

"Long nights, don't make any sense if I don't have you. You are away, and I'm still here waiting for you forever.

When a long night comes, I get lost again, I feel afraid again because I don't have you. I always dreamed about you and I wish I never woke up, ever.

I want to live where there is no place to wake me, where I am in your arms and you holding me tight.

I need you my love, take me. I need you now, hold me tight. I always miss you, and in my memories I always keep those sweet moments. Then when the night falls I'm crying alone.

I'll wait forever here where in dreams you left me.

I'll wait for you until it ends.

And someday I'll walk with you in the place where only you can wake me up."

Sae Belle Raña Choi, 190105

Sae Belle is a half korean blood rebel college girl who decide to run away far from her parents who keeps controlling her life and dream. Unconsciously she see herself staying in a unknown island and living in an old town penthouse alone. In staying there, one night she met a tall, handsome and very mysterious guy Henry.

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