
What the hell am I?

I am Cameron a girl with a death sentence. My end is about to come. Then I decided that I will do one last daring act before the curtains close on me. I decided to go cliff jumping. On the way I witnessed an accident. The man in the car asked me to take a metal briefcase. He begged me to destroy it. He made me swear that I would destroy it. I took it home before mom came back. I left it in the fridge thinking that I will destroy it in the morning. The next morning mom comes to my room with the vials. To my surprise she used them thinking it was part my meds. It miraculous cured me. I never imagined that my nightmare had just began. I have this crazy thirst that shows up out of nowhere or the urge to beat someone. I had better learn how to control these urges and stay hidden or I will lose all those I love.

Ghaadha · แฟนตาซี
13 Chs

Chapter 6

I walked in the direction the bouncer gave me. I found a flight of stairs. It lead me to tunnel that ended in a club. There was a teenage girl wearing a private school uniform chewing gum. She asked me to show her my pass. I exposed my fangs and the man behind her escorted me to a booth. They brought me a few blood bags. I drank till I was about to puke blood. They asked me to come with them. I asked what I was and the answer they gave me was blood drinker or Sanguisuge. I asked if there was a more generic name. They smiled, "We don't like the more common term. We prefer the ancient term. If you really wanna know. It is vampire" I had seen zombie and serial killer movies but I had never seen a vampire movie. I had heard of them but never seen them. I think it is time I looked them up. I mean when I get home.

I was escorted to an office. Where a man in his twenties introduced himself. He was the leader of the vampires that live here. His name was Dalton. He asked me my name, where I was from and what kind of trouble have I caused. I told him without fear or retribution. He nod his head and asked me to make a choice. Be part of his clan or leave Hawaii. I agreed in exchange they don't hurt my mother.

They agreed to my terms and I was taken to room where I was given a tattoo. It was a crescent moon with clouds around it. I am kidding. They gave me a tattoo in an unknown language. It was one letter comprising of dots and dashes. They asked me to give myself a new name since I am no longer human. When my mother passes away I am going to move here. So I had better have a name that people can address me by. I chose the Beau. The tattoo guy told me to think it over before someone else names me. Whatever it is will be permanent and is non-negotiable. I told him that I will get back to him with a cool name.

He nod his head and ask for a car to take me home. The resident vampires were told about my mom and was warned not to hurt her. I was told that they will contact me to do something that is within my capacity. When I get the call I should follow the command to the letter. Otherwise I will be reprimanded.

I was escorted home and I climb up the window to sleep. I slept till the alarm went off. Note to self find out who invented the alarm clock and have him stand in front of the firing squad. The image of him resembling swiss cheese made me happy. I walked downstairs to see HIM making breakfast. I gagged as he arranged the table while flirting with mom. He volunteered to take me to school. Mom saw that I had the tattoo done on my wrist. She was not happy about it so she asked me why I had it done. I told her that it was a reminder that I am now cancer free and I should appreciate my life more. I should be more careful. I promised not to harm my body anymore. She was shocked that I had changed so much she gave me my car keys back. My new wanna be dad asked her if he could take me to school. I told him that I don't trust him enough to sit in a car with him. Maybe a few more weeks before that was possible. He pursed his lips and but didn't push it.

I got out to see Bethanne was waiting for me. She asked me if I snuck out of the house. I told her I did and I found a place I can feed without hurting anyone. There are places that donate blood. She was happy to hear that. I was pleased too till we reached school. Syd was sitting with her boyfriend. They were talking in hush voices but I heard it clearly as though I was next to them. Syd saw me and she stomped off. Her boyfriend asked me what the deal was. I told him it was just hormones. I told him to give it time. It will pass. Harmon explained that Syd is now cancer free but the doctor said that her cancer might come back so she is trying things that she thinks will keep it away. She is depressed that she couldn't make the cancer stay away. The possibility of it returning is enough to cause her to behave like a kid.

Syd approached me again and I told her to give it a rest. I am not going to the hospital. She asked me for a blood transfusion. I looked at her like she was nuts. I just found out I am a vampire. I am unstable and she wants my blood coursing through her body. I told her no. She asked me if we were friends I would do it. I told her that because we are friends I am refraining from doing it. She was pissed that I had the nerve to say no to her face. She wanted very much to be like me. I didn't like what I am right now. I wish I was healthy without being what I am. She asked me again. I reminded her that she is cancer free so she don't need to do it. She was pissed that Harmon had told me. I told her even if she wasn't cancer free my answer won't change. It will remain no. Syd walked away with a look that says otherwise. I knew I had to watch my back.

Bree asked me if I wanna come over to her place so we could study. I accepted her request and we drove to her place. It was a simple apple orchard. Her mother and brother were talking to man from the farmer's market about buying a stall. When the negotiations were over I was introduced. Both of them were pleased that I had rescued her fearlessly. They thanked me profusely and I stayed with Bree for a sleepover. Mom gave me permission since she was busy and I would be under adult supervision.

The next morning I got a call saying mom was in an accident and she was injured. Vampires had their gofers and abetters look into it. They confirmed that no vampire had a hand in mom's almost brush with death. My mom was in accident with a drunk driver. They allowed me to kill the one that almost took mom away from me. I was almost going to be a ward of the state. My wannabe stepdad tried to intervene. He wanted custody of me but the vampires made sure that I was placed in the custody of one of their own till mom recovers. I was taken to Hona lulu.

I did my research and discovered that vampires came up with a formula that allow them to walk in daylight. It would allow them to be outside for at least four hours. They were close to finding a way to completely protect themselves from the sun. Senior vampires who are at least a eight hundred years old are naturally immune to the sun. But younger ones are more prone to burst into flames.

I was escorted to the meeting room where I was introduced to the twelve houses of the night. Pandora's Storm, Poseidon, Thunderbird, Aragon, Caesar, Morgana, Aegean, Polaris, Maui, Blood moon, Nomad and Norsemen. My tattoo signified that I am a Norseman. I introduced myself as Luna. They were courteous and I tried to be as polite as they were.

When the chit chat was over I was escorted to see Frankie. He was an abetter. He is a human that will qualify to be a vampire of he pleased his master long enough. He used to be a gofer. That means he will not a vampire but if he makes any mistakes he is dinner. I stared as he made arrangements to ensure that I was well looked after. He found a gofer family in the mainland that was looking to adopt a kid as part of their cover. They came over and the paperwork was finished quickly. I will stay with them till mom gets back on her feet. They were informed explicitly that I was a vampire. That I should not be sassed with. They respectfully called me little miss. I like that a bit. But to be clear I wish my actual mother was here. I was flown to Miami.