
When Heart Bleeds

A young girl navigates the glamorous world of fame and fortune alongside her best friend, the young girl, whose name is Ashley, finds herself torn between her loyalty towards her childhood lover and her growing feelings for her billionaire celebrity best friend, Eric, Ashley heart carries the scars of her past betrayal, leaving her wary of love and hesitant to embrace her newfound emotions. However, as she spends more time with Eric she realizes that their connection goes beyond friendship. Eric, oblivious to her feelings, sees Ashley as a confidant and a source of true companionship in the midst of the superficiality of fame. Will their hearts emerge unscathed, or will they be shattered once more, forever altering the course of their lives?

Abigail_Abby_8940 · วัยรุ่น
20 Chs

Chapter 2

The truth is they have been cheating both of them have been cheating and Eric's family knew about it. Eric's mother and father were not there at the moment as his father was on a business trip and his mother too was at a movie location, she look at Layla hugging Felix and kissing him, her heart sink at Felix and Layla hurt and betrayal well, Layla is a very beautiful girl and she is the daughter of the minister, despite been Eric girlfriend in highschool boys were always after her giving her all kind of gifts she is always jealous of her she is lucky to be very beautiful and have someone like Eric by her side why will she do this to him, Ashley trusted Felix so much that gave her all to him, just for him to let her down after five year's, he is her first love, she gave him her heart, her soul everything she has left and now he burnt it all, the flame in her heart is rising uncontrollably she was about to break down right there this was suppose to be a dream that Felix did not love her, despite all his promises. this can't be true, it is nothing but a nightmare, she knew his mother hated her so much and she didn't want to give her that satisfaction of seeing her suffer and be heartbroken, she swallow hard inhaling all her pain and sadness.

       she walk towards the large crowd and made her way through till she reach Felix and Layla, sighting her Felix thought he would slap her and yell at him but what she did shock him "hello Mrs. Wilson" she greeted Felix's mother, "hey Ashley, you are here too?" she asked "of course, I am" Mrs. Wilson chuckles darkly and face her "are you here because you thought my son Felix will choose you, sorry to disappoint you that he didn't" she giggle mockingly "I was not here for him the first instance to speak with, I am just here to see the real devil in disguise" she looks at Felix "Felix..."

"Am sorry Ashley, but you are not fit beside me, just look at you, you aren't dressed well, your hair is curly, and you have wrinkles you are not my type" he declare, tears laid on Ashley eyes but she fights it back with a smile she can't just believe Felix is saying that now even after telling her she is the most beautiful girl in the world or is he, not the same Felix she knew "I didn't come here for that Felix am just here to congratulate you on your marriage" she stretches her hand out to shake him "congratulations Felix" he stared down at her hand full of curiosity then accept it "thanks" he responded "and to you too, Layla"

"Thanks" she responded "can you please deliver my message to Eric, tell him am sorry, he didn't appreciate me enough and I found someone else who loves me and appreciate, I know you both will find someone else, some really great more than us" she said and Ashley nodded "we will, the earth is full of billion people by the way" she smiled "you too look so good together" she complimented, they both smile "I thought as much, but am really disappointed she is Eric girlfriend but I will talk it out his parents, don't worry Ashley, you will find someone great too, but don't force yourself on any man because of... your... looks man will be so scared to approach am sure you force yourself on my son then, don't repeat such or you be heartbroken again" she smile mockingly, Ashley cock her head and smile "and your son too shouldn't raise any one's hope God punish for it" she said, Mrs Wilson raise her eyebrow, she turn her back and was about to leave "Ashley..." she heard Felix voice, she halt in her track and turn to face him "hm?..." she threw him a questioning look "will... you... come for the wedding?" he asks "sure... I will be there" she turns her back walking away tears rolling down her cheek, the difference between school and life is that school teaches you a lesson and then gives you a test, but life gives you a test that teaches you a lesson she wipes her tears.


when Ashley reached outside she found Eric leaning by the car, his face pale and dark she saw the anger burning inside him, they were in no position to console each other but she has to take it off him somehow before he does something unthinkable. forcing a smile on her face she took steps towards him. "hey, tinkle toes" she laughs standing right in front of him "what's with the angry look" she look at him but he look away immediately "come smile tinkle toes... smile" she giggles pinching his cheek, Eric angrily grabs her wrist and takes it off his cheek "stop pretending as nothing happened? we both knew what happened in there, SO ENOUGH OF ALL THIS DRAMA" he roared at her, he was right she knew deep down that she is not fine at all she was in pain, deep pain but this is what she is good at, suffer inside and console broken others "calm down, you don't even love her so why are you angry" Eric hiss and slam his fist hard on his door gritting his teeth, Ashley staggered back did she just say the wrong thing? when he turned back he saw Felix's father driving down "hop in I'll drop you home" Ashley opened her mouth to say something but nothing came out "o... okay" she managed to voice out, she entered the car and Eric enter after her.

       Eric drives roughly on the road sending a shock to Ashley, she stares at him his face was blank and emotionless, and anger was blazing his blank face he already reaches her house but he took a sharp turn and turn back "Eric!!!" she calls out "Eric! Eric!!" she called him repeatedly but he didn't seem to hear her as he was already consumed with rage.