
Flourish is rescued.


While flourish was been tortured I was praying to God to keep her safe, Marisa was busy looking at me while smiling,I ignored her and kept on praying to God to do something,while I was praying,I saw Marisa moving closer to me,this caught my attention because I was wondering what she wanted to do,she then knelt down in front of me in a sexy way but none of what she was doing was affecting me in a way she wanted,she then picked up a knife, using the tip of the knife,she started using it to trail my body,she started trailing the knife on my skin from my forehead,then to my nose,when she got to my lips,she stopped, making the tip of the knife linger on my lips a little,I wanted to move my face to the side but she held my face still then moved her lips closer to me as if she wanted to kiss me,as she was leaning forward,I leaned backward,my head then hit the pillar I was tied to,she then smiled at me, and moved her lips closer to my lips, thinking her lips would touch mine,I closed my eyes in disgust waiting for the impact of her disgusting lips on mine but instead of kissing me,she blew on my lips, feeling a cool sensation in my lips,I opened my lips,then I saw Marisa looking at me while smiling,her smile then changed to laughter,I looked at her thinking she was mad,after laughing she looked at me then started talking, "I guess you don't like me then,you are kind of different from the other guys have captured,no matter what I did you still refused to be my boyfriend,I like your courage, that's why I like you,no matter what wether you refuse me from now till tomorrow,you will still be mine no one can take you away from me" after she finished talking,she told the girls to take flourish away and deal with her, remembering what I saw in the dream,It dawn on me that they wanted to slaughter flourish,while they were taking flourish away, flourish was busy looking at me with tears in her eyes,she couldn't hold it in again,it was that moment I decided to use my powers to break free from the rope that was used to tie me,as I was about to release myself,I heard footstep rushing down the basement, looking at the direction of where the footstep sound was, looking at the direction,from the direction, different men putting in on black suit started emerging and the aura surrounding them was dangerous, immediately they all entered,fear started appearing on the girls faces but only Marisa was still there standing with no fear in her eyes,well I was not that surprised,Marisa seeing that everything was over, didn't want to go down alone,so she immediately pulled out again and was about to shoot flourish when one of the men in black shot her hand, resulting in her dropping the gun and clutching her hand in pain.after all those drama happened,two of the men in black came to free I and flourish,while they were releasing us,I saw one of the girls peeing on herself,the scene was too funny but I could not laugh,since it was not the right time to laugh, immediately I and flourish were freed,we ran to each other and hugged each other, flourish was crying while hugging me,while I was patting her on the back so as to calm her down,while we were hugging each other the men in black who reminded me of a particular movie,hand cuffed the girls including Marisa,after few minutes of hugging,we all went outside, before we left,I removed my school shirt and gave it to flourish,so that she would be able to cover her stained skirt,she thanked me and used it to cover herself.when we got outside, flourish dad was waiting for us, immediately flourish saw her dad,she immediately went to hug him,father and daughter hugged each other,while hugging the daughter, flourish father noticed me and also motioned me to hug him,I also hugged them, while hugging them,I felt warm,after hugging,I asked the father of flourish how he knew we were here but he told me he would tell me that when we get home, I then asked where the girls would be taken to,he then replied by telling me that the men are taking them to prison,hearing what he said,I felt calm.

We got home in the evening,after reaching home,I asked flourish dad if he had a blanket he said he had it so I told him to lend him,he gave me the blanket not knowing what I wanted to use it for, immediately I collected the blanket I gave it to flourish to use to cover her self,she smiled at me and thanked me then drape the blanket around her. When we got inside,I saw a beautiful woman sitting on the sofa, immediately she felt the presence of people around her,she turned around seeing flourish,she ran to her and hugged her, looking at her,she looked like the clone of flourish,she looked exactly like her,the only difference was that her body was more mature,I was thinking she was the elder sister of flourish until I heard flourish calling her mom while hugging her,I was so shocked that I opened my mouth down,I got back to my senses when I heard her melodious voice asking me if I was Richard,I immediately greeted her and told her I was Richard,she then gave me a tight hug almost suffocating me,while all this were happening, flourish was busy laughing knowing what I was going through,I was happy seeing her smile after all the horrible things she faced. After hugging me for a while flourish mom finally released me and I was able to breathe again,she then told me she would see me later and guided flourish to her room. I and flourish dad were alone in the sitting room,not wanting to go upstairs without knowing how they found us,I asked flourish dad how he found us,he then told me to sit down I sat down on the sofa, waiting for his explanation,he then told me that he knew I was up to something when I said I was going to school the next day, when he insisted for me to stay at home,he then said he told one of his men to follow me,the man he sent waited for me to after school,when the man notice I did not follow the driver that suppose to pick me up from school,the man called him,so he told the man to be the taxi driver that I was looking for,so the man pretended to be a taxi driver and picked me up so that was how they found us.when he finished talking,I then remembered how the man was driving like an expert that I was starting to suspect him,so he was an expert after all,I laughed at myself after realising it then flourish father patted my back and told me not to take any dangerous step alone,I nodded my head positively then he told me to go upstairs to change which I did.

At last flourish is rescued and Marisa and her friends are in prison can't wait for the next chapter ( ◜‿◝ )♡.Thank you all for real this novel I really appreciate and please kindly comment and review on it so that I can know your thoughts on the novel,love you all and most importantly stay safe.

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