
When Orpheus Looked Ahead

Aurum didn't want to be special. They kept their powers hidden, until the day they couldn't hide it anymore.

Turquoise_Dolphin · ไซไฟ
16 Chs

Chapter 8

I give them a brief explanation of the situation, which is probably just a review of what Argentum already told them. Everyone nods. Someone says, "Isn't this whole thing a little…big? What are we supposed to do?"

Bile rises in my throat as I attempt to think of an answer. What makes Andromeda and I qualified to do this? Why shouldn't we just leave it to the professionals like Cygnus?

I close my eyes, take a long, slow breath, swallow, and finally reply. "Because who else is going to do it?"

For some reason everyone claps. I guess I was inspiring or something.

Once the whole speech thing is over with everyone else takes over. Now that everyone's on board, we open the dialogue to ideas for how we're specifically going to pull this rebellion off

"We have me and Aurum on the inside, but we definitely need some support from the outside," Andromeda offers.

Then I randomly get an idea. "We could do the whole war thing but there are also more subtle options. What if…we got rid of the current king and queen and install one of us as the long lost heir."

"That's an interesting idea," Argentum replies with a nod. "I think the next step for you and Andromeda is to figure out ways to get close to the king and queen."

Everyone nods.

"So…who's gonna do it?" I ask.

Andromeda smiles shyly. "This sounds extremely arrogant and possibly immoral but…I think I'd be suited to the task. Any objections?"

No one raises their hand.

On the way back to the palace I ask Andromeda, "How are you going to get close to them?"

"The Nova don't rule without the King and Queen's permission, do they? Eventually, the new generation of Nova have to gain their permission too. Of course, I'll need a bit more information about exactly how this happens but there's probably some sort of ceremony that they attend."

I chuckle. "How dramatic."

The next day Andromeda tells the teacher, "I've been thinking a lot about the King and Queen recently and I was wondering if we'll ever get to see them. After all, the Nova rule on their behalf."

The teacher narrows her eyes. "Any particular reason for your sudden interest?"

"No particular reason. I've just read about them recently."

"Ah. I see. You'll be able to meet them during the spring equinox."

"At a gala of some sort?"

"You'll see."