

hi my name is kyda. I am an outcast on the isle of loch grinju among many others, goblins, assassin's, royalty, giants, fairy's, gnomes, shape shifters, pixies, wizards, warlocks, witches, and so on. this isle was currently home to the black market and the people who run it, the outcasts including me. though most know me as the ghost master.

I am the most powerful person in the universe ( if I do say so myself) and I used to... well... not be an outcast. something happened and I ended up here, mist people think I'm just a legend as I disappeared over 600 years ago. I have no regrets but one, I never saw the one person I could count on again. he probably thinks I'm dead.

the gong was hit *bang, bang, bang, bang* and then the horn was blown *whooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, whooooooooooooo, whoooooooooooooooooooo* everyone started packing everything, those who already had we're heading to underground tunnels that went out to sea. the gong and horn had been used which meant that it was time to again the "good guys" had found us again. they've been hunting us for ages now and they think they're the good guys when they haven't realized that the outcasts are all people that have been framed, rejected, some are retired criminals R.E.T.I.R.E.D and some people here just didn't know what to do so the black market just became they're home, the black market will accept anyone and everyone even if they are goody too shoes.

I was about to go underground as well when someone came back and started saying that we can't we've been blocked off, they were right because soon enough everyone came back.

"everyone brace yourselves!!!!" the one eyed man said. their leader stepped forward and asked the people to board their ship but of course no one did, why would we. someone stepped forward and spat in the man's face and said no.

smoke started coming in from all directions and that's when I knew it was them, the ones who ruined everything, the ones who took everything from me. it's finally time for my sweet revenge. I let the drugged smoke take me into its arms and I was pulled into a deep sleep...