
When Orpheus Looked Ahead

Aurum didn't want to be special. They kept their powers hidden, until the day they couldn't hide it anymore.

Turquoise_Dolphin · ไซไฟ
16 Chs

Chapter 16

I fully expect to get yelled at for the fact that I've been away for like two weeks and neither of my parents knew where I actually was (they would have figured out quickly that I wasn't at Amibila's house). I brace myself as I knock on the door. 

When my mom opens the door she immediately hugs me. She's mainly glad I'm back, but I'm also grounded for the rest of the summer. That's fine with me, I've had enough excitement for one lifetime. 

I decide to tell my parents everything. I have no reason to hide it from them and making up a convincing story is too much effort anyway.  They're a little scared that I did something so dangerous, but also kind of impressed. If this doesn't prove that I'm capable of taking care of myself I don't know what would. 

Of course, the coup is all over the news. The mob did end up dispatching the king and queen and there's an election happening in a few days for who will replace them. The name Orpheus is floating around as the possible next ruler. How unfortunate that they've disappeared. 

Luckily, Orpheus isn't the only candidate. Mara Estrella seems promising. 

What's next for me you ask? Who knows. The story of Orpheus may be over, but my story is just beginning.