
What the hell am I?

I am Cameron a girl with a death sentence. My end is about to come. Then I decided that I will do one last daring act before the curtains close on me. I decided to go cliff jumping. On the way I witnessed an accident. The man in the car asked me to take a metal briefcase. He begged me to destroy it. He made me swear that I would destroy it. I took it home before mom came back. I left it in the fridge thinking that I will destroy it in the morning. The next morning mom comes to my room with the vials. To my surprise she used them thinking it was part my meds. It miraculous cured me. I never imagined that my nightmare had just began. I have this crazy thirst that shows up out of nowhere or the urge to beat someone. I had better learn how to control these urges and stay hidden or I will lose all those I love.

Ghaadha · แฟนตาซี
13 Chs

Chapter 7

I was escorted to a hotel where my kind exist in huge numbers. One of the vampires called the school and said that I wasn't feeling well so I was excused from class. I knew Syd will be screeching like a banshee that I am healthy as a horse. I called Bree from the hotel room to let her know I am ok. She told me that mom was flown mainland. I thanked her for that info. I told her that she is being looked after by a bunch people that seemed to know what I am going through. She was happy that I wasn't going crazy. She wished me luck and asked me to be careful. I promised her I would. I heard a knocking so I opened the door.

I got out to see a woman holding a bathrobe. She said I was expected at the spa. Norseman is one of the wealthiest clans. I was escorted to a room where they took my blood sample. Then the questions began. I told them fearlessly what had happened. They were happy to know that the stuff works. They were upset that the thirst was not suppressed completely. They assumed it would. I asked them if I was some sort of new vampire. They told me that I was injected with the genetics of a combination of hybrid vampires. So that overpowered that cancer and made me this. I finally had answers but not the type of answer I can tell Syd.

A few days later mom recovered and we went back home. I had manicures, a completely new wardrobe of clothes, phone and a brand new laptop. I felt like I was someone else. I was told to get rid of the Volkswagen beetle or they will do it for me. I told them I am keeping it as part of my cover. I don't want any unwanted attention. This seems to interest them so they allowed it.

I arrived at school and Syd noticed the difference. She asked me what made me miss school for two weeks. I told her that I was not feeling well so mom took some time off to take care of me. Syd retorted that she came to our house. She said she saw nobody was home. I told her that I went away with mom for a few days. I didn't miss my homework. She knew I did something but the thing is she has no clue what is was. She was about to walk away when she had a good look at me. She saw that my wardrobe was bespoke. She was about to say something when the bell rang. I walked away to see Bree, Bethanne and the other girl I had rescued. She was the queen troublemaker herself. This day was about to get bad.

I walked up to them and we walked to class together. I heard someone kick the locker and scream. It was Syd. She was upset that I was getting the life she believes she deserves. There were people who were staring and others who were going on about how Syd has gone crazy. I ignored the urge to defend her. She can pull all the tantrums she wants but in the end she is going to have make peace with her situation.

We were sent to the library during English class and I was happy to see all those books. It was amazing. Each one had an adventure that I could dive into. Each book was its own realm. The book was just a door. I just got to open it and immerse myself in it. I was about to sit down and enjoy one when I smelled Chlorine. I knew Syd was looking for me. She has new questions and she expects answers. I walked through the shelves till I found the librarian. I told her that someone was harassing me. She said to wait by her side. She will take care of it. Syd came and started to talk and Mrs Frost asked her to get a book and sit down. Syd made the mistake of pushing the librarian aside and the shelf fell down and crashed against the wall with a loud thud. The books came crashing down on us. I got out of the way but the librarian and Syd got paper cuts.

I smelled the sweet scent of blood and was delighted at the opportunity to feed. I felt the Syd is dead weight and she must absolutely must be eliminated. Bethanne came forward and reminded of the rules I had told her about. I excused myself and walked out of the library as Bree called the nurse. I went to the parking lot and drank the blood bags I had kept there in case of emergency. When I was full I went back inside. I felt the myself calm and collected as I walked the that me back to the library. Syd was taken to the infirmary. The librarian was ok after a few Band-Aids.

I sat down to read a book. Bree sat down and asked me what had happened. I told her that Syd was chasing me so I asked the librarian to handle it. Syd pushed her and the shelf fell and the falling books had cut them. I felt thirsty so I went out to get me a drink. I had a few blood bags in the trunk. It was because I am still new to this whole vampire thing. She nod her head and thanked me for not going on a killing spree. I thanked Bethanne for her quick thinking. I told her that her name is too long. So I will name her Beth. Bree asked me what I am going to call her. I said I will call her Bee.

Queen Troublemaker showed up and asked what was going on. She was actually concerned. I told her that I just stopped myself from going on a killing spree. She congratulated me as she admired my clothes. She gave a nod of approval and asked me if I wanted to go to the party at Jayson's place. I told her that I wouldn't miss it for the world. She gave me an invite card and left to find the people she saw fit to go. Beth and Bee already got their invite cards. I watched as the librarian walked past us with a very pissed Syd by her side. Syd was told to help her set the books back in place after which she is banned from the library. She heard everyone talk about the party and wanted to crash the party but her mom picked her up from school and she was not allowed to leave the house unless it was for class.

That night I was asked by the vampires to join them at a club. I showed up and saw that my tattoo had vanished. I had to show the bouncer my fangs to get in. I approached the tattoo artist and he told me that since I got tattooed after I had changed it will disappear. Had I got while I was human then the tattoo would have stuck. I wanted to know how the vampires will identify me if I didn't have a tattoo. He said they will figure it out but for now enjoy the party the Russian thunderbirds were throwing.

I was having a blast when the sprinklers started to pour blood. The vampires were going nuts and I was about to go pyscho when a group of people arrived and started to shoot at us. They shoot bullets and arrows. I was intrigued to know that there were vampire hunters out there until one of the vampires dragged me out of there. We got out as far the door when he was shot and he turned to ashes. I picked up the arrow and stared at it. I retracted my fangs and asked the woman that approached me why she had this. She was surprised at first. She asked me to wait till everyone was done. They asked me if I had a tattoo and I showed them that I didn't have any. The woman took me aside and examined me. She said that I was not one of gofers so they asked me if I just showed up here because this was a club and I said yes. They shook their head at me as though they were saying the future is doomed. I had to wait till they dropped their guard before I would kill them one by one. A thought creeped into my head. Why should I kill them? Did they deserve it? What if I just excuse myself and walk on out of here no problems asked? I told that part to shut up and got ready.

They spread out to find if there more of us. I quickly killed the guy bald guy with a limp. He was the easiest to kill. The next one was the young man that seemed to have military training. He was a challenge but the hardest was the woman. When she was killed I sat down and my conscious starts to taunt me. I started to cry that I had become this thing. I wanted to human again even if it meant I would be sick. I cleaned myself up and drove home. I need to find a way to suppress this urge. I hate myself for ignoring my conscious. I got home and cried myself to sleep.