
What really happened?

Just a plain girl, who met these twins. She doesn't know that these twins were one of Japans riches family. She befriended them and later knew that the family were in a cult. She ignored this until tragedy stroke at her.

Ellaine_Joy_Velota · อื่นๆ
1 Chs


May 13, 1992

"I- I'm scared."

Shina said as her phone slowly gets static.

"My phone died, no..."

She hid inside a shack and cried. Terrified, she heard some foot steps from outside. She immediately covered her mouth and whimpers as the foot steps slowly fade. She stood up and went out.

"It's gone.. go—"

A large tall figure hold her by the cheeks and thrown her to a tree.

"H- Hiro.. Help..."

Shina fainted.

"Oh my gosh! That is so creepy Big Bro Hiro."

Yuki said while she talks to Hiro with the phone.

"You sure that really happened? Or did you just made that up again? Big Sis Shina won't like this if you keep telling me weird stories."

Yuki pouted.

"Don't worry, she wouldn't know if you don't tell her. Though, even if I tell you this you'll still tell her even if I warned you not to."

Hiro sighed.

"I'm a curious 12 year old Big Bro. Plus, you hate me and I hate you. I don't even know why we talk."

"That's because your Big Sis would be mad at me, and you know she's older than me. She treats you like family."

Hiro sighed and continued.

"I'm doing this for her because she asked of me."

Yuki stayed silent.

"You still there?"

Hiro looked at his phone to see if the call ended.


Yuki sighed and spoke.

"Yes, I know. I don't really wanna get close too. I don't like you messing around at Facebook too."

"Can't be helped really"

Hiro laughed. Yuki yawned a bit and rubbed her right eye.

"Hiro, I'm sleepy. Sweet nightmares!"

Yuki giggled and hang up. She went under the covers, closed her eyes and fell asleep.

"Hiro.. help..."

"Where.. am I?.." Yuki looked around. "This.. looks familiar.."

"Shina.. nee.." Small shiro crying as his big sister is being tortured by a huge black figure.

"Big sis Shina?" Yuki tried to get close but the figure looked at her. With red bloody eyes, sharp teeth smile. It grabbed her face.

"Ahhh!" Yuki woke up and started panting. Yuki looked at her own hand and started crying. "Why is this happening to me?"