
What the hell am I?

I am Cameron a girl with a death sentence. My end is about to come. Then I decided that I will do one last daring act before the curtains close on me. I decided to go cliff jumping. On the way I witnessed an accident. The man in the car asked me to take a metal briefcase. He begged me to destroy it. He made me swear that I would destroy it. I took it home before mom came back. I left it in the fridge thinking that I will destroy it in the morning. The next morning mom comes to my room with the vials. To my surprise she used them thinking it was part my meds. It miraculous cured me. I never imagined that my nightmare had just began. I have this crazy thirst that shows up out of nowhere or the urge to beat someone. I had better learn how to control these urges and stay hidden or I will lose all those I love.

Ghaadha · แฟนตาซี
13 Chs

Chapter 4

I made sure I was the first to get out when the lunch bell rang. I hid from Syd throughout the day but she knows where I live. She will show up and she expects to get what she wants. Sure enough she tried to find me. After school she showed up at my house for details. I honestly told her that I don't know. I said maybe the hospital switched files or made a mistake. She didn't believe me. She asked me again. I told her with total honesty that I don't know. She accepted that I didn't know what I taken but she knew that it was not something I could get from the streets either. She asked that I try to retrace my steps.

Mom walked in and told her that the doctor had prescribed meds that mom injected into me. She says that I had a bad reaction. But I got better by the time I got to the hospital. I have been recovering since. The doctor seems to think that the he may have switched my medical file with someone else's. That was the reason for the confusion. He thinks that someone else was supposed to die and he may have told that person that he is going to live. He double checked and said that I am cancer free. So I just need to take it easy. Syd asked mom if she still has the meds she gave me. Mom said she got rid of after it was injected into me. She was a nurse so she knows it is the best thing to do. Syd stared at mom as though she slapped her. She stormed off and I didn't see her for a week.

When she came back Syd didn't sit with me till lunch time. She asked me if I would go with her to the hospital and take a blood test. I told her that I won't. She was shocked that I would say that. She asked me again and I repeated my answer. She got up and pull my hair. It didn't come off. I stared at her for a moment and she was surprised. We shaved our heads together just a week ago. Now it looks like my hair has not been cut in years. She stood stunned for a moment before she left. Bethanne asked me what happened and I told her I will explain later.

When I got home Syd was waiting for me by the porch. She asked me how my hair grew in six days. I told her that I don't know. She asked me if that was my answer to every question she intends to ask. I said yes since I had no clue. She lowered her head, "Let's go to the hospital and we will do some blood work. We will figure out what you took so I can be healthy too." I refused and she gave me an angry look. She screamed, "You had a good bye party celebrating your end while my family and I were on the phone talking to people about experimental drugs that might heal me. Here you are healthy with a future while here I am about to die. Where did you get those meds? Tell me please"

I hesitated but decided to explain, "I was on a cliff getting ready to jump when a car crashed and the driver gave me the vials to destroy. I came home and hid the vials in the fridge since grams showed up. Mom injected them into me thinking it was my new meds. I was fine for three days then seizures started. Suddenly the seizure stopped and now I am healed. That's all I know. I am not going to a hospital and that is final"

Syd asked me, "Is this the one I asked you not to go to. The one you begged me to join you?" I nod my head and she started to swear. She was pissed, "I should have gone with you. I could have put an end to this. qlYou would have your funeral and I would live on. It was meant for me. You got it by accident. Let's go to the hospital we will fix it. Let's go. What are you waiting for?" I planted my feet firmly on the ground, "I am not going to the hospital and that is final. Syd go home and take care of yourself. Start taking your meds on time and stop skipping them. You will be fine. If you will excuse me I have make dinner before mom gets home."

She stared at me like I had slapped her. She limped towards me with rage. She wanted to say something but her mom showed up and asked her to come home for her meds. She didn't want to. I can understand that the effects of cancer meds can be daunting. She stared at her mom and blurted out that a week ago the doctors said that I was going to die now I am cancer free. Her mom said that the doctors made a mix up. Syd interrupted her mom, "She took new meds that reversed her cancer in three days. She had seizures but it fixed her. So please tell her to come to hospital so I can be cured too." I stood in shock that she said that I told her in confidence. Her mom interpreted my expression as though I was saying she was nuts. She asked her daughter to get in the car or she is grounded. Syd asked me which cliff did I go to. Her mom went hysterical. She dragged Syd to the car and asked her to stop fantasizing. They drove off with Syd screaming at her mom. I shook my head and prepped dinner.

I took a shower and was reading a book when the doorbell rang. Syd had shown up again. This time she wasn't alone. Her dad was with her. He said he would pay me if I would go to the hospital. I told him that I threw the party to say bye bye to hospitals. They give me the creeps. He asked me to come with him or he will sue. I told him good luck and slammed the door. They were pushing me and I felt the rage monster waking up. I knew that if I gave in then I will be devastated when I come to my senses.

I waited till they left and I called mom to let them know what was going on. She understood what I felt about hospitals so she said she will handle it. By handle it she meant she will talk to Syd's mom. I walked out for fresh air. I felt someone was spying on me. I decided that I should get away from whoever it was. I ran towards the beach. I knew that was the way to lose them. I felt that I was running too slowly so I focused on my legs and I shot off like a bullet. I reached the beach in no time. I tried to listen to find who it was that was following me. It was Syd. Her father was apologizing for losing me. He said he will do whatever it takes to heal her. He wanted meds that didn't take a toll on her body. Syd agreed with him.

I jumped into the water and swam to Oahu. I saw a ferry that was taking people and they were watching as I matched the speed of the boat. I reached the Oahu as the boat reached the docks. My swimming coach walked towards me and asked me if this was an audition for the swim team. If so I made the team. I told him that I was trying to clear my head. He asked me to go to the tryouts not just to watch but to compete. He wished me luck and walked towards his wife.