
What It Meant To Me Chapter 1

I used to believe love was a fantasy, an imagination, something real but not felt, sometimes rare that's not to be found. It was meant for adults, not for kids, that's what I thought. Teenagers feel infatuation, some mistake it for love, the way they treat their selves when things don't go right. The excuses they make instead of facing their problems, the things they do at the back at their partners made me believe love wasn't for children, until, it struck me, showing me a new path of life I had completely shut out. My name is Remiel, billionaire's son, I have everything I wanted, my parents were the busy types but it never disturbed me, I live with my aunt, and my nephew, I'd often have video calls from my parents, they were always travelling from one place to another, only home for Christmas & new year's eve and the day after. I had just left a school that was shut down for government related purposes and I was on the wait to be transferred to another school. Education is something my parents would never toy with, they'd make fast progress towards my change of school, making sure it was in my best interest. Of course, that's what makes them lovely. It was another early morning after I came back from my morning walks.

Aunt Mabel: Don't you ever get tired of running every morning? Teenagers

Remiel: c'mon aunt, you know it's an habit

Aunt Mabel: whatever kid, urmm, go freshen up, I've got 2 news for you

I was curious, aunt Mabel never comes up with something like that.

Remiel: which is?..

Aunt Mabel: I don't want to ruin the suprise, you might fall off the stairs, so go freshen up.

Excitedly, I quickly took care of myself, settling for breakfast.

Remiel: c'mon.. don't pend me aunty

She gave me an envelope with excited looks on her face.. I wondered what it was, I haven't made my pick from school yet so I didn't know what it was all about.

I opened the envelope and it was such exciting news, I had to scream it out loud

Remiel: you are pregnant?! Oh my God, that's so beautiful

Aunt Mabel: it's a girl

Remiel: yesss!!! I told Mr Joe I'd win this time

Aunt Mabel (laughs): y'all bet on unborn kids now?

Remiel: I had to. I'm so happy for you

Aunt Mabel: thank you kiddo, you are now an uncle of two

Remiel: I'm so flaunting that badge

Aunt Mabel:(laughs)..

It felt so nice seeing my aunt brimming with smiles, she was very beautiful, with tears of joy & laughter flaunting on her face, I couldn't help but hug her.

Aunt Mabel: that's all about me.. don't tell Mr Joe yet..

Remiel: ohh, he won't.

Aunt Mabel: I trust you. So, the other news is concerning your school, your parents said you should make a pick quickly, you staying at home is something they wouldn't want to be hearing.

Remiel: figured. Umm, I think I've seen the one I like the most

Aunt Mabel: really? How's it like? Boarding?

Remiel: no no, c'mon, aunt Mabel, you know how I feel about boarding schools

Aunt Mabel: right. So what school are you picking? What made you pick it

Remiel: their environment, activities, I've always wanted to know how to play a guitar

Aunt Mabel: that's beautiful. So you'll be going into music?

Remiel: yes. I want to play lullaby for my nephews

Aunt Mabel: aww.. so what school did you pick?

Remiel: Brighton High.

Aunt Mabel: let me check it out..

She brought out the magazine, read the details and gave countless nods, signs of approval and a perfect go

Aunt Mabel: you know what? You've always had eyes for the best

Remiel: well, of course

Aunt Mabel:(laughs) naughty boy, I'll call your dad by noon and we'll make preparations for Monday

Remiel: alright, thank you..

Aunt Mabel: can't imagine the look on Joe's face when he hears it's a girl

Remiel: I will drain his pockets!

Aunt Mabel: (laughs) this boyyy

And just like that, two good news on that lovely Saturday.