
What Makes A Hero(Itachi/Injustice)

After the Reanimation Jutsu is undone, Itachi dies again and is ready to move on to the next life, but he is instead sent to the DC Injustice universe prior to a conflict that will forever change the world. Find out just how powerful a prime Itachi can be, and see how he will influence a world of Superheroes at war. Injustice Year Zero to Injustice Year Five Inspired by "Uchiha Of The League"

Maxbonzo · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
32 Chs

Chapter XXVI: Good Riddance

A lot of villains are really obscure so I won't have a name for all of them. Also I forgot that Raven is in another dimension at this point in the story, so I'm replacing her spot with Hawkgirl's.

"You didn't forget about me did you, Cyborg?"

"Of course not, Shazam. You're closest to Atlanta and there's an attack there right now."

Flash asked, "Are you joining the fight?"

"Yeah, I'm going to Philadelphia."

Flash arrived at Minneapolis and was met by Grundy, Grodd, and Hyena. Grundy tried to attack him right away without making a sound but Flash easily dodged. "What's wrong, Grundy? None of the usual grunting and rhymes today?"

He tried striking at him a few more times and still didn't respond. Flash frowned, "Ok, Strange."

Shazam fought The Eradicator and a few other villains. He was beating them relatively easily, but they kept getting back up. He started to sweat and took a deep breath, "No matter what I do these guys won't stay down."

At LA, Hawkgirl was fighting Plastique, Atomic Skull, and a couple other villains. Dodging the energy blast that came her way was easy, although it felt like everything she threw at them didn't do much of anything. She started to get aggravated and swung her mace harder than normal which whacked Pastique's hand off, although Plastique looked unphased and her wound quickly healed itself. Hawkgirl backed up, "What the...? She doesn't have a healing factor. How did she do that?"

Both Sinestro and Hal arrived in Orlando and started fighting Parasite. Although they ended up dealing with the same problems as everyone else. Flash started talking to the rest of the League, "Hey guys, have these villains been doing endurance training? Cause they just won't go down."

Hawkgirl replied, "There's something wrong with them. I accidently blew the hand off of one and it healed up seconds later."

Hal stated, "Well some of these guys have healing factors."

"Well this wasn't one of them. And all of them seem to be healing the same way."

Sinestro said, "They don't seem to talk as much anymore either, but I'm not going to complain about that."

Cyborg announced, "Guys, something is seriously wrong here. There were missing bodies at the prison, but everyone that we're fighting.... is confirmed dead."

Hal said, "Wait so that means"-Although before he could continue his sentence his earpiece was destroyed along with Sinestro's. They both turned their heads and saw Itachi, the Titans, and Manhunter.

Itachi stared at Hal, 'This is my first time seeing him with a Yellow Lantern ring in person..... it's an eyesore,' Itachi stepped forward, "You can surrender if you want, although this is the only chance that you'll be offered."

Sinestro's ring glowed bright, "Over my dead body."

Itachi remained stone faced, "If you want then that would be fine too."

The dry humor wasn't appreciated and Sinestro tried to shoot a beam at him but Itachi tilted his head out of the way and his eyes started to glow red. He tried to activate his genjutsu, but nothing happened. 'I planted suggestions in all of the Regime members back when I was still on the team, being on the battlefield with Trigon and Mitzelplik must have messed with my jutsu. I should train to try and bypass the eye contact problem, but for now it's fine,' He pointed at Sinestro, "Here's How this is going to end. You're going to die the same way John Stewart died. Fire Style: Great Fireball Jutsu."

A huge ball of flame erupted from Itachi's mouth and it shot straight at Sinestro. He manifested a huge fan and swept the flame upwards so it didn't hit him. But the flames turned into Itachi who held up a hand sign, "Water Style: Water Basin jutsu. Sinestro was caught off guard by the substitution and was almost hit by it but he quickly shielded himself. Although while he was focusing on the attack from above the shadow clone that did the fake fireball was preparing an attack he wouldn't see coming. "Wind Style: Wind Bullets Jutsu."

