
What If I Was Your Angel

"So what if I had been your angel, beauty?" The woman in question turned with her red skirt fluttering. Her face washed white was on the verge of crumbling. He reached out, standing above her, and Charlotte's hand wavered with her poisoned words. "What if." [Mature Content] In a technologically advanced world where the darkness is chased out by bright lights, there are vampires lingering behind the scenes, seamlessly merged between human life. Charlotte follows the lines of normal but her ordinary routine comes to a stop when she witnesses an eye-opening moment that puts both her and her loved ones in danger, making her once quiet life crumble. A vampire crosses path with a human to which he never thought he would be tied to. Forced together, an unexpected partnership forms between her and the seductive stranger when they discover that there is more than meets the eye behind closed doors where the shadows linger.

Winter_Auden · แฟนตาซี
132 Chs

Highest War

Vincent loosened his grip on her waist to try and taunt her, but Charlotte wasn't having any of it and she squeezed her nail into his arm. The drop was definitely survivable if she fell, however, she wasn't going to risk a broken leg on top of everything else since she was already a liability. She wanted to be of help, not sitting in the background and taking in everything.

If she were to do so, it would be fine, but after all the things she had witnessed, she couldn't stand still. Charlotte punched Vincent in the gut since she wasn't playing around considering that they needed to make haste to the next safehouse that was ready for them due to the fact that the sun was about to rise any second now.

The dark blue of the night had more light to it as dawn break was near, and Charlotte held onto Vincent's shirt tightly as he scaled upward the building floors at an alarming speed that never failed to awe her. Pressing her face into where his shoulder and neck met, she felt more grateful than she had ever felt in the last few months.

The cool wind swept through her hair, and she sighed as she lifted the free gun she had into her spare hand now feeling comfortable having a weapon on her than not. She was glad to see him in good shape but also knew that he desperately needed a break to heal and to rest which was where Stone was leading them.

Vincent held her with one arm while the right arm was free when he got his foot in the correct position before he suddenly started running up the wall. With her gun pointed and ready to shoot, she kept her body ready in case anything was willing to show itself while they were making their way up the side of the wall at an almost vertical degree angle.

He jumped when they made it to the top, and her legs fell as gravity played with them, and Vincent covered her body with his as they fell through the air onto the top of the office building they were in.

They landed roughly with a sharp breath from Vincent's end and a shock wave that vibrated through her legs when they first came down that she shook off.

Lucia and Stone were ahead of them, and those two had already taken off onto the next buildings Stone was jumping from rooftop to rooftop with no care for the world while Charlotte could see how Lucia was still kicking her feet against him despite them being over a hundred-foot height that one couldn't even guarantee survival from.

It was funny to see them now that Charlotte could breathe in a breath of fresh air, and she laughed lightly. Vincent was giving her a moment to rest since he could tell that her body needed a moment of a break before they had to get going. In response to her light laughter, Vincent lifted an eyebrow at her. "What is it?"

She pointed at the two. "They're so funny, but please keep an eye on them."

The corner of his lips quirked up. "There's already enough bloodshed around these parts."

Charlotte nodded. "That is true. For now, all I can hope for is that we can all get our bodies into tip-top shape to fight back with our hundred percent."

"We need to give it our all now," he agreed. "And you need to learn hand-to-hand combat."

Not that she was denying it, but she tilted her head up to look at him. "Why's that? I would prefer gun lessons."

"Well, you, my angel, are holding onto your gun as if it its a lifeline."

That was definitely true, but she felt more confident holding the gun since before she couldn't even fathom hurting a fly. It gives her a small sense of closure for some reason, but she was going to take it as growth versus something that could be detrimental later on in life considering that it may become skills she would need to strengthen.

"I said the exact same thing to Lucia earlier," she said slowly. "I swear you're brushing off on me."

His response was cool and crisp which would have irked her, but she only saw it as a sign of comfort. "I'll take it as a good sign."

Charlotte breathed out a small laugh. "You should. I feel stronger as of late."

"I'm glad to hear it. Before you used to quiver at the thought of blowing another person's head off or even silencing them."

"Well, it's my morals coming the way as I know you hold highly too," Charlotte said as she stretched her legs. "But it's war, isn't it?"