on this comic, manga art style, my bias really likes art so I thought this would be a good option," she replied dejectedly.

"do you really have to give them an artwork?"

"I mean I know I don't have to but I want to" she pouted,

'how about this, why don't we focus on your bias? rather than making artwork with four people, one would be manageable and in fact, it'll be better in quality considering the time crunch"

"wait really? do you think we can do that? but what if the rest feel bad" she said pouting,

Fans confuse me, these artists are gonna meet a couple of hundred people, who will carry an abundance of gifts, snacks, and artwork. does she really think that her not getting something for everyone will make them upset?

"I'm sure it'll be just fine," I replied holding the kindest smile I could offer.



I'm currently at a small cafe near my college trying my darn best not to rip my hair out of my scalp, why you ask, ill tell you.

I need to give this digital art to Simran tomorrow and though I pulled an all-nighter to get the background done before starting with the centrepiece, I had uninvited guests at my house who are staying over hence I got kicked out of my room and into the living room couch, my workstation got snatched away from me and now I've been trying my best to get this done, the only good thing that came from the entire situation was the fact that my mother didn't fight with me when I asked if I could go to the concert, she simply smiled in front of the guests and gave me an "oh of course honey, why are you asking me your old enough" I can't lie the sweetness in her voice did send shivers down my spine.

Plus this commission is really getting on my nerves, I can't find a reference photo that works for me. don't get me wrong it has got nothing to do with the idol himself I just don't know which one will work the best,


"oh finally," I smiled when I saw my coworker's name flash on my phone,

"Hey! Jamie!" I exclaimed,


"hold on let me go out! give me a second" I replied before getting up and walking out,

"Hello? can you hear me?" I asked,

"Hello! summer! I saw your missed call what's up?" he replied,

"I've got a favour to ask you,"

"Sure what's up?"

"Could you cover for me today? I know it's last minute but please!!" I pleaded,

"uhm.. when is your shift?"

"it's at 4"

"hmm... okay but you will owe me one"

"Of course! you are a life savour Jamie I'll treat you too!"

"ahah don't worry about it! I've got a class now so ill see you around,"

"yes! see ya bye!" I replied before ending the call,

I walked back into the cafe with a broad smile plastered on my face, feeling so blessed to have such amazing friends.

"Huh? what's this?" I spoke when I got back to my table.