The bullets hit Sinestro dead on and some tore through his side. He groaned in pain and coughed up some blood, but he powered through the pain and turned himself into a sphere that blades started protruding rapidly from. Itachi used wind ninjutsu to get away so he didn't get hit. "Superman wants to take care of you personally, but I'll kill you for that!"

Itachi sighed, "You're the main reason why Clark has ended up this way. You pretended to be a hero like a rat while corrupting his soul. Your corruption ends today." He deactivated his Sharingan.

Sinestro's brow tensed, "Where did the red eyes go? You can't possibly think you can beat me without them can you? Or are you perhaps giving up now in hopes that I won't kill you?" He smirked.

Itachi shook his head, "Nothing like that, my Sharingan just isn't needed to kill a pathetic rat like you." Sinestro gritted his teeth and started lashing out.

On the other end of the battlefield Starfire, Superboy, and Wonder Girl were fighting Hal while Manhunter was on standby ready to assist or watch out for anyone else trying to join the fight. While they fought Hal was on the defensive. Starfire asked, "How could you side with Sinestro of all people? He enslaved his own planet before!"

"He's changed, he isn't the same man he used to be. And it seems like you've all changed too," he swung a baseball bat at Starfire and she went flying back.

Wonder Girl started putting pressure on him and punched past all of his projections, "What we're doing is ensuring a safer future once your New World Order is destroyed!"

Hal scoffed, "By executing hundreds of villains?"

"You sided with Superman who killed tons of your friends among the Lanterns along with a whole planet. Don't try to act like you're better!"

She landed a punch which sent him into the ground, but he quickly recovered and made her back off with gunfire. "They attacked our PLANET! And they were going to destroy everything that we achieved. We were just defending ourselves!"

Superboy destroyed his turret and upper cutted him back into the air. His eyes narrowed, "Were you just defending yourself when you brutally killed Guy Gardner?"

Hal gritted his teeth and he glared at him. He smashed him with a mallet, "Guy was trying to act like a peacekeeper and then he KILLED John. What was I supposed to do?!"

Starfire shot him in the back, "Is that what Sinestro manipulated you into believing?"

Hal was taking longer to recover this time which gave the three of them the chance to start wailing on him. Starfire continued, "Sinestro is the one that killed him."

Hal emitted a blast of energy that made them back off, he started shaking his head rapidly and he looked at the ground, "No... don't lie to me."

"You probably already know that's true, right? Is your fear of the truth stopping you accepting reality? Or do you just not have the WILL to stand up to evil anymore?"

He stood up slowly and his whole face was tense, "I.... I don't know."

Flash called up the rest of the Regime, "I'm not sure how he's done it, but I think that they're all already dead... They're reanimated."

Hawkgirl replied, "In that case there's no reason to take them as prisoners."

Shazam said, "I've managed to put these guys in a position where they can't hurt anyone anymore, although they're still conscious. Also I think something is wrong with Hal's and Sinestro's comms. I'm the closest to Orlando so I'm going to check it out."

Cyborg said, "Let us know what you see."

Shazam arrived in Orlando quickly and saw the fight going on between Itachi's Akatsuki and Hal and Sinestro who were barely hanging in there. He tried to dash in, but he was stopped by Manhunter who tackled him through a building. Shazam glared at him and he clenched his fist, "So it's you guys who were behind this... how could you do something like that? Bringing these people back to life just to fight for you?"

Manhunter punched him through the building, "It's the best way to take you all down, so we'll gladly use this to our advantage."

Shazam closed his eyes for a moment before dashing at Manhunter, "You've fallen."

Manhunter caught the fist and started to wrap around Shazam, "Says the man who sides with a globalist tyrant."


Manhunter had to seperate from Shazam's body and he recovered, "We've done.... some bad things. But there are no more wars now, and soon enough people won't have to suffer anymore."

They started trading blows, "Billy, tell me. Do you ever actually go around and ask people what they think of Superman nowadays?" Shazam stayed silent and Manhunter continued, "How about I show you."

He grabbed Shazam's head, but before he could say his magic word, Manhunter flooded his mouth. Shazam's eyes started to see people living in slums, suburbs, cities, and everything else. He felt everything they felt. The feeling of being dogs forced in cages only allowed outside certain times of the day, nations that are slowly collapsing due to their leaders being taken out and not knowing how to lead. And many more things.

