
What if Deku was defective void

Steffano_Faria_2771 · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

the start of the story

before I start there are a few things that I need to tell you all, Izuku will be the only mha character in this story, for now, I may add different characters later but I don't know yet.

I do not own defective void or MHA and no I do not own the scp foundation even tho I wished I did, that's it from me let's start this chapter.

The SCP Foundation is a secret organization responsible for securing, capturing, and containing various beings who have  powers they like to call them quirks

In this world there are two types of people the ones that don't have powers and the others that do but if you are born with powers you would be captured by the SCP Foundation to protect people who don't have them.

We see an adult who is 29 he was sitting on a couch with his little sister.

Big brother I have good news but I think it's also bad news for you.

Oh, what's the news, Izumi? Asked Izuku with a smile.

I was offered a job but it's far from here it's not even in Japan.

I see what's the job and does it pay well? Asked Izuku trying to sound like he was ok.

Well the job that was offered to me was for me to become a  journalist and yea it pays well but I will not take it since I don't want to leave you alone.

Izumi, I am the older sibling you don't have to worry about me you can go but I want you to keep in touch with me since I don't want to be left out without knowing what you are up to.

That's ok with me Izuku thank you this means a lot to me, she then hugged him.

I know it means a lot to you that's why you should take the offer but when do you have to leave? Asked a very curious Izuku

I will have to leave on Saturday so we still have a lot of time we can party and just have fun together only if that's ok with you izuku.

Of course, that's ok with me you are my little sister but before we do anything are you planning on coming back or staying where you are getting the job? Asked izuku.

I shall be coming back for Halloween and Christmas and your birthdays but I will be staying in Portugal for a long time.

Oh, you are going to Portugal for the job lucky you, I wanted to leave japan but it's so expensive.

Yeah, it is but enough of this let's watch the movie since I haven't watched this one yet.

That's ok with me Izumi let's watch the movie.

(Time skip to Saturday)

I guess it's time right izuku? Asked a very sad Izumi.

Yeah, it is but you better keep in touch with me don't make me go to Portugal to find out where you are.

ha hahaha, you don't have to worry about that big bro I promise to keep in touch with you also before I forget, please do remember to feed the bird I don't want him to die.

Yeah I will feed him don't you worry but hurry up you may lose your flight, goodbye Izumi I will miss you very much.

So will I big brother but don't worry about me I am no longer a child I am now 18.

Both of them then give the last hug and said goodbye.

Izumi then left leaving izuku alone in the house.

(Izuku Pov)

As you already know I am Izuku my sister left for a new job. To the rest of you it may sound stupid that I made this out like it's such a big deal but to me, it is since my parents died when she was six leaving me to take care of her.

So yeah I am a bit protective but it's just the way I am, two months had passed and my sister hasn't been keeping in touch with me so I have been trying to find her.

(End of pov)

We see izuku watching the news on his computer.

Hello everyone I am John from the news of the world and  I bring very bad news about Portugal there was an incident where a woman disappeared when a bombing took place, we don't know who the woman is but we have a picture.

He then shows a picture of a woman who looked very happy.

After izuku sees who the woman was he immediately paid attention.

The police came to investigate they think that this woman was the one that did the bombing.

What no she would never do that but wait the symbol that the person has I have seen it in different countries.

Izuku then texts his friend.

Hi, eagle do you remember this symbol? Asked izuku.

Yes, I do but what's the problem bunny? Asked eagle

Because don't you find it weird that they show up in different countries wearing the same clothes and they show up only a few times not only that but there is no information about them.

Wait bunny you are right, what do you think they do since I don't think they are police or a doctor? Asked eagle

I don't know but that's going to change can you do me a favour? Asked izuku.

Yea, you can I will try my best to help so don't worry bunny.

Thanks, eagle but why is my code name bunny couldn't it be something better? Asked izuku.

No can do since your code name was already picked just for you but anyways what is the favour you need to ask me? Asked eagle.

Could you please contact the others since I want to know who those people are and what countries they appear in? Asked a very helpful izuku.

Yea I can just promise me you will not do anything stupid.

I promise eagle don't worry just please be fast.

(Ten seconds passed )

I have good news but a bit of bad are sure you want to know.

Yes, I am a sure eagle please tell me.

Ok we have found out that those people call themselves scp foundation, you were right they do appear in different countries I am starting to think they have your sister.

Wait what but why? Asked izuku.

I am sorry bunny but we don't know but I do have a little bit of good news some people found out where the scp foundation will be next and it is near to you.

Wait really, please give me the location I need it now.

Ok, bunny but don't do anything stupid since we don't know anything else about them we need more information before we act.

Ok eagle thanks for the support I appreciate it now if you excuse me I shall be going now.

Izuku then turned off his computer and looked at a picture of his sister.

I will find you Izumi I promise you.

That's it for now I hope you like it