
What is this I'm feeling?

Allan is a former assassin who hopes for a normal life. Therefore he retired as an assassin and enrolled in highschool. How will Allan who desperately wants a normal life but has no common sense about it survive in highschool? How will his former assassin life affect his now highschool life? You can find it out by reading this novel I also have another series called ' The book that ties us together' Please go ahead and check it out https://www.paypal.me/Crystalroseauthor donations are welcome☺

CrystalRose_3900 · แอคชั่น
6 Chs

Trouble in front of school

The next day Allan went to school and encountered some trouble It seems as there were many people gathering in front of school. Allan got curious and decided to check it out

Allan saw Alya and decided to asked

" What's going on here?"

" Oh Allan, some guys from another school decided to make a ruckus here" Alya pointed at the guys who were making a ruckus

" Another school?" Allan looked at Alya confused

" Yeah, another school. I don't know what their deal is, well Mizuki's gonna fix it I guess" Alya talked to Allan relaxedly

" Mizuki?" Allan was surprised

" Yeah, she always cleans up troublesome person. She's good at fighting and the best in our school I think" Alya told Allan

" Wow, that's amazing. But If things get out of hand I'll need to jump in there. Well I trust Mizuki so I believe in her" Allan's P.O.V

" Oi you, you're here again?" Mizuki appeared

" What even is your deal?" Mizuki walked up to them

" We heard there's a new student and we just want to meet them" The boys from the other school pushed Mizuki

" And what's your deal with him" Mizuki held her ground

" Well, It's rude to not give a greeting right" The boy smirked

" You have bussiness with me?" Allan suddenly walked to the front

" New guy getting cocky aye" The boy laughed

Then Allan suddenly jumped kicked him in the face and the boy fell down because of Allan's strength

" Why are you laughing on the floor? Are you crazy?" Allan teased him while looking down at him

" Why you.." The boy who fell down got angry and called the others to beat Allan up. In a second the boys friends surround Allan

" Calling your friends cause your to weak?" Allan kept teasing him when one of the boys friends start attacking Allan

" You know ambushing someone is really cowardly" Allan grabbed the boys hand and twisted it making the boy screamed in pain.

Seeing the scene the other boys started attacking Allan together but they couldn't beat him and had gotten beaten up instead

" Is that all you can do?" Allan brushed his shoulder and his hands off

"Tch.. lets go back" The group of boys then went away

" Wow Allan you're awesome" Mizuki suddenly appeared praising Allan

" It's nothing much, now come on let's go back to class" Allan then started walking to class

" Okay" Mizuki, Alya and Rein followed behind him