
What the hell am I?

I am Cameron a girl with a death sentence. My end is about to come. Then I decided that I will do one last daring act before the curtains close on me. I decided to go cliff jumping. On the way I witnessed an accident. The man in the car asked me to take a metal briefcase. He begged me to destroy it. He made me swear that I would destroy it. I took it home before mom came back. I left it in the fridge thinking that I will destroy it in the morning. The next morning mom comes to my room with the vials. To my surprise she used them thinking it was part my meds. It miraculous cured me. I never imagined that my nightmare had just began. I have this crazy thirst that shows up out of nowhere or the urge to beat someone. I had better learn how to control these urges and stay hidden or I will lose all those I love.

Ghaadha · แฟนตาซี
13 Chs

Chapter 1

I was scared that I had taken something that will compromise my meds. I walked to the bathroom. I felt my body began to shake. I felt dizzy so I sat down till the room stopped spinning. I slowly got up and took a quick shower and came downstairs to have breakfast.

My friend Sydney was waiting for me. She is as sick as I was. She gave me a hug and started to cry. I didn't know what was going on till mom told me her brother passed away from cancer. I held on to her till she felt like it was getting awkward. She sat down and looked at me trying to find words. But she couldn't. I held her hand and shook my head. Mom asked Syd if she wanted to stay with us for the night. She kindly turned her down. I asked if she wanted to go to the sanctuary. She smiled and gave me a nod.

We got there and saw that the road was closed. There were police officers, FBI agents and even the bomb squad. We were told to turn around for our safety. We decided that we will go to the beach instead. We watched the yachts go by lazily as though they are in no hurry. We jumped into the water and tried to see how long we can hold our breaths. We tried to catch fish, make sand castles and chase crabs. We ate the sandwiches mom packed for us and tried to run to see who can run faster.

Finally ours mom showed up ordering us to come home. I wished Syd the best and we parted ways. I arrived home and sat down for dinner. I wondered why mom made pizza since she hates it. She only gets pizza if she wanted win me over. Pizza was my Achilles heel. She wanted me to meet my new dad. We sat down and he arrived not soon after. I thought he was one of the doctors at the hospital. He turned out to be the guy that told me to turn around and head home. He was tall, had curly blonde hair, medium build and tattoos that is found in guys that have served in the army. recognized me immediately and he blushed red. We sat in relevant silence till I blurted out to mom how we met. Mom chuckled, "At least he didn't arrest you" He gave me a smile. I wished him goodnight since things were getting more awkward by the second. I pretended to take my meds and went to the bathroom. I flushed them down the toilet. I felt guilty but I didn't want it to counter whatever that mom had injected me with. I went to sleep hoping that tomorrow things will get better.

I woke up feeling the same as I did. I had hoped that whatever it was would just fix me overnight. It was stupid. I walked in and felt the same dizziness so I sat on the toilet seat till it passed. I got cleaned up and left to catch the bus. I was going to stay in a motel. I needed to get away from all of this.

I reached the motel and the guy in the front desk gave me a gap tooth smile. He gave me a room and told me to be careful. I promised to lock my room and make sure that I don't go roaming the streets at night. I sat down to watch TV when I heard screams in the next room. I put on headphones and went to sleep. I woke up to my phone vibrating. It was mom. She was pissed that I wasn't home. She said I had better come home or I am grounded. I quickly paid the guy in the front desk and hopped on the bus back home. There was a weirdo that followed me from the motel. He hopped on the bus and sat a few seats away from me. He refused to take his eyes off of me. I wanted to scream.

Jess was waiting for the bus to arrive so she can go see her father in prison. When I disembarked she pretended that she was waiting for me. The weirdo stared at us for a moment and he returned to his seat. Jess and I talked till the next bus arrived and she hopped on it. I walked home feeling exhausted. I passed out in the couch. Grams woke me up to remind me I should take my meds. I pretended to take me meds and threw it into toilet. I came down for dinner and mom started to scream. I wanted to say something but the room started to go dark. I remember standing up. But then everything went black. I heard a scream but that was all.

I woke up in the hospital with tubes all over my body. I apparently had a seizure. My body was starting to get weird. I felt cold sweats. Mom was happy that I was ok. I wanted to say something but I ended up vomiting. Mom called the nurse and she said that my test results were clear. That somehow my body has managed to get rid of the cancer. I was officially cancer free. My red blood cells looked unusual. They wanted to run some tests to see what else was going on. I told the doctor that I wanted to talk to him alone and she agreed me. Mom was surprised but she said nothing. I asked the doctor to destroy my samples and asked that there be no further tests. He agreed wholeheartedly. He assured me that he will destroy my blood works. He deleted my new blood test and roamed the halls for a few minutes and pretended to find mom. He told mom that there was a mix up with in lab. So no tests were necessary. I was discharged an hour later. I was escorted out in a wheelchair. I watched as Syd walked by for her Chemo session. She was surprised to see that I was being released. Her eyes were fixed on me as though she has just realized something. Whatever it was I guess I will never know.

I got home and noticed that my hair was starting to grow. My skin was slowly turning to the color of cream and roses. I was bombarded by my family and neighbors. We celebrated till the police arrived to shut down the party. I went to bed thinking about what it was in those vials that cured me. I guess I will never know. I went to bed and woke up on the floor. I had fallen down in my sleep. I decided that I needed a glass of milk. I went downstairs and heard a scream. I ran to find what was going on.