
when life happens.

Fifteen year old Tasha talks about the sudden changes in her life after she and her family shifted to the U.S. after living in her hometown all her life.

Daoist537832 · วัยรุ่น
24 Chs

Dating and school.

The school I go to here, is way bigger than the one back home. Like the movies, cheerleaders and jocks are popular but there is lesser bullying and "the plastics"* is not a thing here. I wouldn't say I hate school but I don't love it either. There are so many cute guys but I am not into dating or romance just because it doesn't seem very practical. I want to date someone, someday but I don't think that "someday" is any sooner. I want to do best in my academics and volleyball and then go down to the world of dating. Sara already got asked out by this random guy and she accepted it but she doesn't really like him and apparently she got "caught in the moment" and now she is facing some consequences and that sucks. This is why I don't want to date or anything. There is also not a huge chance of getting married to your highschool boyfriend and with it, also comes depression and anxiety. Dating is not meant for me but I really want to date.

I suck at math. Math used to be one of my most strongest subjects back home but now I am one of the weakest in class. I don't really like it here, although my history teacher is an absolute gem. It is her first year teaching and she helps me very much. I love her class the most.

*The plastics are the mean people on the movie Mean Girls...just Incase someone didn't know