
What If A Thief Gets Reincarnated.

I was the greatest thief ever. I did crazy stuff. I was a super skillful and successful person. The police did not catch me not even once and one day I got myself caught for thrills and now I'm dead. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Now I got reincarnated for my sins Can I survive? Can a thief survive in this new world? They tell me I should be a good boy but what is the meaning of good. I don't think that a king and a crazy person is a great combination. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Looking for something crazy and weird. Well, here's one for you. Enjoy going into this world of fantasy and weirdness.

Gifty_Kelvina · แฟนตาซี
28 Chs

Wish Me Luck Because I'm Going to Wish a Wish.

I said, 'What I wish is simple: I want you to copy and paste my memories to someone else'

He said 'hmm interesting, so do you want me to cut and paste or copy and paste'

I said 'hey old man did you hear it properly I said copy and paste, do not cut and paste my memories'

He said, 'you are a very interesting show than the others to watch, so to which pathetic soul should I give your memories'

I said 'my advisor'

He said 'hey, that guy he is twisted, if I give him your memories he may escape'

I said, 'he won't, he signed a contract with me'

He said, 'do you have any brains; you think a paper would keep him bonded with you'

What he said raised me a question

So, I asked, 'are you saying that I can make a magic contract'

He said 'yes of course in a world of magic anything is possible

I wish I had known that earlier.

God is right for once I don't know what will happen to Blade if he gets my memories.

It has a lot of information on how to steal, escape, live, die, and modern technology.

He may escape using it, or he might die witnessing my sad past (which is 0.00000000001% possible).

Anyway, I said 'hey could you put up like a warning before giving him my memories it should be like it's Steven Ade's past life memories

He said, 'that would spoil the fun'

What! To spoil the fun, I should watch what I say around this guy.

If I had said give my memories to Blade, he would have erased my memories and given them to Blade., which would make me useless.

I said, 'old man, please listen to me carefully and don't act like a child who would laugh when someone gets hurt, will you?'

He nodded his head and said 'I will listen to you carefully if you kneel and say your wish like prayer it would start with dear god and remember I can't give him all of your memories there will be some pages missing'

No way, I will not do that, but my advisor seriously needs knowledge of the modern world and its democracy and technology.

My memories are the best thing to learn about that. (Even though most of my life has been spent on stealing rather than studying)

And he also says that not all of my memories can be given, I think that part is okay but the knelling and respecting part is not. (Not agreeing)

I can just wish to give him knowledge about the modern world, but I actually have a great heist planned, so I need to teach him how to steal, but I don't know how to teach, so I will give him my memories.

If I need something I would go to any heights to get it, even if I had to lose my pride (feeling confident).

I kneeled down, God asked, 'are you kneeling before me for the wish'

It is really embarrassing to do this, I said 'I'm tying my shoes'

Well, as I am the master of lying, I will dodge all the suspicions I have done this a hundred times.

He was looking at me confused, I asked 'do I have something on my face '

He said, 'No, but you have nothing on your foot'

Wait for what, I looked down at my feet I wore nothing I was sure that I had my sneakers on (well Casentonia did not have sneakers but, but I told the royal tailor to make some of it was black and white it was cool and everything was my idea)

It may have disappeared because this is heaven, it's a holy place

Well, after this shoe stuff god was laughing, I said 'laugh all you want but for the sake of my advisor, not you were kneeling and saying a prayer

I knelt down and said 'dear god I pray that you will copy and paste my memories on my advisor and leave a warning note that this is Steven Ade's past life memories

I said that with a cute voice it was that of a little child; it was fun.

He said 'I accept that wish and as you are done here bye'

I said wait, he said 'go on, what do you want to say

I asked 'how to make a magical contract'

He said 'that go to a temple and say that you want to make a magic bond, they will help you

I said 'thanks' he said 'don't forget to leave some offerings'

I said, 'I will make sure to forget that'

He laughed and said 'bye'

As he finished, I was back on my bed. I think the meeting with God may have lasted an hour.

I checked the time; it was 2.00 clock, good now where is my advisor.

I walked along my palace halls, humming; it was a splendid day.

I reached my advisor's; it had two guards at its door; I went inside.

My advisor was sitting at a table that was filled with that paperwork I guessed it would be mine and his.

He is such a talented person he does the work of two on his own (he is forced), now that he is grown, he will have more responsibility, at that responsibility is to have the memories of two people.

His eyes were changing colors fast, it was his gift I did not know that his gift could make his eyes go like the color red in the left eye color blue in the right eye, and change to something like yellow in the left and pink in right.

It was a little creepy yet beautiful.

His hands were writing something, he was righting something in a diary or scribbling.

I looked at him; he did not pay attention to me so I looked at his diary; he was writing or scribbling something like "Theft of Mona Lisa date…"

Oh, no did my advisor go crazy because of my memories!

To Be Continued...

Sorry, for the late update, I had a serious case of writer's block.

Thanks for your support.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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