
What If I Was Your Angel

"So what if I had been your angel, beauty?" The woman in question turned with her red skirt fluttering. Her face washed white was on the verge of crumbling. He reached out, standing above her, and Charlotte's hand wavered with her poisoned words. "What if." [Mature Content] In a technologically advanced world where the darkness is chased out by bright lights, there are vampires lingering behind the scenes, seamlessly merged between human life. Charlotte follows the lines of normal but her ordinary routine comes to a stop when she witnesses an eye-opening moment that puts both her and her loved ones in danger, making her once quiet life crumble. A vampire crosses path with a human to which he never thought he would be tied to. Forced together, an unexpected partnership forms between her and the seductive stranger when they discover that there is more than meets the eye behind closed doors where the shadows linger.

Winter_Auden · แฟนตาซี
132 Chs

To Be Alone

Charlotte didn't try to start any conversations on the way home. His frame was soaked from head to toe as was she in the dreary rain. He continued to take the cobblestone streets before eventually jumping up to a light post, and Charlotte squeaked out in surprise from the height.

Her feet dangled over the edge, and Charlotte poked her head out spot the view of the city drenched in the rain shower. All the bright lights turned on in the grey mist, creating various patterns of lights.

Vincent made it to her house in only a few minutes. There was no one out at the weather thankfully. He arrived at her front door, and Charlotte wiggled her body to try and get down.

"You can put me down," Charlotte said.

"I'll disinfect your feet inside first."

Charlotte sighed as she nodded. They walked inside the foyer escaping from the dismal weather. She dropped her wallet and keys on the slim table which was pushed to the wall adjacent to her clothing rack.

She pointed to the kitchen, and he strode to one of the chairs and settled her in the seat. Charlotte told him the medical kit was in the powder room that was concealed underneath the stairs. Easing back into her seat, she didn't let herself become relaxed.

Vincent could be unpredictable at times. She needed to remember that he could be her easily be her ally and friend one day and kill her in the next.

He returned with the white medical kit and kneeled before her. They were almost the same height in this position. He dabbed at her feet with little white cotton balls. Her stomach growled, and he looked up at her quizzically.

Charlotte blushed as she told him the truth. "Sorry. I haven't eaten anything yet today."

Tilting her head back at the miscellaneous items strewn on the island, she remembered that she planned to make curry. She lost her groceries during the process of getting back home. It seemed that there would be no curry after all.

Her hand went to her chin to think about what to eat when Vincent was about to apply a bandage.

"You don't need to put on a band-aid for me," Charlotte said.

Vincent nodded as he got back to his feet. Charlotte had to crane her head to meet his eyes in the current position and when her neck creaked, she also stood. He gave her his hand, and she took it, placing her slim hand into his cold one, pulling her up.

Her body collided with his own from his strength, and Charlotte didn't try to pull away, only to lean more heavily onto his body.

She was mentally exhausted the last few weeks, and despite Vincent being a prominent danger to her, he gave her comfort. Maybe it was because she was so high-strung she was going insane. Vincent ran a hand down her back, and Charlotte shivered.

"Whenever these mishaps occur just call out for me and I'll be there," Vincent murmured.

"Why would you do that?" she asked into his shoulder. "I don't want to deal with vampires, but I have a feeling that I'll encounter even more."

"I'm sorry, but I need to stick around you."

Charlotte pulled back from his arms. "Why is that?"

Vincent paused before answering. He clearly had two answers, and Charlotte pressed her lips together in a knowing smile. He finally answered, "Because no one was ever there for me."

Charlotte frowned as she met his eyes. "Because you were alone."

He brushed the wet strands that were stuck to her cheek. "Yes."

She moved back and took off his jacket to return it to him while carefully covering her top half which was too exposed from the sheer shirt. Vincent took the jacket and hung it on one of the kitchen chairs to dry.

"I'm heading upstairs to shower. You're free to go unless you're also hungry for whatever I am making," Charlotte said with a tired smile.

"What are you making?"

"Hm, I still don't know, but I'll whip something up from some ingredients over there."

The food was haphazardly strewn on the island which was not usual MO, so she quickly walked over to the counter to straighten the ingredients out. Mushrooms, cabbage, bell peppers, basil, green onion, parsley, tomatoes, garlic, and beef. It was a universal lineup that had the potential for a great meal. The leftover curry blocks would have to wait for another day.

She glanced up to see Vincent staring at her body, and her face heated. "Stop staring at me."

He put his hands up. "Sorry."

Charlotte moved to the entrance of the kitchen and angled herself back. "I'm going to take a shower, so by all means leave if you wish. I'll be back in fifteen if you would like to get comfortable."

She didn't turn back nor did she hear a response and shrugged it off. A shower came first. She needed to get out of the soaking wet clothing, but it didn't really matter anymore since she already gave him a free show.