
The darkness consumed me...

As the light was sniffed out and destroyed, my eyes became void with such an anger hidden within me. From the depths of my soul, I always knew this aura resided within me. I felt it eating away at me for all these years and now it has finally finished me off.

And yet I don't feel awful or even remorseful, I just feel good. I didn't know it would be so good. And yet, I feel better than I ever thought I possibly could.

"Are you OK?", sorrowed a familiar voice.

Opening my eyes, the glaring sun blinded me. Seeing the woman knelt beside me, I questioned, 'who is she?' And 'where am I?'

However, my main question is 'why can't I remember anything?'

"You can't remember what happened can you?" she asked.

"How did you know that, and what happened?" I asked hoping that she would know the answers to my questions.

She pondered for a second and retorted, "how do I put this? Hmm?"

"Can you quit it and just tell me what happened?" I impatiently interrupted her.

"well too answer your first question, you told me that you won't remember what happened and I would have to explain the situation to you." she answered.

"I did? What situation?"

"I don't have enough time to explain before He shows up." looking towards the sky as she said.


"I'll tell you when we get home... get on." she expressed a worried look as she spoke, still looking at the sky.

"on what?" looking around and seeing nothing to get in to.

Suddenly, a small, futuristic, 2 person motorbike materialized in front of me.

"HOW THE?" I screemed.

"Just get on!" she yeld hastly.

Stepping on to the bike, I realized that I had no clue to how to ride this thing. So I said in a calm and relaxed tone "how do I do this?"

"Oh for Izanagi's sake, Move Over!" she skreached angraly.

"Izanagi? "

"Yes. You know. Izanagi, God of creation."

"I have know idea who you are talking about."

"Izanagi, The forefather of the gods, he is the first male as well as the god of creation and life."

"Explain when we're home."

"Don't worry, we will be there in know time"

Getting on the bike, she looked a bit confused with me. I felt shallowness when she first got on, and it got stronger when we began to drive.

Looking behind, in the sky was a humanoid like being. I now understand that it was it not her who made me feel as I did. And yet, the feeling disappeared after a while.

As I began to turn my head forward, my eye's lost all sense of light.

"What now?"