
What Sort of Dumb@ss Ability is This?!

on hiatus

Meowlyn · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

The fall

In a typically super cliche world of dungeons and monsters, where people started getting unnaturally abilities and power of that sorts.

Our story will begin as usual, in a floor-through apartment. On the seventh floor in the fifteen story height luxury buiding. Built on top on a cleared high level dungeon, the fellow residents of the building reaping the benefits of the slow releasing pure mana. Hence with a 0.001% increase of base mp each day for doing basically nothing at all, who wouldn't want to live here?

Yunan, a frail yet handsome looking young man hovers by the elevadoor getting ready to head out. He has white hair and blue eyes. Dressed in a black shirt and baggy pants, he smoothly slungs his backpack and got his shoes on, forgoing the laces, 21st century fashion, he thinks smugly.

"I'm off to class, sis! Dont forget the leftovers from Mrs Lugia downstairs! Do NOT touch my pudding. Else you're dead!" he says threateningly, eyeing his older sister with distrust. His older sister, Lunar, is a beutiful and elegant looking young lady with similar coloring as her younger brother except for her eyes that is tinged with flecks of silver and butt long hair. Dressed casually in an oversized worn purple shirt and short pants, she emerges out from the kitchen and lackadaisically approaches Yunan.

"Mnh. Your shoe laces." Says Lunar, completely unfazed by his feeble threat.

"Its a selective fashion, sis. Come on, you know this. Love you. Bye!" Yunan gives her a quick peck on the cheek, as per their daily routine. "I'll see you in a few hours."

"Love you." She replies while giving Yunan and brief hug.

Yunan shuffles backwards, slowly and threateningly squinting his eyes at her as he makes his way towards the exit.

"Don't touch my pudding." He emphasizes again before closing the door as slow as he can while maintaining eye contact with his expressionless sister.


And off he goes.

He leisurely makes his way down and towards the building owned teleportation called Multipurpose Teleporting Portal Station build by a S class grandmaster dimension mage, The Awemazing Dimentrepreneur. ('fancy name' thinks Yunan) His portal is supplied by the excess mana from the dungeon below. It is connected to 5 other portals within a 20 mile radius, one of which is connects to Yunan's university. Very handy. Saves travel time plus he gets to transport in style. Luxury living indeed.

The teleportal is located outside with the diameter of five by five meters. And unfortunately for Yunan, it is close by the front gate which are swarmed with fervent journalists and enthusiastic influencers alike. Both type groups are probably trying to get a glimpse on the residents of the building.

As he reaches near the teleportal, his phone sounds a chime, in which he quickly checks. Looking down at the image he receives, his eyes furrows in worry then burns in fury.

Alas, it is a perfectly captured picture of his beloved 5 litre jumbo size pudding, made specially from a high level beast monster's egg and a mid level milk with sugar harvested from also a high level dungeon. In short, it is an extremely expensive and rare food.

"She better not..." he growls menacingly, furiously typing threats and blackmail in retaliation.

He walks as he types and thus inevitable consequences occurs.

He accidently trips on his untied shoe laces, hits his stomach on a unsuspecting innocent standard rubbish bin, does a fish flail while inadvertently lets go of his phone and finally landing painfully on the ground with his face while his legs sprawls awkwardly on the top sides of the bin.

His phone which he released just now landed perfectly with a perfect score of ten out of ten straight into the now victorious rubbish bin.

Clang!- the smug looking bin sounds as the phone lands true.

There is a moment of complete silence before a round of applause erupted from the direction of the gate. Laughter could be heard from that direction too.

"I cant believe I got that on camera"

"Man! Did you see that phone? That was amazing. It landed perfectly in the bin."

"I though those kind of fall only happens on youtube."

"Hahahahahaha! What a loser!"

Yunan flops on the ground like a fish, trying and failing to untangle himself from the evil bin. His face burns with shame.

"Are you alright?!" asks a soft spoken and beautiful voice.

'Ah' he thinks 'an angel has come to save me.'

As he lifts his head, his face morphs to astonishment. An excessively muscled young lady comes thumping by (he can feel the ground vibrating as she approaches) and effortlessly picks him up off the ground by the scruff of his shirt collar. Mortified, Yunan swallows a bit of blood that he vomitted out due to shock.

She stands at the consternating height of 2.8 meter high in comparison to his standard 1.8m. Flaming red hair, cut short into a buzz cut, she is wearing a simple white singlet and short tight pants, both which hugs lovingly onto her manly muscles. On her arms, showing off a twin colored dragon tattoo covering from the tip of her forefinger right past underneath her singlet. She begins to fussily pats away any dust and debris and started checking for injuries.

"Are you hurt? That was a nasty fall." She asks worriedly.

'Aside from broken pride, my manliness is also broken. But, what a good person she is.'

"Thank you. I'm fine." He mumbles, dejectedly pushing away the unecessary prying fingers.

"Be careful next time. Don't keep looking at your phone as you walk. Young man these days," she tsked like an old lady even though she is probably only 24 years old, "have no spatial awareness at all. When I was your age, I could walk on a tight rope and rip a bear in half with both my pinky fingers while sensing a mosquito one mile away!"

"With all due respect ma'am, you dont look a day older than 18." He replies without missing a beat while completely ignoring some points in her story.

"..." She looks at him in shock before suddenly blushes and buries her face in her ginormous hands. "You flatterer." She meeps out, one hand embarrasingly giving a wave and accidently hitting Yunan right on the shoulder.

Thus sending Yunan flying 10 feet away straight to the pile of junk is the big commercial rubbish bin.

'Bins... are evil.' are his last thoughs as he peacefully and warmly receive the darkness that claims him lovingly.

But alas, this love was not meant to be. The giant lady panickly rushed forward and reached into the bin(as he was buried deep deep in), not unlike a giant racoon reaching into a tiny bin. He is successfully fished out and was left dangling in her hand.

"Are you okay?!" She asks worriedly while shaking him like a toy. Tears slowly fall down his eyes and he purse his lips in sadness, his mind chasing his imaginary pride that has run off in the far distance leaving him to suffer alone.

"I... It is okay. I'm fine... please let me down." Yunan say listlessly. His poor pride and dignity.

"I am so sorry!" She cried as she hastily and non-too-gently let him down.


The once died down commotion ignited into another round of laughter.

"Its okay. Everything is okay. Thank you so much for before though. Its no worries. " Yunan briskly says, once again pushing away those muscled fingers thats trying to help. "I will just head back. M-my sister got this. I got this. Thanks for helping me again." And he dashes off, straight back into the building.

He thus, successfully make his escape, with his tail between his legs, pride utterly crush and blown away.


Name: Yunan Kroscin

Age: 22

Tittle: -

Level: error

Hp: 22/34

Mp: 0

Sp: 10 (averagely slow)

Status: Injured. His pride and manliness has left the lobby.

Abilities: none

Hello there!

Thanks for stopping by.

Apologies for the many many many mistakes.

I hope you enjoyed this first chapter!

Meowlyncreators' thoughts