
When Orpheus Looked Ahead

Aurum didn't want to be special. They kept their powers hidden, until the day they couldn't hide it anymore.

Turquoise_Dolphin · ไซไฟ
16 Chs

Chapter 12

"Aurum! I've been calling your name for the past 10 minutes!"  The voice of my friend Amibila pulls me out of my thoughts. "You have? Sorry. I just spaced out I guess."

"Why exactly did you space out?"

"Well, uhhhh…you know the supposed heir of the Nova? Let's just say I have a history with them."

Amibila laughs. "Don't let the gossip magazines hear you admit that," she says. 

I laugh along. 

"So…do you want to talk about it?"

"Uhhhh….not really."


The news broadcast continues. The anchors ask Argentum a few mindless questions and eventually they get to more substantial ones such as "What was it like finding out you're the heir?"

Argentum smiles a radiant, magnetic smile that makes me cringe. "Well, it was extremely overwhelming at first. I didn't really know what to think. I mean me the heir of the Nova? That just seemed so unlikely. However, the king and queen…" they give a sheepish smirk (which makes me roll my eyes) as they add, "my mom and dad have made sure to make me feel welcome. I'm really enjoying getting to know them and everyone at the palace."

The anchors move on to the next question as seamlessly as anchors usually do. "So now that you're the heir, you're going to have to get directly involved in politics. Do you have any plans?"

"Hmm. I haven't thought about it much. Currently, my noncommittal, work-in-progress ideas involve giving more people access to the school in the palace."

"How would that work?"

Argentum chuckles. "That's a secret."

As it does, my brain immediately forms a theory as to what exactly this means: they're going to activate everyone's Nova powers and then use those "treatments" Andromeda and I read about.