"Everyone wears a mask. Some to hide, some to love. When I took mine off it was darkness that I found. " I was to blind to see that. Once I realised that. Well, it was far too late, I couldn't go back. How could the one's who had been the closest to you betray you. I knew love but for me it was forbidden, I had decided to love the one for whom I should had feel no emotion.
What we have to prepare a war, against the demons, but they are much stronger than us.
"Let's go to the meeting room right away," Mum took my hand, so we could get there quicker, and once we got there the ministers were there and so was Lise. I go and sit next to her.
"What took you so long Lilith?" asked Lise.
"I just wanted to sleep a bit more", Lise laughed at my words.
I regret having slept so long and then with all that I didn't even have time to have my breakfast, I'm not going to be able to concentrate at all.
" Well now everyone, the meeting is about to begin "A man stands up, it's the commander I think, he's very charismatic, and I have the impression that Lise fell in love with him at first sight, he's got brown hair with green eyes, and he's a bit shorter than Jade.
"The demons probably won't launch an attack on us before several months, so we have to be ready to fight back before they attack us."
If we prepare ourselves we will surely be a match for them, but I still wonder what is the weapon that makes us hold off the demons for so long.
"Why don't we go on the offensive, and now that Princess Lilith is back we can attack them without any hostages" this time it was the commander's father speaking.
"Father, we can't afford to attack in enemy territory, they'd risk getting rid of us as quickly as possible," he replied.
"We're not going to wait patiently for them," said the father, and the meeting began to look more and more like an argument than a meeting.
"Listen to me when I'm talking to you, Dad, you're far too old-fashioned and this is the best solution we've got," he shouted, sounding very concerned about the fate of the village.
"Imagine if while we were away the demons decided to attack our civilians, what would we do if poor innocent people died because of our offensive?"
He was right, and I think he was one of the few who thought of the people first rather than winning the war.
"Well stop arguing now but the commander is right we have to protect the civilians" I said as I stood up.
"Why should we trust you, you've spent five months with these monsters, who says you won't betray us? "
I was offended that this old fart would talk to me like that, I wasn't going to betray anyone and I know how much the demons don't like us.
" Enough! I won't allow you to dishonour the princess by your words which are totally false " replied Jade, it pleased me that she defended me.
"You're a demon yourself, I don't even understand what you're doing here, why didn't you kill this demon my queen? "
That old man is starting to piss me off a little too much, how can he judge people without even knowing them?
"If you don't accept this demon with us or even the presence of the princess, you can always leave here, father." The commander had said this without any mercy, he looked as angry as I was.
"How could you, my own son, say such a thing to me? Are you not ashamed to accept this monster among us?"
He got up and approached Jade and took his sword out of his belt, but the commander stopped him from going further by taking his sword.
"The meeting is over for today as you are not able to behave properly. Lucianne I suspend you from duty until you understand that there are no traitors in this room except you and your bad behaviour. "
"But my dear queen, how could you suspend me in this way, it is exactly because of this kind of behaviour that the king is dead. "
For me this old man was doing too much, and he didn't even know what he was talking about. I wanted to hit him, but that would probably be a bad idea.
"Father, stop it, you're embarrassing us by behaving this way, stop standing up to our queen and accept to be suspended. "
The commander took his father out of the room, and then we all left one by one after they left. I went back to my room by myself, I was finally going to sleep, but I was hungry. I lay down for a few minutes and then the door to my room opened. It was Jade with a tray of food.
"Since you couldn't have breakfast, I'll bring it to you so you can eat," she put the tray next to me and handed me a glass of juice.
I start to eat, and then I hear Jade's stomach growling, and it made me laugh.
"You look like you didn't get to have lunch either." I tap the spot next to my bed, so she knows she can come and sit next to me, and she does.
We both eat quietly, and then I notice that there is still some food on Jade's cheek and I remove it with my finger. Jade turns her head away as if she is embarrassed by what I have done.
"Jade I wanted to thank you for earlier when you defended me to the other old man," no one but her had dared to say anything to him.
"I had to defend you, you are the future queen, so your people must obey you . "
I have no desire to become a queen, it seems like too much work for me.
"But I don't want to be queen, I'll probably give my place to Lise."
"Can I ask why you don't want to be a queen, because it' s something really good you know."
"And you, why don't you want to be a demon queen, but you'd do something better?" I won't answer your question, but I'll ask you another question so that you feel obliged to answer.
"I told you before, Shortie, I will not share any of my personal information with you. "
"Until you tell me why you haven't succeeded as queen, I won't answer either."
I can keep things secret too, Jade. I smile mischievously.
"Interesting, so you want to play this with me." she laughs and walks over to me.
"What are you going to do?"
Jade picked up the bread and took a piece. Then she put a hand on my face as she brought the bread to my lips. I opened my mouth for her, and as she pushed the food into my mouth, I bit her thumb.
She inhaled through her teeth, her hand clenched in my hair, and she pulled my head closer to her like she wanted to kiss me. And then step back.
"Did you really think I was going to kiss you." she smiled contentedly then took the tray.
"From tomorrow your special training will begin, so prepare to sweat and suffer because I will show no mercy. You have to be ready because you will be in the war too. " She said before leaving my room.
Sorry for the spelling mistakes.