Itachi tried to dodge the flurry of blades that came his way, but he couldn't dodge them all and he ended up getting pierced by multiple blades going through his torso. His eyes went wide and he coughed up blood. Sinestro had a wide smile and clenched his fist, causing the blades to turn into more blades stabbing him through every part of his body, "I told you that I would kill you." Itachi dropped dead. Sinestro took a deep breath and looked at how Hal was doing.

All the Titans were unconscious and Manhunter was on the ground unconscious after being scorched by Shazam's lighting. Hal flew next to him and patted his back, "They weren't so strong after all."

Sinestro nodded, "Yes, it seems sOOOO!"-- Sinestro coughed up blood and looked down at his chest to see a sword pierced straight through him. He looked to his right and who he previously thought was Hal turned out to be Itachi. Sinestro's eyes were as wide as saucers and he started sweating and breathing heavily. "A-an illusion?! H-how?! I never looked into your eyes!"

Itachi dug the blade deeper through his chest and twisted it around causing Sinestro to make groans and screams of pain, "The fireball jutsu. The flames you were looking at were really my eyes," He ripped the blade from his chest and Sinestro started bleeding heavily and was beginning to lose consciousness. "I told you that you would die the same you killed John."

Sinestro tried to fly away, but fell to the ground. He looked around and saw that Hal was knocked unconscious. And that Shazam was in his child form being held by Manhunter. Itachi walked up to him. And the rest of his team looked on at Sinestro. "You'll..... You'll all be hunted and killed for this! Don't think that you'll get away with trying to put an end to Superman's peace!" He fell to his knees. Itachi got within arms reach of him. Sinestro glared at him, "I won't beg."

Itachi sighed, "Everything that you've done will be for nothing. Superman will see the light again," he swiftly sliced his throat open and Sinestro dropped dead. "Good Riddance."

Itachi turned to the rest of his team, "If Shazam came here then the rest of them will follow soon after. We have to get out of here fast.

Although before they could go anywhere a red and blue blur crashed into the ground near them making a crater. Itachi got into a serious fighting stance and went straight to his Mangekyo Sharingan. "Superman?! There's no way he could have beaten Doomsday that fast!"

When the dust settled they saw a man who looked like Superman at first glance. Except his skin was gray, his hair was unkempt, and the S on his chest was backwards. The thing smiled and pointed a thumb at himself, "Yes, me am Superman."

After getting a good look at him Itachi calmed down, 'That.... that isn't Superman.'

The Titans got ready to fight. Starfire said, "I don't think we should be starting another fight now or else more of the Regime might come soon."

The fake Superman dashed at Tim first at a speed he couldn't react to, but Manhunter intercepted him and started a brawl with him. Tim yelled, "Itachi! We'll have to leave Parasite here to fight him, we have to get out of here."

"Yeah, you're right. Everyone, let's go," he ordered Parasite to attack the fake Superman and Manhunter followed after them. Wonder Girl said, "Hey. Don't you think we should put a tracker on him or something?"

Superboy raised a brow, "Why?"

"It did seem to think it was Superman. And going off its grammar skills it probably isn't the smartest. Maybe it could help us later, you know?"

Itachi noddex, "That's a good idea," he turned to Tim.

Tim smirked, "I put it on him earlier when he dashed at me."

His fellow Titans brows raised. Starfire said, "Wow Tim, when did you become that fast?"

"I can tell you about it later, but for now let's focus on getting away."

At the Hall Of Justice Superman's clothes were shredded and he started breathing heavily. Doomsday charged in for another attack, but Wonder Woman flew into the building and grabbed him, "Finish him!"

Superman didn't hesitate and landed two hooks that made Doomsday hit the ground unconscious. "Thank you, Diana.

Before she could say anything Superman started getting calls over his comms, "Hey, Superman. We found the missing prisoners, I think although they're undead like Grundy and we don't know what to do with them."

"On my way, Barry," Superman flew out of the Hall Of Justice and grabbed each villain and threw them all into the Sun. Flash said, "Guys. I went to Orlando to check on Shazam, Hal, and Sinestro, and well..... Sinestro is dead. And Hal and Billy are gone."