
When An Action Fan Reincarnates As the Novel's Villain

When action movie junkie Philipe finds himself reincarnated as Ryujin, the designated punching bag for the hero's experience points in a web novel he's never read, the story quickly morphs into a rollicking ride of unforeseen twists. Ryujin inadvertently spins the narrative on its head, oblivious to the original plot. The heroine, who was scripted to double-cross and slay him, now owes him a life debt. The adoptive sister, originally penned to loathe him, is head over heels in love with his character and has morphed into a hilarious, over-the-top Yandere. Meanwhile, Pedro faces repeated disappointment on a mission to steer Ryujin back to his villainous path. Ryujin, after all, is more interested in doing push-ups than causing mayhem. Welcome to the most absurdly delightful misinterpretation of a villain's life. #Yandere #Harem #Villain

Carrara2 · ย้อนยุค
34 Chs

The Yandere Sister does not forgive easily

(Ryujin POV)

"Amelia, it's... unexpected to see you so worked up."

"You think it's a joke, Nii-ni? You casually getting engaged to that... that witch, Suzune?" Her eyes flashed with a dangerous light.

"Amelia, it's a political arrangement. It's temporary and most likely won't even happen. There's no cause for such concern."

"TEMPORARY? THAT'S NOT HOW THESE THINGS GO! THAT WRETCHED... UGH!" Amelia's fiery temper blazed on, unleashing a barrage of colorful insults, each more creative than the last.

For the sake of decency, I'll avoid repeating her exact words. Let's say it was quite the tirade.

I patiently waited, raising an eyebrow once or twice at some particularly imaginative slurs. When she finally breathed, I asked, "Feeling better now?"

"Not really. But... slightly better, I suppose."

She huffed, cheeks flushed from her rant.

"I heard you've been leveling up in your training, sis. Already planning to overshadow your awesome big bro, huh?"

"Nice try. And maybe I am. But hang on, turbo! We were discussing your sneaky engagement, not my mad skills." Amelia smirked, catching my attempt to sidetrack her. 

I chuckled, shrugging nonchalantly. "I just thought maybe you'd like a break from grilling me. But fine, go on, interrogate away."

"Don't think I've forgotten. But... you're right. Maybe we can return to my fabulous progress after you spill the beans."

She crossed her arms, trying to look stern, but her puffed-up cheeks gave away her feigned anger.

"Gosh, someone's got a little sibling rivalry going on. Should I be worried?" Rolling my eyes playfully, I teased.

"Just spill it, big bro. And then we can get back to the important topic: My legendary training."

"I've told you all there is, sis. No more secrets up my sleeve, I promise."

"Ugh! Fine, if you're going to be all tight-lipped about it."

"Okay, Miss Power-Up, how did your training go?"

"You won't believe the progress I made, Nii-ni. Check this out." Amelia grinned, excitement twinkling in her eyes. 

Before I could react, she cried out, "Frost Impact!" Immediately, a chill swept the room. The floor beneath us began to frost over, the cold creeping up the walls. A beautiful, icy pattern expanded outward, sparkling and shimmering like a winter wonderland.

"It's like mom's magic ice."

"Isn't it just? Do I get some big brother approval?" She beamed, twirling on the icy surface. 

"You've earned it. And a head pat, too."

Chuckling, I ruffled her hair.

She leaned into the gesture with a triumphant giggle, clearly enjoying the affection. After a few moments, she gave me one last smirk and sashayed out of the room.

It sure feels good to have the fiery spirit of my step-sister back home.



(Amelia POV)


Stepping out of Ryujin's room, I fumed silently. It's always so hard trying to extract any juicy details from Nii-ni. But I couldn't be furious at him, even in my frustration. He's just too... perfect. I melt every time he looks at me with those eyes, and his charm sweeps my intentions away.


How could that wretched Suzune even think of taking him away from me? The mere thought made my insides boil.

I sighed, trying to keep my composure. Ryujin is so oblivious that he doesn't even realize my feelings for him. But that doesn't matter right now. What's important is to ensure that no one snatches him away from me. Especially not Suzune.

Plan B. My lips curled into a sly smirk as I thought of Amanda. That girl wears her heart on her sleeve and has a relatively transparent dislike for Suzune. Perfect.

I picked up my pace, heading towards Amanda's quarters. If there's one person in this castle who can provide me with the dirt on Suzune and possibly help me end this engagement charade, it's her.

Amanda, my dear, prepare to become an unwitting pawn in my game. After all, the end justifies the means. And I'll do whatever it takes to keep my precious Ryujin close. Always. Hehehe.

Knock Knock.

A rhythmic knock echoed through Amanda's room.

"Who's there?" Amanda's muffled voice called out.

"It's Amelia, open up."

"Amelia-sama! I thought you'd be brooding for a bit longer." The door creaked open, revealing a slightly surprised Amanda. 

"I was planning to, but some annoying bugs buzzed around my territory."

"You mean Suzune?" Amanda smirked.

"You got it."

"Come in, let's chat and spill some tea." With a playful eye roll, Amanda gestured me inside. 

Her room was the picture of neatness, every item in its perfect spot. But as I glanced around, a specific detail caught my eye. A cupboard is slightly ajar, revealing a bunch of photos. Ryujin's photos.

"Fan-girling much, Amanda?" I grinned mischievously.

"Shush! It's a... collection." She blushed.

"Everyone in the Blue Lotus Sect knows about your 'little collection.'"

"Enough about my guilty pleasure. What did you want to know?" A playful shove from Amanda had us both giggling.

"Why did Mom agree to that absurd engagement with Suzune?" I took a deep breath, trying to control the anger bubbling up. 

Amanda leaned closer, and the room seemed to grow colder as she detailed the manipulations and schemes that led to this arrangement.

As the story unfolded, my fists clenched tighter. So, not only did this Suzune waltz in, making false accusations against Ryujin but she also got rewarded for it? And Pedro, that sly fox, just got a slap on the wrist?

Amanda noticed my rage and touched my shoulder.

"Amelia-sama, breathe."

I took a deep breath, fury evident in my eyes.

"They think they can mess with my Nii-ni and just waltz away? Oh, they're in for a real treat."

"That's the spirit. Now, let's plan a little payback, shall we?"