
When Orpheus Looked Ahead

Aurum didn't want to be special. They kept their powers hidden, until the day they couldn't hide it anymore.

Turquoise_Dolphin · ไซไฟ
16 Chs

Chapter 4

The next morning, I see an opportunity to explore the parts of the palace that I haven't seen. I start with the library of course. It's a very extensive library that I need to visit again sometime, but it's not what I'm looking for right now.

In my wanderings I do eventually come across something truly interesting. One of the doors at the back of the library is completely blocked off. I can only imagine what could be behind it. Unfortunately, I also have no idea how to get in and I might need backup for whatever I find.

I head down to breakfast exactly as it's starting. I scan around the room as I have in school cafeterias to find a suitable table to sit in. Since I don't actually know anyone, I just sit as far away as possible from Cygnus. Someone asks, "Name and pronouns?"

"My name's Aurum and I'm fine with she/her or they/them. However you're more comfortable referring to me," I reply.

"I'm Andromeda. She/her. You seem a little old to have just found out you're a Nova."

"I am. My powers didn't manifest until recently."

"That's interesting. I wonder if there was a reason for that."

I shrug in response.

Later that day, we're led to a sterile, plain looking room. It's this plainness that makes the objects in the center of the room stand out. A collection of traditional weapons, a torch, and a bowl of water. Once everyone is present, an older woman enters. Everyone bows to her and says, "Good morning." The woman is clearly an instructor of some sort. She looks at everyone, as if scanning for imperfections. Then she points at me and says "It seems that we have a new student. Introduce yourself."

I step forward. "I'm Aurum."

"Show us what you can do. Pick anything on the table."

I close my eyes. I feel the water and smile slightly. The water wants to be made into something, and I know exactly what. I shape the water into a little dolphin and have it swim around in the air. I take the torch and make some stars out of the fire. There's some polite clapping, some grudging clapping, and a little genuine clapping. The teacher writes something down on a clipboard but doesn't waste time making any comments. "So we'll start with swordplay," she says, handing everyone a sword and splits the large group up into pairs to spar.

My first match is against Andromeda. I engage her in conversation as we go through routine thrust and parry exercises. "Do you like to explore," I ask

"As much as the next person. I know some cool places in the palace and in town."

"I was wondering if you could help me case out a place I found."

"Sure. Why not"

We meet later that day during free time. I tell Andromeda about the locked door I'd found earlier. "That's very interesting," she says.

"I assume you understand why I need a little backup," I reply.

"I definitely do."

"Do you have any way to get in?"

"They give the people who have been here as long as me a master key. So we don't have to bother the servants when we need to get late night snacks and whatever."

We cautiously open the door. Behind it are rows and rows of files. I open the closest one to me.

Name: Olivia Jones

Date of birth:6/30/03

Date of activation:1/18/13

Date of arrival:1/20/13

Date of treatment:2/15/13

Treatment type:C

I show the file to Andromeda. I ask, "Have you ever noticed people here start to act…different?"

"A few times."

"I think that's what 'treatment' means. We need more proof though."

"Any idea about the 'activation'?"

"Nope. Hopefully there's something in the files about it. There's probably some sort of system to all this."

I nod and carefully put back the file.

Andromeda and I look for anything on what treatment and activation means. After about half an hour, Andromeda finds it and shows me.

Treatment C

Oral, used for mild cases of insubordination after activation of powers.

"So that's why people seem to act differently after coming here," I theorize.

"Yeah. I've noticed it too."

"The only questions are how activation happens and how they choose who gets activated."

"There must be files on that."

We search the files for anything regarding the reasons for activation. Soon enough, I find one.

Rules of Thumb for Activation

The goal of activation is to continue our way of life. Thus, only people with certain personality traits should have their powers activated.

Eager to please.

Always follow rules.

Believe that there is a right and wrong way to do everything.

No wonder I've had my powers so long. I was such an obedient little kid.

"Well," I say after showing Andromeda. "This makes it very clear. We have to tell people about all this corruption."

"You're right. The question is how exactly are we supposed to get this information out there."

"We need a plan. And we can't do this alone."